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the face of a monster

"Felix! It's time to wake up!" A female voice called, followed by a knocking sound on a door. A groan could be heard from somewhere inside the room, probably under the large lump of pillows and blankets that covered the creature underneath. This creature was Felix Rhodes. Current high school junior and local pretty boy, known for his shocking ability to get into any party, but also known for spacing out at random occasions. "It's the first day of school, Felix. You don't want to be late," the voice called again, now being registered as Felix's mother.

The lump in the bed began to reluctantly move a small voice calling out, "Yeah ok! I'll be out in a second!" While he doubted his mother believed him, she seemed satisfied and her footsteps could be heard being moved down the hall. A head then peeked out from under the blankets. Felix's wavy blond hair insanely messed up and just draped over his eyes. 'School,' he thought miserably, his head throbbing slightly as he tried to forget about the dream he had been having, knowing very soon the couple's death would be on the news.

Felix had been having these dreams his entire life, at first, he thought that they were only dreams until he started seeing them come true. Then they started happening when he was awake. He thought he was going crazy. There wasn't any logical reason for it and when he had mentioned it, hypothetically, to his mother she gave no indication that she had any idea what he was talking about. So, he figured, it was just a "him problem" and didn't tell anyone. He thought about telling his friends, but he quickly decided against it. Tyler would just laugh at him and call him crazy. Caroline would try to be supportive but would end up telling the whole school and turn it into some kind of scandal. Elena would also try to be supportive, but Felix doubted her ability to actually help and Bonnie... actually Bonnie had been talking about how her grandma is like a witch or something, so Bonnie might be his best bet.

This was all running through his mind as the boy slowly fell out of bed to go get changed for the first day of school. The seventeen-year-old fumbled his way around the room, grabbing Advil from his desk and swallowing two of the small pills before going to get dressed, hoping his headache would subside soon.

"How are you feeling this morning, sweetie? Any headaches?" His mom asked once he walked into the kitchen. Felix smiled at her as convincingly as he could.

"Nah, all good this morning." He said giving his mom a quick hug before making his way towards the coffee his mother had set out for him. Felix's mom was a pretty, petite woman. Felix's father left not to long ago and slowly drifted apart from his former family. "I gotta go, Mom, but I can pick up some food for us on the way home?" He asked pouring his cup of coffee into a travel container.

"That sounds great sweetie. Can you get me some sushi or something?" She asked, his mom was getting ready for work as they talked, she was a teacher for 3rd graders at the elementary school in Mystic Falls. Felix could never really understand how she could hang around that many kids for so long. Little kids freaked him out, he was always worried he was going to say something wrong and taint their little minds, but his mom was great with them. She always knew what to say when they were upset and could calm even the wildest if souls down. It probably helped that Felix was a fairly wild kid when he was younger, always bouncing off of everything and running off in stores, probably giving his mother a fair share of heart attacks.

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