Chapter 17

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Bruce woke up the next morning feeling better than he had for the past couple of weeks. He looked to his side and saw that Monica was curled up to him, still naked from the night before. He smiled as he remembered their love filled night. It was better than he had remembered. She gave all of herself to him, not once did she show fear or apprehension when he penetrated her. He thought she would have flashbacks of the rape, but he made sure to be gentle with her. Monica seemed to be getting her memory back little by little. If it were possible, he felt himself falling deeper in love with her. Today he wanted to take her to Langie Park. Take her for a walk and maybe even take a boat out on the lake. He hadn't rowed since he was in school, but he thought she would enjoy it. He also wanted to talk to Tom to see if he could borrow the bar again for the night. Maybe just the two of them alone in the bar would make it easier for Monica. Bruce had also been kicking another idea around his head. He actually had been wanting to do it for awhile, but hadn't been able to admit it to himself until now. He almost lost the 2 people he loved most in life, maybe it was time to make amends. He wanted to reach out to his parents. He knew he would never have a strong relationship with them, but he just wanted to talk to them, ask them why they had left him, get some closure in that chapter in his life. He also wanted to bring Monica with him. He wanted to show his parents that he had done well in life. Despite everything that had happened, he was OK.

Monica stirred in her sleep, causing Bruce to come back to reality. He looked down at her and smiled. She had pulled the sheets over her face, but still managed to have half her naked body uncovered. "Well" thought Bruce, "that leaves it up for the taking." he chuckled to himself. He brought his head down to her and wrapped his mouth around her breast, flicking her nipple with his tongue. Monica groaned, still half asleep. Bruce smile around her breast, he went to the other one and did the same thing, while he reached down under the sheets with his hand and began caressing her pussy with his fingers. Monica moaned as her hips began to thrust onto his hand. She opened up her eyes and looked at Bruce, "Good morning, love. " he said as he kissed her, feeling every contour of her mouth with his tongue. Monica moaned into his mouth. "Please, I want to taste you." she said, as she reached down and wrapped her hand around his throbbing cock. Bruce turned himself around and dove his head between her legs, tongue thrusting into her pussy while she began to suck him hard and slow. "Fuck...."he moaned as she deep throated him, "You're going to make me cum so fucking hard." he continued to suck on her clit, nibble on it, working his tongue in and out of both her pussy and her ass until her legs began to shake with the signs of an impeding orgasm. Monica screamed out his name as he felt her cum all over his face, it was followed by his orgasm. Bruce laid his head between her legs, licking his lips as he did so. Damn she tasted good. After a few minutes he pulled himself by her side and gave her a deep kiss, tasting himself in the process. Monica looked at him and smiled, "I love you, Paul." Bruce's heart swelled when she said it. It was the first time she had said it and the first time she had called him Paul since the accident. "I love you too Darling. I love you."
Bruce had spoked to Tom about wanting to visit his parents. Tom was surprisingly supportive of the idea. He had always believe Bruce should have a proper sit down with his parents, but he never wanted to approach the subject. "Would you like me to go with you?" he asked him. "No, I think it's something i should do alone. I am going to bring Monica though. I want them to see how well I'm doing. I don't want to be spiteful, but at the same time show them that I'm OK. I did well despite not having them in my life." Tom smiled at Bruce. "I"m proud of you Son. You are a fine young man. Your Grandad did a great job raising you." Bruce laughed as he pulled Tom into a hug, "He wasn't the only one you know. You had to put up with my wild, rebellious teenage years, don't know who had it worse." Tom laughed, "Don't remind me. You two go on. Good luck Son. I love you."
Bruce pulled his car into the driveway of his parents house. Monica was sitting beside him, her hand on his lap. He looked up at the house and sighed, "Wow. Seems like they're doing well." The house was a big 2 story house, with a nice ample yard, it was in a nice neighborhood and had 2 elegant Jaguars parked in the driveway. Bruce was nervous, he ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Monica, "Maybe this is a mistake. Let's just leave. They left me for a reason. Why am I coming back? If they didn't want a relationship with me when I was a baby why would they want one with me at 19?" Monica grabbed Bruce's hand. "I'll support you in whatever you decide, but you said you weren't looking for a relationship. You just want some type of closure. You won't get it unless you go in there and get the answers to the questions you have." Bruce squeezed Monica's hand. "You're right. Let's go before I change my mind." He gave her a quick kiss before they exited the car. He hadn't called to let them know he was on their way, he didn't have the nerve to. So they weren't expecting him. Monica grabbed his hand and walked with him to the door. He looked at her and gave her a nervous laugh. "Well, here goes nothing." he rang the doorbell and waited. A few minutes later, a young woman opened up the door, Bruce looked at her, his eyes filling up with tears, "Mum? It's me, Paul."

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