Chapter 20

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Once she returns from the police, Siyeon heads into Dami's office, struggling to stay calm.

"Any news?" She asks desperately, not bothering to sit.

Dami stands, leaving the official setting behind as she hugs gently Siyeon in an attempt to comfort. "We haven't got much yet, unfortunately. We saw the van on CCTV near Yoohyeon's house, but it appears to have been abandoned since."

"So you have no idea where she is?" Siyeon holds herself together, keeping hope that Yoohyeon is safe. "Why did they kidnap her? Who even are they?" She pauses miserably. "I suppose you don't know anything."

"We'll answer those questions when we can." She continues to embrace Siyeon. "What did the police say?"

"That they'll try their best with what they have and so on." She buries her head in Dami's shoulder. "I don't want them to hurt her." She whimpers vulnerably.

"Everything will be okay, I promise you. We'll get her back safe." Dami says in a confident tone that comforts her a little.

"...Thank you, Dami." She says into her shoulder slowly, taking all her effort not to cry.

"This is a delicate situation, so we can all understand if you can't attend training. Take time off if you need to."

"I might do that." She says, straightening and looking at her with glistening eyes.

"But I want to say to you," Dami stares into her eyes seriously. "Please don't try and look for Yoohyeon yourself, independently of the company. Can you promise?"

"Yes." She says, knowing it could make things worse if she tried to help. "I promise."


Instead, she chose to use her time off in a different, useful way, deciding to look more into her parents' deaths.

Talking openly about it had made her consider learning more about the incident that changed her life forever.

Siyeon has never looked into her parents' deaths before, because she tried to forget it, forget the violence and focus on herself and the present. It made her feel guilty to have repressed the memory, because she should have tried to find out who murdered her parents.

Yet she also tells herself in a strong internal voice that she would have had no idea of how to find the killer and tries not to blame herself.

The first thing she decides to do is find the police report on the incident. Knowing most reports are digitalised, she heads online on her laptop, alone in the flat.

It's easy to search for them, but quickly finds she'll have to pay and wait to view the report. Siyeon enters a debate with herself, wondering whether visiting the police station would be easier than ordering, but she soon decides to order it.

A few days later, (worryingly, with no news about Yoohyeon), the white envelope arrives.

It sits on her doormat innocently, the stark white colour contrasting from the dirty brown of the doormat. Siyeon stands over it, looking down at for several seconds before she slowly reaches a hand for it and takes it in hand.

Something she's been waiting years to read.

Her feet take her back to the kitchen table and she sits heavily, still staring blankly at the envelope. Siyeon doesn't want to open it just yet, still half-disbelieving that this paper was the answer to the repressed memories of five years ago.

Siyeon opens the envelope and slips out the sheets of paper inside.

The top paragraph displays information unimportant to her.

"Timeline of events:

Mrs Lee, 47, is attacked in the kitchen, knocked out by a blow to the back of her head. She is then tied with cord taken from the family's shed.

The perpetrator then covered the kitchen in petrol (Unclear whether they brought the petrol or it belonged to the family).

The kitchen is then set on fire, the only place to be covered with petrol.

Mr Lee, 49, is then attacked, but not knocked unconscious. He is likely held against his will with a weapon.

Mrs Lee is shot in the kitchen.

Mr Lee is shot in the study.

The perpetrator likely then escapes via the balcony as the front entrance was likely on fire.

It is unknown where Miss Lee, 13, is in this whole timeline.

The first floor was mostly untouched by the flames and we could see that the daughter's bed was disturbed.

She may have been kidnapped by the perpetrator or killed at another location.

As of a three year update on the case, there is no more information on Miss Lee, so we must unfortunately assume that she is deceased."

She sets down the papers, tears pricking at her eyes as she sits there blinking rapidly. There everything is, laid out before her.

Clearing her throat, Siyeon shoves the papers back into the envelope, keen to no longer continue thinking about it.

"I'm home!" SuA announces cheerfully as the front door slams shut. She peeks into the kitchen and sees Siyeon staring into space. "You alright, babe?"

Siyeon snaps out of her empty daze and smiles wanly at her. "You're back."

"Uh-huh." SuA kicks her shoes off and walks to her, cuddling her as she continues to sit. Accepting this comfort, Siyeon leans into her. "What's wrong with you?" Her eyes spy the envelope.

"I just read the police report on my parents' deaths." She replies and looks up at her face.

"Oh, Siyeon...Why would you torture yourself like that?" SuA asks remorsefully and leans down to press foreheads with her as their breaths mingle.

"I..." Siyeon starts to speak, but draws off, knowing that she's right. "I just wanted to know."

"I understand." She says softly and kisses her on the cheeks as her hands cup her slender neck. "Just think about good things today, alright? Let's just have fun today." SuA draws away from her, taking Siyeon by the hand into her bedroom.

Wow this chapter is shite haha Turns out there were other chapters I hadn't completely written out as well. 

Update on my wrists - Turns out it's just growing pains - my tendons and muscles are stretching too much while typing, etc because my bones have had a growth spurt and they haven't caught up yet. Thank goodness it isn't RSI lol

Hope you all have a nice day.

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