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This one-shot is slightly based off of Emma and Killian's conversation they have about her heart in the second half of season four. However, this takes place between season six and seven. :)

Killian's POV:
*Beep Beep Beep*
My alarm pulled me out of my deep slumber and I quickly reached over for my wife, so we could head to the station and begin our day. But instead my arm hit my wife's pillow to find no Emma. This was strange, my Swan never got up until she was forced. Quickly I rose from our bed to find my wife. After changing, I headed downstairs looking for any sign of her.
"Emma?" I called out throughout the house. Underlying panic quickly arose within me. Using my talking phone, I dialed Emma's number only to receive voicemail. My knees became weaker. Why would Emma leave without any warning at all?
No no no she wouldn't do that. Perhaps she just let me sleep longer and grabbed breakfast or headed to the station. Pulling out my phone once again, I decided to call Dave and Snow to see if they had any knowledge on my wife's whereabouts.
"Dave? Are you at the station?" I inquired from my father in law.
"Yes, Killian. What's up?" He replied. I was quickly becoming more impatient longing to hear from Emma once again.
"Is Emma with you? She wasn't at home when I woke up this morning. The only thing I can think of is that she would have headed to work early." I asked him and scratched behind my ear, which Emma always said to be my nervous tick.
"No Killian, Emma isn't here, but don't worry I'll check in with Snow and Regina." He responded. This was not like Emma, at least not like the woman Emma had become. This might have been something Emma would have done in the past, but not after everything that had changed. Leaving unexpectedly without warning was a tendency Swan had abandoned long ago.
"I'm starting to worry, Dave. She doesn't leave like this. Not mysteriously like this, what if something is wrong?" My voice began to quiver over the phone despite my better attempts to hide my anxiety.
"Killian listen to me. I know Emma, she probably forgot to leave a note and went to get breakfast or something. I'll check in with people around town, surely someone has seen her. While I'm doing that you should check Granny's or the Jolly Roger." This of course did little to calm me down, but I appreciated David's efforts and suggestions so I nodded to myself and thanked him. After ending our conversation, I thought it would be best to go to the docks. It would do me good to clear my head, and the sea always provided a sense of calm. However, the walk there did little to ease my nerves. Despite my best intentions, my Swan was still deeply on my mind and as if by magic, there she sat on a bench facing the horizon.
"Emma?" I called barely above a whisper, and yet she still turned and gazed into my eyes, but quickly looked away. She appeared to be tired and anxious. I could always tell when she was vexed or afraid and today she was. I walked over to her and sat on the bench taking her hand.
"Killian?" She looked over at me, her eyes were red and puffy, which I did not notice a few moments ago. I watched her twirl her wedding band around her finger, which had become a major sign that Emma was nervous.
I nodded in an attempt to encourage her to continue talking.
"Do you remember when Gold tried to turn me dark and my parents had lied to me about their past with Maleficent?" She asked, it was curious to me that she would reflect upon this time in our history, considering how much she despised it all.
"Aye, love" I tried to keep my responses on the shorter side, knowing that she needed me to listen not speak.
"You brought me here, because you sensed my heart was uneasy and thought the horizon could soothe me." She paused for a moment. "Well this morning my heart became uneasy again and I thought that coming here would help." Her eyes began to swell up with tears. "I'm sorry I left, I didn't want to wake you and I did not know what to do." Seeing her this way broke my heart, seeing Emma cry was a rare sight and after all these years it was still the worse thing I could see. Despite all of the loss the two of us endured together, I would never be used to my love face such pain.
"Hey, hey Emma come here." I pulled her close to my chest and kissed her head. I needed her to know that she could tell me anything. "You know you can tell me anything or wake me up whenever something alarms you?" I could feel her nod in agreement against my chest. She sniffled and sat up, away from my arms and looked me in the eye.
"This morning I got some news, and it wasn't something I expected to hear. Do you remember when I went to see Whale last week because of my ongoing migraines?" I nodded and she continued, "This morning he called with the results of my tests and suggested a possible reason for my headaches. At first I thought he was crazy, but he turned out to be right." She took a breath and pulled something out of her jacket pocket. Emma then took my hand into hers and placed the small stick into my hand.
I stared at the contraption for a few moments until it hit me what this object was, and what it meant.
"Emma, is this a pregnancy test?" My hands were shaking as I held the stick in my hands desperate for an answer. She nodded her head and said, "A positive pregnancy test." I remained silent for a few moments, processing the piece of information the beautiful blonde had just given me.
"Oh god, are you mad Killian? I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I wanted to it's just the last time I received the same piece of news I was all by myself and I didn't know what I was feeling. We've never talked about a family before and our lives were just getting put together. We are finally in a good place and a sort of rhythm. After all the difficultly we have faced together we were finally getting quiet moments and I thought a baby could ruin all that." She held her face in her hands. I pulled her toward me and smiled. Once she noticed this, I finally saw that satisfying smile that I had been longing to see. My heart soared, first I won my Swan's heart and now she was giving me the one thing I'd never thought I'd get: a home and a family.
"Emma, I'm thrilled, but I am sorry you thought you had to hide or that you couldn't tell me." I kissed her forehead feeling instant relief that she was not pulling away from me again.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Killian. I really wanted to, it's just I'm always forgetting that you've already brought down my walls and taken down my armor. I forget that I don't have to hide with you." She squeezed my hand as if to signal that she was glad I was with her. "Killian, you know I'm really excited to start our family. I think you're gonna be a great dad." Then the fact of the matter really hit me, I was having a baby with Emma Swan.
"I'm gonna be a dad." I whispered and smiled back at her. I kissed her and thanked her for being my partner, wife, and best friend. And so we sat by the horizon thinking about our future excited for what our lives would look like.

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