chapter 17~

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"I'm a dukes daughter so you should obey!" Lilia cried.

everyone stared at her with looks of disgust.

a minute has passed in dead silence but then suddenly the teacher spoke up.

"So what? You think you can abuse your status?"



I'm acting like a jerk I went too far. What the hell am i doing?

...but..but what about them bullying me? I should just give a reasonable answer as to why I acted that way.

"Someone threw my notes into the fountain this morning and and i'm feeling very irritated." I reply.

"SO? what if they were just washing your notes?"

oh god what if i'm actually just being a very self centered bitch?? I didn't even consider that there would be a soul kind enough to wash my notes in the fountain....wait a second Im bEing fOoooLed

"NO! Miss Johnson you aren't fooling me! Why would anyone wash their notes in the fountain."

After this Lilia gave the teacher enough money to quit her job as a teacher. 

When the bell rang Lilia went to the cafeteria to get food and then go eat it in the garden for richy rich rich students.

Whats richy rich rich?


'should I create a club for richy richasses? Yes, definitely.'

With enough money Lilia established her new club for richasses.

Back to reality.

"Hello fellow rich rich!" says a girl with dark hair and slightly upturned shining brown eyes.

"Greetings." says mob A

I sit on the table. Yes I said I sat on the table.


While I eat I start to think about my existence and life so far.

I have a question: 'why am i even here?' I sometimes even forget that i'm living in a novel. Good thing the main characters are keeping to themselves. Honestly, what happened back in class hurt me. I hated it when they stared at me. 

I miss my previous life where everyone was being nice to me...well now that i think about it, back in my previous life they were nice to me because I didn't give my opinion and sucked up to everyone just because I was afraid of them bullying me. I've always felt like a side character everywhere. 

uh i'm being too sensitive haha.

Anyways I should finish eating my food.

"You look really happy gobbling down that chicken." said a cold voice.

what? the male lead iceberg?

I look up and golden hair with blue eyes.

Yeah thats him. I should act like every other noble girl so he wont get interested in me. After all the male lead is only attracted to girls like Allison who are more dignified, and cold.

I should act the opposite. Sloppy and thirsty to the point of being creepy. I read lots of romance chinese novels and know that 2nd female leads get hated due to being too thirsty.

"HoOohOhO Yes, Your highness. How are you today? Did you eat yet? oH you didn't? wEll yOu cAn eAt me!"

This should scare him off.



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