Chapter 16

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Monica was released from the hospital a week after she was awoken from her coma. Her parents wanted her to go with them, but she insisted on staying with Bruce. They were hesitant on letting her go, but knew there was no point on fighting her. Monica's Dad pulled Bruce aside before they left the hospital, "Listen, please take care of her. I know you care deeply about her, but she's still in a vulnerable state." Bruce nodded, looked at Monica as she was being helped up by her Mom, "I will guard her with my life. She means everything to me. Nothing will ever happen to her again. I mean it." he looked at Mr.McNeal in the eye, "I love your daughter. I love her more than anything. I promise you, I will die before anything happens to her." Monica's Dad smiled and pulled Bruce into a hug, "You're a fine young man. I know you love her and I know she loves you." he pulled away and went to Monica and her Mum. Giving Monica a hug, they left, making her promise them that they would come visit soon. Monica slowly walked up to Bruce, "Well, we should go now. Are we going to your house?" Bruce smiled at her. "We're going to our house, yes." She couldn't help but smile back at him, he had such a contagious smile. "Do we live together?" Bruce chuckled, "Well, not really, but you did start staying over more often. I was going to ask you to move in before the accident happened." Monica thought about that, "Well, let's see what your flat looks like, it may jog my memory and I may want to move it after all." Bruce laughed and pulled Monica into a hug, kissing the top of her head. Monica relaxed into his chest, breathing him in deeply. "You smell so familiar." she whispered. She ran her hand across his shirt, feeling the hair on his chest, breathing in more of his natural aroma. "I know we know each other, and we know each other well..." Bruce groaned as he felt her hand caress his chest. "Please Love, let's go....let's go home." he wanted to get out of the hospital before he got too aroused.
Bruce drove them home, he was thinking about what all he could do to make her remember him. They could go to Langie Park, that was where their first date was. He could play some music at his flat that they had danced to. Maybe have a pint of ESB. They met at the pub but he didn't want to bring her there quite yet. It was too soon after the attack and he was afraid it would bring back memories of that day. Monica looked at him and smiled, "What are you thinking about?" he shook his head, "Oh nothing, just what all I can do to help you remember me. I don't ever want you to forget me." Monica put her hand on his thigh and gave him a squeeze, "Even if I don't fully remember you, I am getting to know you and I really like you." Bruce looked over at her and blushed, "I'm glad, because I am head over heels in love with you. I want it to be like that for you again." She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Bruce smiled as she left her hand on his thigh for the rest of the drive, not aware that she was caressing him.
"Welcome home Monica." Bruce opened up the door and led her inside. She looked around and felt a hint of familiarity as she saw the pictures on the wall, the rock band posters, and the books on the shelves. She walked up to one of the pictures and pointed at it, "That's your Grandad, Austin..." she turned around and smiled at Bruce. Bruce's mouth dropped open, "You remember! Holy shit! Yes, your remember!!" he hugged her, giving her a deep kiss as he did. "Do you remember anything else?" Monica sat on the couch, "He raised you since you were a baby....your parents weren't around and you never wanted to see them again...." she trailed off as she smiled at Bruce, "It's all slowly coming back to me." Bruce grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I love you so damn much!" Monica noticed that Bruce's hair was in a ponytail, "Can I do something, please?" "Of course my love, you can do whatever you like." She grabbed Bruce by the hand and had him sit between her legs. Pulling his hair out of the pony tail, she began to run her fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp as she did so, "I remember you liking this, liking it a lot." she whispered in his ear. She continued to massage his scalp, lowering her hands to his neck, his shoulders, pretty soon she had taken off his shirt and was massaging his back. Bruce groaned, he had missed her touches so much. He wanted nothing more than to make love to her, but didn't know how she would react after being raped. He wanted to voice his concern, but didn't know how to approach the subject. Monica stood up and pulled Bruce up with her, leading him to the bedroom. She began kissing him, running her hands through his chest, feeling his tight chest muscles under the hair. He had to stop her, before he couldn't' stop himself. "" she bit down on his nipple, sucking hard at it. "Please...sto...stop...please..." Monica looked up at him, pupils blown with lust, "I remember liking this very much, you were the one that showed me how much I liked it. I want you to make love to me Bruce. Isn't that what you want??" Bruce was shaking with lust, "Yes...fuck yes it's what I want. But listen, please...are you sure? After what happened? Are you sure you want to go all the way?" Monica stopped kissing at Bruce and looked at him, "Are you talking about the rape? Bruce, that was different. Those monsters raped me. They used me. They hurt me. You love me. You will never hurt me. You will make me feel good. Please, make me feel good. Please, make the painful memories go away with good ones. Bruce, make love to me. Please!" Bruce groaned when he heard that. He pulled her into a deep kiss, slowly removing her clothes and making love to her into the early hours of the morning. "I love you so damn much." he whispered, over and over again.

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