~ 21 ~

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~ Chapter Twenty One ~

The last time I had someone read me a story was when I was in elementary school. My parents would come into my room, tuck me in, and read me my favorite children's book. Which happened to be The Rainbow Fish. I especially enjoyed it when my dad would read it because he would raise or lower his voice whenever a different character was speaking.

I doubt Zander would do that. His monotone voice isn't that appealing for a bedtime story.

So I grabbed the book from him and tossed it aside. "Why don't you just give me the shorter version? Explain it so I can understand."

Zander nodded before starting his explanation. "We aren't afraid of the forest. We're just cautious of the creatures that roam inside of it."

"Why? You're a dragon. Big and ferocious."

Zander smiled at me. "Yes, we're big and strong. But we can't fight a creature who can hold our bodies captive."

I bunched my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"A long time ago, there was a creature that existed. He was known as the water spirit because he could manipulate the water around him. He wanted more power in order to become the strongest. So, with the help of dark magic and his water abilities, he created a new species. They were known as sirens. Beings that can hypnotize you with their erotic voices. They did everything for their master. Luring creatures of all kinds to him so he could devour them.

Our world was in chaos. So the fairies, in desperation, created us."

My eyes widened in shock." But... How?"

"The same way they're going to turn you. The process itself is something I don't know. Except that it must be done in the fairy kingdom.

In our history, it simply states that the fairies created us by using their magic."

"So they're kind of like your god."

"I guess to some they are higher than us. But once we defeated the water spirit, they no longer needed us. We were casted away to these lands we live in today."

I kind of felt sorry for these dragons. They were used and thrown away after they've completed their mission. No wonder they have this weird mating tradition of theirs. They were lost and no longer had a purpose in this world. So they used what knowledge they possessed in order to create their own society. Which was fighting and procreation. They've combined those two to form a tradition that has everyone waiting in excitement. It's the only joy in their lives.

I've seen how everyone's eyes lit up in anticipation as they watched the men fight. It was their only entertainment.

"So with their leader gone, are these sirens looking for revenge?" I asked.

Zander nodded. "You'd think they would have gotten over it after a thousand years. But they're still as angry as ever. They lure men, women, and even children. Only to kill them and leave them for the rest of us to find."

I saw Zander bunch his hands into fists as he tried to control his anger. In my moment of sympathy, I grabbed his hands. I rubbed my thumbs back and forth in a soothing manner to calm him.

"So these sirens are the problem. Why hasn't anyone figured out a way to stop them?"

Zander stared at my hands holding his. His light chocolate skin tone was a contrast to my light colored skin.

"The dragon master has only set rules. Don't go into the forest alone. Or don't go at all. And only travel over the forest in our dragon forms. We haven't had any deaths since Kaene's father took over. So no one cares."

"But everyone is still afraid." I slowly removed my hands and took a step back. "But it isn't the sirens that has everyone cowering. It's the fact that they're killing dragons one by one. That's why the mating ceremony is important. It's so your species doesn't become endangered. These sirens, for generations, have been diminishing your population."

It all made sense as to why there aren't many children, women, and even men. Now I understand why they care so much about increasing their population.

But the way they're doing it is all wrong. Instead of ending this threat, they're causing more deaths. Having this mentality where only the strongest are fit to procreate is stupid.

A hand on my face snapped me back to reality. When did Zander come close?

"I hope, me being honest with you helps lessen those regrets that you have."

I stepped away from him. It was uncomfortable having someone as handsome as him so close to me.

"How do you know?" I asked.

Zander dropped his hand back to his side. "It's written all over your face. You regret choosing to have stayed. Especially now, knowing that there's a threat somewhere in that forest."

"You're right. I hate the choices I've made. But I also felt like I didn't have any to begin with. Everyone here only cares about getting a mate and having children. As well as showing off their strength in these meaningless fights to the death.

What I regret the most is finding myself in a place like this. If only I hadn't been sucked up in that dimensional hole."

I knew what I said was a slap to his face. He had become expressionless. A clear sign that I have hurt his feelings. However, I was being defensive because of how easily he figured me out.

I didn't like how Zander can tell what bothered me. Or knew what I was thinking. He exposed me, in a way that I wasn't prepared for.

He needed to leave and right away before I break down again.

I turned and opened the door. I crossed my arms tightly, hoping that I can hold in my emotional turmoil.

"Thanks for telling me the truth, but it just made me feel worse. It solidified my feelings of regret."

He took the hint and began walking out. But not before stopping in front of me and saying, "Instead of dwelling in your feelings of regret, you should start living your new life without them."

I quietly shut the door behind him and leaned against it. I won't be getting any sleep tonight.

Everything that happened inside this room will be on repeat inside my head. Especially my feelings of guilt.

I was too quick to get defensive. So much that I even went far as offending Zander. Who had come in and been honest with me. Something that no one else had done.

Libelle probably didn't want me knowing everything because it would have driven me away.

I wonder if it's too late to open this door and apologize to Zander.

*** *** *** *** *** ***


Posted: 9/29/19

Kaida ruined a cute moment. Smh.

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