Chapter 16

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"Once again, you are in my office." Dami smiles without amusement at the girl before her. "For something you've done wrong."

Siyeon hangs her heavy head, still spinning.

When she woke up, SuA was angrily yelling at her and Mr Yong was also there to tell her to have a meeting with Dami. She had been...confused but expecting. She had made mistakes and now she was paying for it. Not once had Siyeon seen SuA so angry, even when they were having their frequent arguments back when they didn't get on so well.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Do you know what you've done wrong?"

"I messed up SuA's test score."

"Very badly, might I add. You marked SuA with thirty-four out of one hundred."

"Yes. I just...couldn't see where she'd hit. My eyes kept blurring and so I just relied on my gut."

"A very bad decision." Dami remarks coldly. "You have misbehaved again, so you will be punished."

Siyeon sits silently, waiting for what she would say. There was a part of her that felt it was partially unfair to give her punishment when she was still hungover.

"I shall temporarily ban you from training SuA for two weeks. Someone else will be training her instead."

Siyeon's head looks up at her sadly, her mouth parts.

Dami takes her look with gravity and also seems a little saddened, or perhaps disappointed. "Siyeon...What's gone wrong?"

"Nothing." She denies.


"Nothing." She repeats a little more strongly and stands.

"Two acts of misbehaviour within two days? Siyeon, you've never been like this before." Her eyes look inquisitively into hers, but Siyeon defers her gaze in silent defiance. 

The stillness in the room stretches as she refuses to reply.

"Alright. If that's what you want." She looks up at her. "You are also banned from drinking and will have to spend required hours training to prove that you are still fit to be a Junior Assassin. I'll send an email explaining everything later. Don't worry." Dami pauses, looking down before meeting her gaze again. "I hope you feel better soon."



You are required to spend a minimum of three hours a day training for two weeks - In the self-defence studios, doing cardio or weapons training. You are required to log in to whichever room you're in so we can know where you are.

You are also still required to complete the three weeks toilet cleaning. Meet the cleaning team at eight in the evening for every day this week. They will assign you your tasks and equipment.

Hope you feel better soon,

Lee Dami

Head of Kim and Lee"


Siyeon returns home by bus, her eyes staring dully into the seat in front of her as she rocks with the natural rhythm of the bus as it moves.

She feels empty, destroyed by the mistakes she'd made. The drunken fight, messing with SuA's results, even her anger at Yoohyeon that now feels completely over the top and unacceptable.

It makes her feel ashamed of herself to have failed Dami, even more so, SuA.

The guilt that manifests itself on her sucks all the happiness out, only leaving her with dread for the coming weeks.

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