Chapter 24

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It had been 2 months since Tom had passed. Bruce and Monica had moved into his flat, making it theirs little by little. Monica was starting to show and Bruce couldn't keep his hands off of her. He was constantly touching her, caressing her, feeling her..."Paul, will you stop? I'm trying to cook." Bruce chuckled in her ear, "You can cook later." he rubbed his hands over her belly, "I never thought you could get sexier. Fuck! I'm going to knock you up every chance I get." he nipped at her neck, rubbing his cock on her ass. Monica laughed, she turned around and kissed him, "Can I at least get dinner ready, after we're done eating you can do with me as you wish." Bruce groaned when he heard that. "Fuck...I love you." he gave her one last kiss and went to the living room. Monica giggled to herself. The last couple of months had been hard on Bruce, but he had slowly been coming around. They had no luck finding Helena. Bruce spoke to a lawyer and found out there was nothing they could do. Although Sonia had signed the paperwork giving them parental rights, or said she had, she had never filed them, so she was still Helena's legal guardian. There was nothing Bruce or Monica could do unless Helena's life was in danger and they had proof of it. This had upset Bruce, Monica knew how important it was to have that last tie to his family with him. He was starting to lose hope, which wasn't his way.
Monica made Yorkshire Pudding for dinner, and had stocked up the fridge with ESB. They had left the bar with Liam that night, he had been a regular at the bar and would often help Tom when things got busy. They hired him right away after Tom had passed. Monica sat the plates at the table and looked up at Bruce, giving him a shy smile. "Darling, Yorkshire Pudding and ESB? What's the special occasion?" Monica wrapped her arms around him, laughing, "Tomorrow is your birthday you fool." Bruce's eyes widened when he realized that it was indeed his birthday, "Holy shit. It is!" he started laughing, "Fuck. I forgot all about it. Damn, 20 years old...I don't look a day over 19 though." Monica smacked him in the arm, "You don't take things seriously do you?" Bruce stopped laughing and pulled Monica to him, "I take my love for you seriously, very seriously. I take my love for our child seriously. I take my life with you seriously." he gave her a deep kiss. "Now, let's eat so I can have dessert in bed."
After dinner, Monica pulled out an envelope and gave it to him, "Here's your birthday present, I hope you like it." Bruce smiled at Monica, "Love, you didn't have to get me anything, just being with you is enough." he opened up the envelope and his eyes widened, his face split in two with a huge smile, "Holy shit!" he pulled out a ticket, "Deep Purple!!" there was something else in the envelope, "Backstage Pass?" he looked at Monica, tears in his eyes, "How? What....where are yours?" Monica smiled at him, "Daddy has connections at Chiswick, I told them how much you love Purple. It's for this weekend. I can't go. I'm pregnant, I don't want to be in that environment. You go, have fun. I also booked you a room. I know you'll be drinking." Bruce grabbed Monica, wrapping his arms around her, "I love you so damn much. I don't deserve you." "Paul, you deserve me, and more. Now take me to bed and show me how grateful you are."
Bruce was at the barrier at the Deep Purple concert. He couldn't believe it. He was seeing his favorite band. The man he had looked up to since he was a kid. He was a frustrated singer, sung mostly for himself, but always modeled himself after Ian Gillan. Now he was standing right in front of him, seeing him in all his glory. Ritchie Blackmore as usual was running around the stage, dancing, doing amazing tricks with his guitar, John Lord was making his organ scream, making it orgasm. Bruce was in heaven. He already had a few beers, but he didn't want to get drunk, he still had to make it backstage to meet the band. Once the show was over, he made his way to the side of the stage and showed his backstage pass to one of the security guards, they let him in, no questions asked. He couldn't believe it. Things like this never happened to him. Bruce walked down a narrow hallway, following the signs to "Deep Purple's" dressing room. He stood in front of the door, trying not to hyperventilate. He knocked on the door, no-one answered, so he let himself in. He didn't know what he was going to walk into but he didn't expect to walk into a rock heaven party. "Holy Shit." he thought. There were scantly clad women walking around, the room was filled with pot smoke, empty beer bottle were strewn around. Bruce smiled as he walked in. He tried to make it look not so obvious that he was new to this. On the inside he was about to explode, but on the outside he was trying to remain cool and calm. Bruce walked up to a table that had food and beer on it. He helped himself to a sandwich and to a Heineken. There was no ESB, but he didn't mind. "Excuse me" he felt someone come up behind him. He turned around and saw a giant of a man. Bruce swallowed hard, it was Ian Gillan. "Sorry", he muttered, starstruck and slightly embarrassed to be in Gillan's way. Ian looked at him and laughed, "No worries mate. You OK?" Bruce nodded, "Yeah, I think so." Ian threw an arm around him, "First backstage party?" Again, Bruce nodded, "Ye...yeah." he muttered. Ian squeezed his shoulders, "Well, welcome, we'll make sure you have fun. What's your name?" Bruce gave Ian an awkward smile, "Bruce, Bruce Dickinson." "Well Bruce Dickinson, stay with me. I'll show you the ropes." Bruce followed Ian around, meeting everyone in the band, and loosening up as Ian kept on giving him more to drink. At one point Ian left Bruce with Ritchie, he was in deep conversation with a girl about space and the outer realms of the mind. Bruce had no idea what was going on, but he didn't care, he was hanging out with Deep Purple. At one point, Ritchie passed Bruce a joint. Bruce didn't smoke, but he couldn't turn a joint down from Ritchie Blackmore. He took a drag, and immediately started coughing. Ritchie smacked him in the back, laughing as he did so, "You OK? Fuck kid, don't die on us." Bruce smiled back, trying to suppress his cough. He took a few more drags, handing the joint back to Ritchie. Bruce stood up to grab another beer and immediately felt the effect of the joint and the alcohol. He was buzzing hard. He started to giggle, not knowing exactly what he was giggling at. Heading over to the beer table, he bumped into someone, he turned around to apologize and saw that it was a scantly clad girl. "Hey handsome. Bump into me like that one more time and I may have to do something about it." Bruce smiled at her, "Oh, really? Like what?" She looked him up and down, getting closer to him as she did so, "Bump into me one more time and find out." Bruce grabbed her by the waist, bumping into her, grunting as he did so. The girl grabbed onto him, "I don't know what you're trying to get into, but keep that up, and you may regret it." Bruce pulled her close to him, he whispered huskily in her ear, "I'm trying to get into you. Show me what I'm going to regret. I have a hotel room nearby." He pulled away from her and looked at her, his eyes filled with lust. She grabbed his hand and lead him out the door, "Show me where we're going."

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