Chapter 22

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Monica opened the door to her and Bruce's flat, trying to figure out how she was going to tell him that she was pregnant. The house was quiet, she thought he'd be home by now with Helena. "Paul, are you home?" she heard a grunt from the couch. She walked into the living area and saw Bruce laying down with a half empty bottle of vodka next to him. Monica rushed to his side, "Paul? What happened? Where's Helena?" Bruce groaned as he rolled to his side. He grabbed the bottle and attempted to open it, Monica took it from him, "I think you've had enough." He opened up his eyes, trying to focus on her, "I fucked up again." he mumbled. Monica laid his head on her lap, running her hands through his hair as he did so, "What happened? Where is Helena?" Bruce opened his eyes, and looked at Monica, "She's gone. Fucking Bitch took her away in the middle of the night." Monica's brow furrowed, trying to figure out what Bruce was saying. "What do you mean?" Bruce sat up, pulling Monica onto his chest. "I drove to Sonia's house. When I got there, there was no-one there. I saw the neighbor and asked if she knew where they were. She told me that she had left in the middle of the night. Left with Sonia's latest boyfriend. She asked who I was and when I told her she was in shock, obviously since I had died when I was a baby." he tried to give a weak laugh, "I tried to save my sister, but she's gone." Bruce handed Monica an envelope, "I found this near the door of Sonia's house. Monica opened it up and saw a letter, written by Helena, "Paul, Mum is taking me away. I don't know where. She's taking me with James. I don't like him. He looks at me weird. He makes me feel uncomfortable. Please come save me. I still have the number of your Dad's pub. When I get a chance I'll call you and let you know where we are at. I want to get out of here." Monica looked at Bruce, "Poor girl. We really do need to save her." Bruce nodded, "I swear to you, I will find her and bring her home. I will make sure Sonia never gets her again. And if that fucker lays a finger on her, I will end him." They sat quietly for a few minutes, "I'm sorry I got pissed, it was the only thing I could think of to numb my feelings." Monica smiled and gave Bruce a kiss, "That's OK. You're hurting. It's not the best way to deal with your pain, but it's your way." Bruce hugged Monica, "Thank you for everything." he suddenly realized he hadn't asked her about her appointment, "How did your appointment go? Are you OK? What did the Doctor say?" Monica tensed up, she had to tell Bruce she was pregnant, "Everything is good, I'm all healed up. There's only one problem." she avoided Bruce's eyes. "What's wrong? Please tell me what's wrong? Darling, tell me." he grabbed Monica by the shoulders, cupping his hand under her chin, making her look at him. Monica notice the worry in his eyes. She sighed, "Paul, I'm pregnant." Bruce's face went white, "You're what?" "I'm pregnant." she repeated, tears starting to roll down her cheeks. Bruce wrapped his arms around her, "Darling, it's OK. A baby is a good thing. We'll make it work. Why are you upset? Aren't you happy?" Monica was openly sobbing, "I don't know if it's yours or if it's....if it's...." Bruce was confused, "If it's what?" Monica couldn't finish the sentence. She buried her face in Bruce's chest. Bruce thought about what she was trying to say, and the realization hit him, "Monica, love. Please listen to me." Monica looked up at him, "I don't care who's baby it is. I love you. That's all that matters. I will love this child as my own. I will not abandon this child, regardless if it's mine or not. Blood does not matter. Tom is not my blood relation, but I love him as such." Monica smiled at Bruce, "Should we give the baby a DNA test to see if it is yours?" Bruce thought for a bit, "No, because if it turns out not to be mine, it'll give one of those bastards the right to be a part of the kids life. This country is fucked up. They'll allow a rapist to be a part of the victims child's life. You'll have to deal with him until the child is grown up. I will sign the birth certificate, I will give it my last name. That child will be mine." Monica kissed Bruce, "Thank you. You truly are amazing."
Bruce went to see Tom. He wanted to talk to him about something that had been on his mind. He trusted Tom's advice, and tried to follow it. Bruce was hardheaded, and when something was on his mind, nothing would sway him, but Tom and Austin, and now Monica, usually had a way of making him see other points of view. Bruce was sitting at the bar, drinking a pint, Tom was behind the bar. The sign Monica had drawn on the floor was still there, he hadn't gotten rid of it, if it was a way of her healing, then he would leave it there. "Dad, I'm thinking about asking Monica to marry me." Tom looked at Bruce, surprised, at what he had just said, "Are you serious?" Bruce blushed, "Yeah, I think I am. I know we haven't been dating that long. But, I really love her. We've been through so much. And I know she loves me. And now there's a baby on the way...and I want to do the right thing...I just don't know." Tom smiled at Bruce, "Son, I think that's a great idea. If you feel it's the right thing, you have my blessing. I would go talk to her parents before you ask her, get their blessing as well." Bruce smiled at Tom. "Already did that. I talked to her Dad while I was at work the other day. He said he's happy for us and has already accepted me as part of the family." Tom gave Bruce a hug, "Well Son, go for it." Bruce had one more question, "Will you be my best man?" "Of course I will, thank you Son."
Bruce took Monica to the cemetery to see Austin's grave. He hadn't been back since the day he struck Tom. He wasn't a believer of the afterlife, but still felt some kind of closeness when he spoke to his Grandad, even if it was through a headstone. "Well, here he is." Bruce said as they reached his headstone. Monica knelt down and laid her hand on the grave, "Paul has told me so much about you. You should be proud of him. Thank you for raising such a loving and caring young man." Bruce smiled at Monica, "He would have loved you. He probably would have loved you more than me." he chuckled. Bruce knelt down next to Monica, "Grandad, Monica is great. She's beautiful, she's smart, she's loving...she's everything you would have loved for me." Bruce looked at Monica and gave her a kiss. He smiled as he pulled out a small box out of his pocket, "Monica, I know this is an odd spot to ask you, but I wanted my Grandad to be here, I love you. I've loved you since the first day I've laid eyes on you. I realized how much I truly loved you when I almost lost you. You've made me a better person, you've given me a reason to live. You've allowed me to be open about my past and not judged me for it. You've loved me through it all. You are willing to bring my sister into our house even though she's just as damaged as I am. And now we're going to have a baby." he grabbed her hand, his eyes filling with tears, "Monica, will you please continue to make me the happiest man ever and marry me?" Monica gasped as she saw the ring, "Yes!" she cried, "Yes! Paul! Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" she threw her arms around him, kissing him deeply. He cried, trying to steady his hand as he slipped the ring on her finger. "I love you Monica. Thank you. My darling."

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