A Happy Surprise

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Hi guys! This is my first collection of one-shots. I've just really been missing OUAT and wanted to keep some magic alive. This one is based off of an interview with Colin and Jen, where they talked about Emma and Killian's nursery. I hope you enjoy :)

"EMMA!" was the sound I was greeted with as I opened my eyes. It was Killian. Of course my husband happened to be as loud as ever at... I looked over at the clock on the nightstand... well 6 o'clock in the morning. I slowly pulled myself out of the warm bed to hear that sound again. "EMMA!" I finally decided to respond the the madman.
"Killian I'm coming. Believe it or not I'm fat, pregnant, and my feet hurt." I grumbled, but Killian still heard me. He was not supposed to.
"Aye, love. You are and I am completely, entirely in love with you for it." I smiled to myself.
"Where are you hook?" I called out to the semi distant voice.
He laughed at my utter confusion and responded simply, "I'm in the babes room." It took me awhile, but eventually I waddled all the way there. When I arrived, I discovered a completely different room from the cluttered mess I had left. It had an aura of the sea, a leather chair in the corner, with a crab mobile, and a giant plushie octopus. My heart couldn't take this, tears came to my eyes and I eventually muttered out, "Killian.. when..."
he responded before I could finish, "I gathered Dave, your mom, Belle, Regina, Henry, anyone who could help and together we fixed it up. For our son. My little Liam." The fact that this man, my husband, would do this for our baby made me melt inside. His demeanor changed from the happy smile to a serious focus. He whispered, "Emma. I promise I will keep our son safe. I know we are always threatened. There is always someone or something trying to attack, but you are the light of my life Emma Swan." He paused, "and now our little Liam is too." I smile back at him in wonder that this man. That the thieving pirate became what he is now.
"But you know, it's Emma Jones now." I laughed. My Killian and our Liam, it all felt like a beautiful dream. A dream of which I would never wake up.

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