Chapter 25

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Bruce groaned as he woke up, his head was pounding, his mouth was cotton dry. "Fuck", he muttered to himself, "Never doing that again." He rolled over in bed and saw a female figure next to him, her back towards him. Her black hair was cascading halfway down her back. Bruce smiled to himself, he wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled into her hair. He took a deep breath, breathing in her natural aroma of...Bruce pulled himself away. He looked around the room and realized he wasn't home. The girl in his bed smelled of booze, cigarettes, and nasty perfume. His Monica would never smell like that. Who the fuck was in bed with him? He began to have a panic attack, "What the fuck did I do?" He got up out of bed, realizing he was naked. "Fuck..." Bruce ran to the bathroom and locked himself in. He began to throw up in the toilet, he threw himself against the door, and started to cry uncontrollably. "What the fuck did I do?" he screamed, punching the floor over and over again. He heard a knock on the door, "Brucey, honey, are you OK? Come on out and I'll make you feel better." Bruce froze, he thought she left once she heard him, "Get the fuck out of here." He heard a laugh on the other side of the door, "C'mon Brucey, you don't mean that. You sure didn't want me to leave last night." Bruce opened up the door and grabbed her by the shoulders, "Get the fuck out of my room." He forcefully led her to the door. "Fuck you! You didn't seem to mind last night. We fucked all night long. Multiple times, multiple positions. You fucking cunt." Bruce tried not to let her get to him, "Fuck off. Get out of my room. Get out of my life." he opened up the door and shoved her out, "I"m still naked you fucking twat." Bruce grabbed her clothes and threw it at her, "Here you fucking whore." he closed the door on her, she was still cussing at him. Bruce went to the bathroom and turned the shower on, he needed to wash himself, he felt filthy. He couldn't believe he had cheated on Monica. He looked in the mirror and gasped at what he saw. His neck and his chest was peppered in hickies and bite marks. "Fuck...." he hadn't planned on not telling Monica, but her seeing him like this was like a slap to the face. He got in the shower, scrubbing himself hard, trying to get the shame off of him.
Monica was cleaning up the flat, even though she wasn't due for another 6 months, she wanted to make sure everything was ready for the baby. She was starting to get the nursery ready. They had found a crib for sale and Bruce had put it together as soon as they got home. She loved how excited he was. Every little thing he did made her fall more in love with him. She hoped that she was having fun at the concert. Monica knew how important Deep Purple was to him and knew that he never had a chance to see them growing up. She just hoped that he was being safe. He was probably passed out in the room she got him, sleeping his hangover away. After she finished cleaning, she was going to head to the store and pick up some stuff to make dinner, she was going to make something light and easy, didn't want to make something that would mess too much with Bruce's stomach. Monica smiled to herself, she loved how her life had changed.
Bruce drove his car to his and Monica's flat. He was dreading walking through the door and seeing her, knowing that he had cheated on her, knowing that he had hurt her, he had broken her trust. Pulling into a parking spot, he wiped his hands on his jeans, they were sweaty. He pulled his hair into a messy ponytail, "Fuck" he muttered to himself, he wished Tom was here. He would probably gotten an earful but Tom would have given him advice on how to handle the situation. Bruce took a deep breath and made his way up to the flat. Instead of using his key, he knocked on the door. Monica opened the door, not knowing who to expect, she smiled when she saw Bruce, "Paul!" she threw her hands around his neck, giving him a kiss. She noticed he was reluctant on kissing her back. Pulling back, she looked at him and noticed his eyes were red and tears were running down his cheeks. "Paul, what's wrong?" Bruce couldn't look at her, he grabbed her hand and walked her to the couch, he sat on the couch and began to rock back and forth, sobbing openly. Monica had never seen him like this, not even when Tom had passed away. "Paul, please, tell me what's wrong." Bruce took a deep breath and tried to muster the courage to tell her what he had done, "Monica....I fucked up....I fucked up so bad...." Monica didn't know what he was talking about. "Paul, please, look at me and tell me what you're talking about." Bruce shook his head, "I fucked up. I love you so much, I fucked up." he took off his shirt and turned to her. She saw the distinctive bite marks and hickies that were all over his torso and neck. She ran her hand across them, her hand shaking as she did. "Paul, are these..." she looked at him, he slowly nodded. "Paul, why? What have I done to deserve this? I thought you loved me?" Bruce wrapped his arms around her, "I do love you, more than anything. I don't have an excuse. I drank too much, I smoked too much. Fuck, it's not an excuse Monica. I'm so fucking sorry." Monica was shaking in his arms, "I trusted you Paul." Bruce was pleading with her, "Please, I'm sorry. I love you, I love our child. I promise I will never leave our house again. Please Monica..." Monica stood up, wiping her face and looking down at Bruce, "Paul, please, I'm going to our other flat for a few days. Give me time to think. I do love you. I love you more than anything. But I don't know how I feel about you cheating on me. While I was sitting here at home making sure things were ready for our child, you were fucking some other girl. I don't care how drunk or high you were. That's not a fucking excuse." Bruce was openly sobbing at her feet, "I know. It's not. I'm a fuck up. Please don't leave me. I can't live without you." Monica bent down next to him, "Please, just give me a few days. I promise you we will work things out. I just need to figure things out." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to their room to pack a small bag. Bruce stayed on the floor, sobbing at how he had once again fucked up his life.

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