Chapter 27

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Monica led Bruce to the bathroom. She gasped when she saw the state of it. The mirror was shattered, a bloodstain was smeared on it and dripping into the sink. It looked as if Bruce had tied his hair into a ponytail and hacked it off with scissors and he had haphazardly tossed it aside. The sink was also full of hair he had tried to shave off. There were beer bottles tossed all over the place. Monica sighed, "Paul, please wait for me in the bedroom. Let me clean this up and I'll come get you." Bruce shook his head, "No, it's my mess, I'll clean it." you go rest. He began picking up the bottles and tossing them into the trashcan, he hadn't realized how much of a mess he had made. Monica grabbed his ponytail and stood looking at it, running her hand through it. Bruce noticed it, he went up to her , "I'm sorry, I know how much you loved my hair. I'll grow it back out. I promise." Monica looked up at him and smiled, "It's fine. Do you want to keep this or do you want to donate it? This could really help out some kid with cancer." Bruce thought for a bit, "Let's donate it. It'll do some kid more good than us. It'll probably just sit in a box somewhere." Monica smiled at Bruce, he continued cleaning. He wiped off the blood and the hair from the sink. "I"m sorry about the mirror. I'll buy a new one." "Paul, you have to stop apologizing. Everything is going to be OK. Let's get you cleaned up." Monica pulled back the shower curtain and noticed the bathtub was also covered in blood. "Paul? What's all this from?" Bruce sighed, he removed his shirt and showed her his arms. They were covered in cuts. Deep cuts near his wrists. "Paul....what did you do?" Bruce avoided looking at Monica, "I wasn't happy. I had lost everything. I hurt you. The one person I loved more than life itself, the one person that has given me a reason to live, a reason to wake up...I hurt you. I broke your trust. I didn't deserve to live. I wanted to die." he looked at Monica, tears flowing down his cheeks, "I had written a note and everything. I wanted you to know how much I loved you. How much I loved our child. But I couldn't go on hurting you. But I couldn't do it Monica. I couldn't off myself. I'm too much of a coward. I fail even at that." Monica wrapped her arms around him, "Paul, you aren't a coward. Please, don't ever think of yourself as that. You are the strongest person I know. With everything that has gone on in your life you have fought through. You inspire me to be stronger. Please stop being so hard on yourself." Bruce managed to smile at her, "I couldn't do it because I couldn't stand not seeing you ever again, and not meeting our child. I love you." he pulled her into a kiss. "Let's get you cleaned up." she sat him on the toilet and grabbed the clippers. Running it through his head, she began evening up his hair. Bruce closed his eyes, "I'm clean you know." Monica stopped and looked at him, "What?" "I"m clean. After I cheated on you I went to get tested. I didn't know what that slut had. She's a groupie, god knows who or what she's fucked. I didn't want to go nowhere near you if I was infected with anything. Everything came back normal." Monica smiled, she loved how thoughtful he was. "Thank you Paul." she continued to clean him up. Once she was done with his head she grabbed a razor and some shaving cream. "Let's get rid of this rats nest on your face. I want to be able to see you. You're too handsome to be hiding behind a bush. And anyway, I miss your dimples." Bruce blushed, "Thank you for caring." Monica began shaving his face, taking her time making sure not to cut him. Once she was done, she noticed how handsome he looked with short hair. She leaned into him and gave him a kiss, "Let's take a bath." she whispered as she pulled away. Bruce nodded, noticing the tell tale sign of lust in her eyes.
Monica undressed Bruce, slowly, knowing it was driving him crazy. Once he was naked, she cleaned out the bath and ran the hot water, adding bubble bath solution under the tap. Bruce groaned as she leaned over the tub, he rubbed his hands on her ass, "When are you going to undress?" he asked. Monica looked back at him, seeing how excited he was. "In good time, don't worry." She loved teasing him. "Why did you get me naked. Why can't I see you naked?" he rubbed his hands on her belly. "Fuck, you're so fucking sexy." he nipped at her neck, rubbing his hard cock on her ass. Monica groaned, "Do you like that?" he asked, as he rubbed himself on her even harder. "Paul, wait until I'm undressed." she moaned. Bruce chuckled, "I don't think I will. I can't." he pulled away from her and began stroking himself. Monica turned around, pupils blown out, licking her lips as she looked at him, "C'mon baby. Get undressed for me. Let's get in the water before it gets cold." Bruce got into the bathtub, groaning as he did so. He kept one hand on his cock, stroking himself. Monica began undressing, she took off her shirt and Bruce groaned as soon as he saw her belly. She was so fucking sexy. He almost came from seeing her. Her body was curvier, her boobs were bigger, "Fuck, you look amazing." he moaned. "I'm going to come from just looking at you." Monica smiled, she went to remove her underwear but Bruce stopped her, "No, leave those on, come here and get on top of me." Monica stepped in the bathtub. She pulled her underwear to the side and straddled Bruce. They both moaned at the same time. "Fuuuck...." Bruce groaned into her ear, "You feel so fucking good. I missed you so much." Monica wrapped her arms around his neck. "Paul, I need you. Please fuck me." Bruce groaned, he began thrusting in and out of Monica, she bounced on his lap, biting his neck, scratching his back. It didn't take long for Bruce to come. Shortly after Monica came as well, she orgasmed hard, screaming out his name as she did so. "Fuck." she groaned into his neck, "ever since I've gotten pregnant I've been a lot hornier and my orgasms have been a lot better." Bruce pulled his head up from her shoulder, giving her a smirk, "Well, guess I'll just have to keep you pregnant all the time." she laughed, giving him a deep kiss. "Let's get cleaned up."
It was early in the morning, Monica had talked to her Dad to allow Bruce to stay in the area while he saw a Doctor. He knew about Bruce's personal problems, well, he knew about some of them, he agreed, telling him to take his time. Bruce was going to be working at the pub until he felt he was OK to go back to the office. Monica went with Bruce to his first Psychiatrist appointment. He was nervous. He knew he needed to see a Doctor, but he was also apprehensive about opening up to a stranger. While they were waiting, Bruce looked at Monica, "Did I tell you what my Mum...Sonia," he gave her a nervous laugh, "Fuck it, Mum told me one time when I was 7?" Monica shook her head. "She came to visit and took me out to dinner. Grandad didn't come along, thought it would be good for Mum and I to spend some time alone. Dad wasn't there. He always found an excuse not to come. Well, she had a bit to drink. She told me that when she found out at 16 that she was pregnant with me, she attempted to get an abortion. It didn't work though. So that's why she's always resented me. I was supposed to be an abortion, yet I survived it." Monica didn't know what to say. How could someone tell that to a 7 year old. "I'm so sorry Paul." Bruce shrugged his shoulders, "You would think something like that would make me a stronger person instead of the insecure little shit that I am, I fucking survived an abortion. That's pretty hardcore. That's a hard rock album in the making." he laughed, "Instead it's given me trust issues, mummy issues, confidence issues...fuck...issues in general." Monica grabbed his hand, "And that's why we're here. To address those issues and get you some help." Bruce squeezed her hand, "Thank you. Thank you for not running away once you realized how damaged I am. Thank you for giving me another chance. I love you." he gave her a soft kiss. "I love you too Paul." she kissed him back. They talked quietly in the lobby while they waited for Bruce's name to be called.

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