Chapter 7

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"Look who decided to show up." Tom said as Bruce and Monica walked in through the door. Bruce pulled out a stool for her and walked behind the bar to give Tom a hug. "How are you doing Dad?" he would occasionally call Tom Dad and it would tug at the older mans heart. "I'm doing good now that you two are here." he smiled as he gave Bruce a kiss on the cheek. He went to where Monica was seated and she held her hand out, he gave it a soft kiss and she giggled, "Hello beautiful, how are you doing? I'm glad to see you two today." Bruce grabbed two pint glasses and filled them up, putting one in front of Monica and one for himself. He sat next to her and smiled as he affectionately kissed her on the cheek. Tom looked at him and could feel his eyes begin to tear up. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen Bruce so happy. "Tom, did you hear what I just said?" Bruce asked, a puzzled look on his face. ", I'm sorry, can you repeat it?" Bruce saw that Tom was emotional for whatever reason, but didn't want to draw attention to it, "I'm going to quit my job at the slaughterhouse, can I work here until I find another job?" Tom knew Bruce didn't even have to ask. "Of course Son, may I ask why you're going to quit?" Bruce and Monica related their encounter with Roger at the park. "Well, I don't blame you, Would you like me to call and let them know you won't be coming in anymore?" Bruce laughed, "That's all I need, for my Dad to call and quit for me. I'm 19 years old, i think I can do it on my own. I'll call later." They sat and talked for a little longer. Around 7 PM, Bruce stood up and looked at both Tom and Monica, "How about you 2 hang out here for an hour or two. I'm going to go to the market and buy a few things. I want to make dinner for my 2 favorite people." he smiled at both of them, "Come up to my flat at 9 or so." Tom looked at Bruce and laughed, "You're going to cook? Where is my Paul?" Bruce let out a chuckle, "Im still here old man, now, please keep my girl company, I will see you two in a bit." he gave Tom a hug and Monica a kiss before he headed out the door. Tom stared after him and sighed, then looked at Monica and smiled, "I want to thank you young lady, I have never seen him this happy. He hasn't truly smiled in 5 years, since Austin passed away." Monica blushed, "I haven't done anything, I think Bruce is amazing, just being around him makes me happy. You called him Paul, is that his middle name?" Tom let out a chuckle, "Bruce is actually his middle name, Paul is his first name, he only lets his family call him that. I'm sure he'll let you call him that soon enough." Monica smiled at Tom. She saw that he truly cared for Bruce. "Did he tell you the last time he saw his parents?" Monica nodded, "He said it was when they brought his sister, he was around 9. He had noticed how much they cared for her and how he realized she hadn't crushed their dreams like he had." Tom looked at Monica and sighed, "That wasn't the last time. Please don't tell Bruce I'm telling you this, it would crush his heart to have to relive it."

Tom made sure that his last customers were out of the bar and sat with Monica at a booth. "Bruce was 14 when Austin passed away. He had worked all his life as a coal miner and had developed what is known as miners lung. I worked in the administrative office of the mine because I had hurt my back in the war so I couldn't be deep in the mines. Austin would work all day to ensure Bruce had everything he needed. His wife had passed away when Bruce was 4, so while Austin was at work, my wife would watch him. He was Austin's pride and joy." Tom looked at Monica and gave her a smile. She grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. She could see how much Bruce meant to him. "Austin passed away 2 days after Bruce's 14th birthday. We were at the funeral and Bruce maintained his composure. It made me sad that someone so young was able to compose himself like that. After the funeral we were heading to my car when we heard someone call his name. Bruce turned around and saw his parents and his sister. He turned to walk away but I put a hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear to please talk to them." Tom's voice began to crack, just remembering that day brought tears to his eyes, "Bruce turned around and looked his mother in the face, his eyes cold, "Hello Sonia." he said to her, he looked at his Dad, "Hello Bruce." His Mum was shocked by the lack of emotion in his voice. "Paul, it's me, Mummy." Bruce looked at her and scoffed, "Please, you're not my Mum. You gave birth to me, that's all. You're as much a mother to me person is." He pointed to a grave as he defied his mother." Monica was shocked, she couldn't see Bruce being so cold hearted. Tom continued his story, "Sonia was shocked at what Bruce had said, she started to tear up, "Don't you think we tried, Paul? Don't you think we tried our best?" Bruce looked at his mother in the eye and started laughing, a cold laugh that shouldn't come from a 14 year old, "You didn't try. You never gave a shit about me. Grandad was my father, he cared for me. He went to Adult night school to learn how to read and write to help me with school. Did you do that? He was there when I had my appendix taken out. Were you there? My first heartbreak? My rowing trophy? Graduation? You weren't there, you were never there. Don't tell me you tried you fucking cunt." At that moment I went to grab him but Bruce Sr. back handed him, "Don't you dare talk to your mother like that." Bruce Srs ring had cut Paul's lip, causing it to bleed, he wiped it with the back of his hand and gave him the coldest look I have ever seen, it sent chills down my back. I swear Monica, I heard something snap in him right at that moment." Monica had tears coming down her cheeks. She couldn't believe the man she was falling for had such a rough upbringing, "He looked at his Dad in the face and told him, "You will never see me again. My Dad has passed away, but I have another Dad who has loved me as his own Son, and I am going home with him." At that moment he turned around and we got in the car. It was a quiet drive. Bruce was looking out the window and you could cut the tension with a knife. "Paul, do you want to talk?" He kept quiet. "Paul, please son, let's talk." I had to strain my ears to hear him, "Why don't they love me? What have I done to them?" he turned to look at me and as soon as his eyes met mine he began to sob. I had to pull over and pull him to me, "Why don't they love me? Why? What did I do?" "You did nothing my Son. You did nothing. I love you."

Tom sighed and wiped his eyes with his handkerchief. He looked at Monica and saw that she was crying. He let out a chuckle. "I'm sorry love. Look at the mess we are. Let's get cleaned up and head over to Bruce's flat. I'm excited to see what he has prepared for us."

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