Chapter 23

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Monica and Bruce walked to Tom's, both beaming, ready to break the news of their engagement to him. Bruce went to open the door, surprised to see that it was locked. "That's odd." he muttered to himself. He looked up at Monica, "Has Tom said anything to you about closing?" Monica shook her head, trying the door out for herself. She walked to one of the windows and tried looking in. It was impossible to see inside, the windows were dark and dusty. "It looks as if no-one is inside." Bruce felt as if something was wrong. "I don't like this...he never closes." Monica grabbed Bruce's arm, "Should we open up and look inside, see if he's in there?" Bruce shook his head, "No, let's go to his flat." They walked the 10 minute walk to Tom's flat. Bruce knocked on the door, "Tom? Dad? Are you in there?" He knocked harder, "Dad? Tom?" they heard a cry from the inside, "Shit..."Bruce pulled out his keys from his pocket, sifted through them and found the one for Tom's door. He quickly opened it and rushed inside, Tom was on the floor in the living room, "Dad?" he ran to his side, "What happened?" Tom couldn't talk, he was barely breathing, but grabbed at his chest, he managed to whisper, "Heart...." Bruce looked up at Monica, "I think he's had a heart attack. Fuck. What do we do?" Monica looked around, "I'll call an ambulance. Stay with him." Bruce stayed by Tom's side, "Tom, I need you here. Please stay with me." he grabbed the older man's hand. "Don't leave me Dad. What am I going to do without you? Dad? You're all I have left."Tom managed to look at Bruce and mustered with all the power he had left, "I love you Paul. Take care of her...." Bruce felt Tom's hand lax in his. "No......" he looked at the older man's face, "No......" he noticed he was no longer breathing, "No. Fuck!! No.....Dad!" Monica ran by Bruce's side, she grabbed onto him but he pushed her away, "No, leave me alone." he screamed at her, "Fuck...Dad. You promised you'd always be there." Monica went back to Bruce, this time slowly wrapping her arms around him, he allowed her to pull him away, breaking down into her arms. They both cried into each others arms, waiting for an ambulance to take Tom's body away.
Bruce and Monica were the only family at Tom's funeral. A couple of his friends from the mine and regulars from the bar were there as well. Some of the miners recognized Bruce and went up to him to offer their condolences. Bruce was on autopilot. Not really knowing what was going on. The one man he had depended on since his Grandad had passed was now gone. He was a grown man himself, but he still felt that he needed his Dad, he still needed justification and a shoulder to lean on. Now he had none. He still had Monica, he was thankful for that. But what if he needed some advice on something she couldn't offer? They stayed at the cemetery well after the funeral had ended. Bruce knelt down at the freshly dug mound of dirt. There was no headstone yet, it was really messing with Bruce, "This can't be real." he mumbled to himself. He ran his fingers through the dirt, "He's under there, he's still fucking whole...he can't be gone....he can't be....he fucking...." Bruce started to sob. Monica bent down next to him, pulling him to her, "Paul, honey..." she rubbed his back as she cried into her chest. "I miss him so damn much. I can't believe we'll never see him again." Bruce looked up at her. "He was going to be my best man, he was supposed to meet our baby...he had so much that he still had to do." Monica wiped the tears off her face, "I know, darling, I know...."
Tom had left everything to Bruce in his will. His flat, Bruce's flat, the bar, any savings, everything that the older man had now belonged to Bruce. Tom's flat was bigger than the one Bruce lived in. It had 3 large bedrooms, a large living room, a large kitchen, a large lounge, and a den. It was the size they needed for when Helena would move in with them and when the baby would be born. Bruce didn't even know if he wanted it. "Paul, I know it's his flat, and I know there are memories attached to it, but it's what he would have wanted. He wouldn't want us looking for another place when he left us that one." Bruce nodded, "I know, but he should be living there, not us." Monica sighed, "Love, he's gone. There's nothing we can do about that. We can rent out our flat, and move into the bigger one." Bruce nodded, "You're right. What are we going to do about the pub?" Monica thought for a bit, "We can't get rid of it, that was Tom and your Grandad's dream. We have to keep it going. We can't sell it. I'll work there full-time, we can hire someone to help me." Bruce looked at Monica, "I'll quit my job with your Dad and work full time at the pub as well." Monica shook her head, "No, you're making more money with Dad. As the owners you won't be making much at the pub. We'll be paying off the workers, paying for the supplies, and there won't be much leftover. We can't both be working there full time. At least not until we have a good income coming in and we figure things out. We have a baby coming, and we still have to find Helena and bring her home." Bruce sighed, "As usual, you're right. I just wish things weren't as difficult." Monica wrapped Bruce in her arms, "It's been a long day, let's go to bed. This child of yours is wearing me out." Bruce smiled at Monica, he put his hands on her belly, He got down to his knees and brought his face to her belly, "Hey, little sprog, quit giving your Mum a hard time. It's me Daddy. Give her a rest. OK? I love you so much. We're going to kip now so do us a favor and do the same." he gave her belly a kiss. Getting back up he looked at Monica, she had tears in her eyes, "You OK love?" Monica smiled at Bruce, "Yes Paul, I'm great. I love you so much." she kissed him. "I love you too darling."

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