Chapter 21

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After eating their pizza, Bruce went to put the dishes away and refill their beers. Monica went to the jukebox and looked through the songs. She stopped and "Unchained Melody" by the Righteous Brothers. She smiled as a memory of her and Bruce dancing to it came back to her. Bruce came out from behind the bar as it began to play. He looked at Monica, a huge smile on his face and his eyes twinkling, "You remembered!" Monica blushed as she walked towards him, "Yes, I did. I remembered dancing with you..." she put her hands on his shoulders, " this." Bruce held his breath as she laid her head on his shoulders. She still took his breath away. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. They slowly danced, both entranced by each other. Bruce looked down at Monica and kissed her deeply, "I love you darling." Monica smiled, kissing him back, "I love you too, Paul." The song ended, but they kept on dancing. Monica pulled away from Bruce and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the pool table. "I also remember something happening on this pool table." she slowly sat on it, pulling him on top of her. "We did play a game, but I think we can skip it, don't you?" Bruce began kissing her, nipping her neck, caressing her body with his hands, "You'll beat me anyway" he said, between kisses, "I'll do whatever you want." Monica chuckled, "Oh, I'll beat you alright."
Bruce spent the next day on the phone with his Mum. He had threatened to call the Child Protective Agency if she didn't sign over parental rights to him and Monica. He told her everything that Helena had told him. She didn't deny any of it, but she tried to justify it by saying she deserved some time to herself. That set Bruce off, "You're a Mother! You don't get time to yourself when you're a Mother! You got rid of me, now that Dad's gone you want to get rid of her too? Well, let me help you, let me and Monica care for her. If not, I promise you I will call the Agency and they will not only take her away but they can arrest you for being a selfish bitch." Sonia was all about her social status amongst her friends, she didn't want to be arrested or have a criminal record for child neglect. "Fine, I'll sign the papers. If that's what you want." she yelled at Bruce, "It's not what I want you bitch, it's what's best for my sister. I"ll be over to pick her up tomorrow. Please let me speak to her." Bruce's composure changed as soon as Helena got on the phone, "Hey, I'll be by tomorrow to pick you up. You're going to be living with me and Monica. How does that sound?" Helena laughed, "Paul, I can't wait. I'll pack my bag tonight so I can be ready when you get here. I'm excited." Bruce felt himself get excited as well, "I can't wait either sweetheart. Bring what you can, don't worry to much, we'll take you shopping. I'll see you tomorrow, OK. I love you." He hung up the phone, a huge smile on his face. His life was going perfect.
Monica had a follow-up Doctor's appointment on the same day that Bruce was going to pick up Helena. He felt bad for missing it, but Tom decided to accompany her. This was her final follow-up after her attack. Everything so far was looking good and was healing well. If all was still on the right track, she would no longer have to come back. They were waiting to be called back, talking about bringing Helena to their house, "Do you think it's a good idea?" Monica asked Tom, She trusted his judgement and wanted to know his opinion.Tom sat quietly, thinking, "I do. Even though he's never had a relationship with her, and at the beginning felt a sense of resentment towards her, he's realized that it's not her fault. She's just a kid that deserves love, and she's not getting it with Sonia. She will definitely get it with you and Paul." Monica smiled at Tom, "I hope so, I really hope we can show her all the love she deserves. We just have to find a bigger place so she can have her own room." "I've been looking, I told Paul there's one near where I live, he wants to see if it's something you guys would like and if it's something you can afford." They continued their small talk until Monica's name was called. She gave Tom a smile and walked to the back. Tom sat in the waiting room, reading a book he had brought along. After an hour, Monica came out, her eyes were red and swollen, as if she had been crying. Tom stood up when he saw her, "Monica, love, are you OK? What did the Doctor say?" Monica began to sob, "Tom...I'm...I'm pregnant." Tom's mouth dropped open, "What? But darling, that's good news, no? Paul loves kids! Everything is going to be OK?" Monica looked up at Tom, "You don't understand."

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