Chapter 30

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Helena had been staying with Monica and Bruce for a month now. She was adapting well. She was doing well at school, had friends, was helping around the house, and most importantly, was happy. Bruce's psychiatrist recommended taking her to therapy. He didn't want her on medication since she was young, but having her talk to a therapist would help her open up and have her deal with a lot of the issues she grew up with as well. Bruce and Helena would sit down together and talk, he wouldn't pressure her into going into too much detail about what had happened to her growing up, but having him there definitely helped her heal. Bruce had quit his job with Monica's dad. He was working full time at the pub. He wanted to be close to Monica and Helena. They weren't doing too bad, with the money they were making at the pub and Bruce's inheritance from Tom and Austin, they were making ends meet. Monica wasn't working. Bruce didn't want her on her feet for too long since she was so close to giving birth. She spent most of her time at the pub anyway hanging out. Monica and Helena were sitting at a booth playing a game of cards. Bruce was behind the bar, talking to some customers. "Monica, when are you and Paul getting married?" Monica looked at Helena, giving her a smile, "I'm not sure. We're not really in a hurry. We were waiting for you to come. Why?" Helena looked at Bruce, laughing as she watched him wildly gesturing with his arms, obviously telling some outrageous story to one of the patrons, "Well, I'm here. Why not get married now?" Monica looked at Helena. "We did put in for our application a while ago...we can get married whenever we'd like. How about when Paul finishes with the customer he's with we nab him and take him to the courthouse? I can go get the rings in the meantime so we'll be ready to go" Helena smiled, she looked around the pub and saw that he was the only customer left. Bruce was still talking to him, they were both mucking it up, knowing Bruce, it could take a while. Helena decided to put her cute little sister act to work. She walked behind the bar and wrapped her arms around Bruce's waist, "Hey Paul." Bruce looked down at Helena, smiling and hugging her back, "Hey love. What's going on?" "Oh nothing. I'm just bored. Could we go for a walk? Please?" she looked up at him, giving him the best puppy dog eyes. Bruce couldn't turn her down. He smiled at her, "Of course love. Let Phil finish his pint and we'll head out."
Bruce locked the pub and wrapped his arm around Monica's waist. He pulled her in for a kiss, "How are you feeling?" "I'm OK, a little tired. Your child keeps on kicking me. I have a feeling he or she will be a little terror like you." she teased as she poked Bruce in the stomach. Bruce scoffed, "You see this sis? Do you see the abuse I have to take? A terror? Me?? Am I a terror?" Helena started to giggle, "Yes...." Bruce began to walk towards her, hands ready to attack her, "What? Yes??" Helena squealed as he grabbed her and began to tickle her. "Paul, stop it!" "No! I don't think I will! I'm a terror! Remember?" Helena tried to run from him, "Get away from me." she screamed as she ran from him, laughing the whole time, "Paul the Terrible Dickinson, is coming after Helena the Tickable Dickinson." he chased her as she hid behind Monica. "Now that's not fair, you can't hide behind Monica the with Child McNeal." Bruce stopped in front of Monica, trying to poke at Helena, Monica wrapped her arms around his neck, "Paul the Terrible, how about we continue our walk? We haven't even walked a block and I already have to get after you." Bruce kissed her, "I'm just getting you ready for when we have our child." he smiled at her, giving her a hug, and poking Helena at the same time.
They continued their walk, Bruce and Monica walking hand in hand. Helena walking in front of them. Bruce whispered at Monica, "Do you think she's happy?" Monica nodded, "Yes, I really do. From the first time she came compared to how she is now. She's smiling more, she's got more color to her face...I truly believe she is." Monica squeezed Bruce's hand, "And I believe you are too." Bruce brought Monica's hand up to his face and gave it a kiss, "I am. I have the family I always wanted. I have my sister, my girlfriend, and my baby. Thank you." Monica kissed Bruce on the cheek, "Thank you for buying me a pint the night we met." Helena stopped in front of the courthouse, waiting for Bruce and Monica to catch up. "C'mon hurry up! We're here." Bruce looked at where she was, "Why are we at the courthouse? We've already filed the paperwork for Helena's adoption." Monica smiled at Bruce, "I know." she reached into her pocket and pulled out two ring boxes. "Thought we'd come here and take care of this...." Bruce looked at the boxes, looked at Monica, looked at Helena, and back at Monica, a confused look on his face, "Are you you want...are we..." a huge smile split his face in two. He picked Helena up and swung her around, "I'm getting married!!" he gave her a big kiss on her cheek. Bruce was laughing, jumping around, he stopped a lady on the street, gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "I'm getting married!!" he grabbed the lady by the hand and brought her to Monica, "This is my beautiful bride! Isn't she gorgeous!!" The lady tried to pull herself away from Bruce, frightened by his enthusiasm, "Ma'am, look at my beautiful sister. She's here to see me get married. My bride is pregnant with my baby!! I love you!" he pulled the lady into another hug and gave her a big kiss on the lips, finally releasing her and letting her go on her way. Monica and Helena were laughing at Bruce. He was acting like an excited little kid. Bruce ran up to Monica and got down on his knees, rubbing his hands on her belly, "Hey Darling. It's Daddy. Mommy and I are getting married! Isn't that exciting!! You're going to be our best man, or maid of honor, or our guest of honor. We're getting married baby!! Your Mum and Dad are getting married. Paul Bruce and Monica Anne Dickinson! And your Auntie is going to be there seeing us!" he got up and pulled Monica into a hug, kissing her deeply. He laughed as he picked her up, "C'mon love, let me carry you into the courthouse." Monica smacked him in the arm, "Put me down you fool." she laughed as he carried her up the stairs. They passed a man that was leaving the courthouse, Bruce stopped him, "Excuse me Sir." The man stopped, looked at Bruce, Monica was trying hard not to laugh, Helena was hiding behind them, "I'm getting married. This is my bride. Look how beautiful she is. My beautiful sister is behind me. That is all. Carry on with your day." Bruce continued going up the stairs, "Paul, you're an idiot." Monica laughed, "Did you see that poor man's face?" Helena caught up with them, "As he walked away I heard him say "What the hell is wrong with people today." Bruce chuckled, "He's just jealous that he's not getting married to someone as beautiful as you. That's all. I want everyone to know how lucky I am to have such a beautiful bride and such a beautiful sister." They continued laughing at Bruce's lunacy as they walked through the doors of the courthouse.

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