Chapter 6

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Bruce and Monica took their time walking to Tom's. She had her arm through his and they were holding hands inside his pocket. "Tom told me that your Dad moved down to Worksop as a supervisor to one of the older mines. How was the move from Chiswick?" Monica let out a small laugh, "It's definitely a change. Worksop is so much smaller than Chiswick. But I love the small town mentality. Chiswick has an upper town mentality, a lot of people there have money and they like to live as such. We're not doing bad, but we never lived that lifestyle." Bruce nodded, deep in thought. How could a lower class, miners son make a higher class, beautiful girl happy? Monica seemed to notice the change in him and guessed what was going on in his mind. She stopped walking and put both hands up to his face, drawing him close to her, "Bruce, please don't think you're not good enough for me. That's for me to decide. I think your perfect. I don't need someone who's rich, I don't need someone with a degree or a high career, I just need someone who cares for me. And I do believe you do, don't you?" Bruce let out a nervous chuckle, "You have no idea how much I do. I know we haven't know each other that long, but I care for you deeply. I do want you to be my girlfriend, and I'll wait however long I have to for you to want to be." She smiled at him and gave him a soft kiss, "We won't have to wait long." They continued their walk in comfortable silence. "I just now realized I don't know how old you are." Bruce said, wondering how he hadn't asked her the first day they met. "Well, I'm a few years older than you, I hope that's OK....." Bruce smirked, "Are you 35? 82? 95?" he got closer to her tickling her in the process..."42?...C'mon love, how much are a few?" Monica started to laugh, "Stop it you loon." Bruce stopped and wrapped his arms around her. He couldn't believe how smitten he was with her. He wasn't one to act like a kid, even when he was a kid he was know to act like an adult. Everyone would compliment his Grandad on what a well behaved child he was. Monica melted into his arms, turning her head into his chest and inhaling his natural aroma. She really didn't know Bruce, but she felt like they had know each other for ages. She felt comfortable with him, she felt safe, and she was madly attracted to him. She looked up at him and was met with his intense stare and his beautiful smile, "Well, are you going to tell me your age, you old lady?" She laughed and playfully smacked him in the chest, "OK, I'm 24. There, does that make me a cradle robber?" Bruce chuckled, "No, but that does mean you're more experienced. You can show me a thing or two." Monica looked at him and blushed, "I don't think I can, I have no experience where that's concerned." Bruce looked at her confused, and it suddenly hit it was his turn to blush, "Oh, no, I didn't mean that....I meant more life experience....shit..." Monica saw how awkward Bruce felt, she pulled him into a hug, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you. And when it comes to life experience, trust me, you have so much more than I do. C'mon, lets head over to Tom's." She grabbed his hand and they walked side by side, talking and getting to know more about each other.

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