Chapter 19

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Bruce got in his mothers face, his voice surprisingly calm, but his eyes were cold, the expression in his face rigid with anger, "You told my sister that I died? Why the fuck would you do that Sonia? Is that what you've been telling everyone? Is that why there aren't any pictures of me on the wall? Because I know Grandad has sent you my school pictures every year. He's sent you my rowing pictures when I won my tournaments, so has Tom. So I know you have plenty of pictures to hang up on the wall. But that would ruin your perfect little life wouldn't it? Is that why you would never want me to come visit? You always insisted on coming to visit us? You wouldn't want your "dead" son to show up and ruin your facade." Bruce balled up his fist, he wanted nothing more than to hit her, show her all the pain she had caused, but he couldn't do it. Sonia grabbed Bruce by the shirt, sobbing, "What did you want me to do? What else could I have done?" Bruce pushed her off of him, knocking her to the ground "You could have told them the fucking truth. Told them you left me." Sonia laid on the ground, looking up at him, "I couldn't bring myself to admitting it. I didn't want people to know what a horrible person I was for letting my only son go." Bruce began pacing the room, trying to control his anger. Monica had gone to where Helena was, trying to calm down the young girl. Seeing her "dead" brother and her mother yelling at each other had overwhelmed her. "You didn't want people to know what a horrible person you were so you would rather me be dead. Well, that makes things easy. I'll play along. I am dead to you. This will be the last time you hear from me. I don't ever want to see you again." Sonia crawled to Bruce's feet, begging at him, "Please, forgive me Son. Please..." Bruce laughed at her, "Sorry, Sonia. You have no Son. He died, remember?" He turned around and went to Helena. Bending down to her level, he gave her a smile, "Helena, this has nothing to do with you. I am so sorry you've had to see this. Please, I would love to talk to you someday. You are my little sister and I want to know everything about you. Give me a ring sometime and I'll come pick you up. Don't worry about your mum. she won't get in the way of our relationship." he gave her a hug. "Here's the number of the pub where my Dad works. If you ever need anything, or ever need to get away, don't hesitate and call, at any time, I will come and get you." Helena looked at Bruce and smiled, "Can you take me now, please? I want to go home with you and Monica. Please Paul, take me home with you?" Bruce chuckled, "Not today love, but soon, I promise." Bruce grabbed Monica by the hand they headed towards the door, he looked back and saw Sonia still laying on the ground, sobbing, "Thank you for opening my eyes at what a horrible person you are Sonia. I thought I was going to have some closure, some kind of relationship with my Mum, turns out, it's a lot worse than what I remember. I'll be back to pick up Helena. She'll be spending some time with me. She has every right to know her brother, and you will not get in the way of that. I hope you spend the rest of your life remembering this day." With that, Bruce and Monica walked out the door, forcefully slamming it as they left.
They drove down the street and Bruce pulled over. He started to hyperventilate and his body began to convulse, he was having an anxiety attack. Monica pulled him to her, running her hand through his hair and rubbing her other hand down his back. Bruce was sobbing uncontrollably. "Why the fuck do I even care? Why do I let her have this control over me? She's a fucking cunt? Why can't I just shut her out of my life?" Monica continued rubbing his back, "Shhh...Paul, you just wanted a relationship with your mother, there's nothing wrong with that." Bruce wrapped his arms around her waist, "What did I do wrong? What did I do so wrong that she didn't want me? Maybe I do deserve to die. Maybe I don't deserve to be loved." Monica grabbed his face between her hands and made him look up at her, "Listen to me, stop talking like that. Do you understand me? I love you, Tom loves you, your Grandad loves you. You deserve to be loved. Don't ever talk like that." She gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "I am falling in love with you all over again since my attack. Don't fucking talk like that. Make me remember the Bruce I fell in love with. Not the Bruce that allows some fucking cunt to ruin his life." Bruce let out a small laugh, wiping his face with his sleeve, "You're right. I'm sorry. I'm being dramatic. It's just something that I'll carry with me for the rest of my life, I just hope it doesn't affect me like this...I hope not. I don't want to be a fucking pussy with Mummy issues." he laughed as he composed himself. Monica smiled at him, "You are not a pussy, but, if you get us home, you can definitely have some." she gave him a wink and pulled her dress up a little, showing him that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Bruce put his hand between her legs and ran his fingers between her labia, "Fuck, and you're already wet." he licked his fingers, "Let's go before I fuck you on the side of the road." he started the car and tried to get home as fast as he could, but had to be extra mindful of the road since Monica decided to take matters into her own hands....or better yet, mouth...while he was driving.

Early the next day Bruce decided to take Monica to Langie Park. That was where they had their first date. Monica's Dad had given Bruce paid time off until he felt Monica was well enough to be on her own. Bruce didn't want to abuse his generosity, but he thought maybe one more week she would be back to normal. Tom made sure that Monica was on day hours, and he had also hired someone to be with her. Monica thought it wasn't necessary, but both Bruce and Tom insisted she had someone helping her.
It was a beautiful day at Langie. Bruce and Monica walked hand in hand, admiring the sights. Bruce took her to the bench they sat at overlooking the lake he used to go to when he was a kid. Monica sat next to Bruce, "Do you remember when we came here on our first date?" Monica looked around, "Vaguely. I remember bits and pieces. This place was special to you because you and your Grandad would come here a lot, right?" Bruce nodded, "Just about every weekend. We would fish, take walks, have picnics, or just hang out." Bruce stood up and offered Monica his hand, "Want to rent a boat and go rowing on the lake?" Monica looked at Bruce and laughed, "I've never rowed a boat in my life." "Well, its a good thing I won a couple of rowing trophies when I was in school. Not to brag, but I'm pretty top notch." he smiled at Monica, "I'm probably the best out there, not to brag of course. There aren't many out there that can beat me. I'd say I'm fucking outstanding. I am...." Monica smacked him in the arm, "Will you shut up? Mr. Narcissist?" Bruce pulled her into a hug, acting shocked as he did so, "Moi? A Narcissist? Why would you say such a thing?" She giggled as he began kissing down her neck, tickling her in the process. Monica escaped from his grasp and ran off towards the boat rentals, laughing as Bruce ran after her, yelling about how "The Master of All Rowers" was on his way!

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