Chapter 9

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Bruce opened up the door to his room and led Monica in. It was a small room, but it was comfortable and organized. There were pictures of Bruce and his Grandad on the walls, along with a few posters of his favorite bands. A queen size bed sat in the middle of the room, neatly made. Bruce looked at Monica, "I know it's not much, I hope you'll be comfortable tonight. If not, I can sleep on the couch." Monica looked at Bruce and smiled, "Please don't, I don't want to sleep by myself." She went to the nightstand that was next to the bed and picked up the picture frame that was on it. It had a young kid of about 5 years old, clearly Bruce, with an older gentlemen, they were both smiling big to the camera, a steam engine behind them. "Is this your Grandad?" she asked. Bruce walked up behind her, putting his chin on her shoulder, "Yes, that's Grandad Austin. He would take me on the train for the day. We wouldn't go anywhere, just take a train ride through the mountains. I've been fascinated with trains ever since. We would spend all day on them and he would explain to me how they worked." Monica set the frame back down on the nightstand, turned around and pulled herself into Bruce's arms. "Thank you Bruce, for being yourself around me." Bruce smiled at Monica and gave her a kiss, "No, thank you, for allowing me to be myself. I haven't been myself in such a long time that I forgot who I was. I'm finally allowed to be the Paul Bruce Dickinson that my Grandad and Tom raised. Not the cocky, arrogant bastard that only wanted to drink and pull birds, and I owe that to you." Bruce smiled at her. "I'm going to jump in the shower. Please make yourself at home my love, this is your home for as long as you'd like it to be." Bruce wanted to ask her to join him in the shower, but felt it was too soon for that. He went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers. Smiling at Monica, he went to the bathroom.

Monica went to the living room area and looked around. She saw that Bruce had many books. She liked that he liked to read, he was well spoken and they always had interesting conversations. Bruce wasn't your typical 19 year old. The books on his shelf were about history, mythology, war, airplanes, trains, music...they weren't fiction novels or trashy pornographic magazines you would expect from a man his age. She smiled to herself. The more she learned about him the deeper in love she was falling. She picked up a book on Greek Mythology and sat on the couch. Inside of it she saw an envelope that was addressed to him. It was dated 7 years earlier, August 17. She was curious as to what it was. She opened it up and saw that it was a birthday card. Inside of it was a £100 note and a handwritten message: "Happy 13th Birthday Paul! We love you and miss you so much. Hopefully we'll get to see you soon. Please give us a call sometime. Love you loads.- Mum, Dad, and Helena" Monica put the card back in the envelope, putting it back in the book. She closed it and sat with it in her lap, thinking about the words his Mum had written. She said she loved him, but she didn't know when his birthday was, had his age wrong, and tried to buy his love.

"Hey Love" Bruce walked up behind her, startling her. He chuckled at her reaction. "I"m sorry, didn't mean to startle you. I thought you heard me coming up behind you." Monica stood up from the couch and gasped when she saw Bruce. He was only wearing his boxers and had a towel wrapped around his hair. "You are beautiful." she said, walking up to him, wanting to touch him, not knowing if she could or should. Bruce blushed, "Thank you love." he saw that she was hesitant, "Is something wrong?" She shook her head, "No, it's just that...I want to touch you, is that OK?" Bruce's breath caught in his throat, he had never had someone be so hesitant with him, so intrigued, so in love, "Yes, yes please." She slowly approached him and put both her hands on his chest. His chest muscles were large and hard, and his hair was soft. She ran her finger through his chest hair, fascinated by it. Bruce let out a groan. Monica slowly ran her hands down his arms, feeling his biceps, his shoulders, there wasn't a part on his body that wasn't muscular. Monica pulled the towel off Bruce's head, his long hair falling in a cascade. "I want to brush your hair, is that OK?" Bruce couldn't talk, he could barely nod. A low grunt was all he could muster. Monica went into the bathroom and grabbed his hairbrush, seeing that even his bathroom was neat. Grabbing his hand, she led him to the bed and had him sit down on the edge, she sat behind him wrapping her legs around his waist and began brushing his hair. It smelt like sandalwood, and the brush went through it easily. Bruce had his eyes closed and couldn't help but groan as he felt Monica run both the brush and her fingers through his hair. "You have the most beautiful hair I have ever seen." she whispered in his ear. Bruce turned his head toward her and opened his eyes, smiling at her, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, I love you." he kissed her gently, moaning into her mouth as her fingers continued to massage his scalp. Monica pulled away from Bruce, "I'm going to take a shower before bed. Please don't fall asleep before I get out." Bruce let out a small laugh, "I couldn't. Now that I have you in my life I don't think there's much I can do without you." he stood up and went back to his dresser. "I don't have much that'll fit you, but you can wear a pair of my shorts and a t-shirt." his face flushed as he pictured her in his clothes. Monica grabbed the clothes and smiled at Bruce, going into the bathroom.

Bruce laid in bed thinking about how his life had changed for the better in the last couple of days. He had the most beautiful girl in his life, she was with him, she was going to sleep in his bed with him, and he honestly had no intention on making love to her if she didn't want to. That was the last thing on his mind. He had never felt the way he felt about Monica over anybody. He had girlfriends in the past, but they were mostly just to pass the time. His Grandad and Tom had never liked any of his past girlfriends, but Tom seemed to like Monica a lot, and that was important to Bruce. About 15 minutes later, Monica came out of the shower and Bruce felt as if his heart had stopped. She came out wearing just his t-shirt. She wasn't that much shorter than him, so it stopped a little below her hips, leaving very little to the imagination. He swallowed hard, feeling himself getting excited. "You are absolutely breathtaking." he said, sitting up in bed. He reached his arms out to her and pulled her to him, snuggling into her wet hair, "You smell good" he began to kiss down her neck, "You taste good", he pulled back and looked into her eyes, "You look good" Monica blushed, "Bruce, will you take me as yours?" she asked nervously. "I want to feel you. I want to be yours. I want us to become one." Bruce felt a rush of excitement go down to his crotch, "Monica, love, we don't have to if you don't want to. I was serious when I said we never have to make love if you don't want to. I just want to be with you. I love you. I adore you. I am in love with your soul, your being." Monica grabbed Bruce's hand and put it on her thigh, "I know, but I want to become one with you. I want our souls to become one. Please Paul. Take me, just be gentle." Bruce groaned as he kissed her and laid her gently on the bed. 

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