Tale of Two Dark Ones

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This one is based off of [5x11] when they're trying to stop Dark Hook from enacting his plan to take everyone to the underworld. Hope you like it :) (sorry in advance)

How could I have done this? How could I have done this to her? To my Swan, the woman who I loved more than anything else in the world and yet I still ruined our relationship. I have to fix this. Regina was right, this is not the man I want to be.
I heard Nimue's cold voice boom throughout the field, "I may not be able to kill you, but I can stop you from interfering" as she began to choke Emma. I couldn't take this, I couldn't bare to see Emma Swan, so fragile. In desperation, I called out to Nimue, "That's enough."
She looked straight into my eyes and asked, "What do you think you're doing?" I was thinking of what Regina told me the night I killed my father, and with all the strength I could muster I said, "Being the man I want to be."
She looked terrified and warned, "You can't stop us." This did not affect me, all I cared about was Emma being safe from the destruction I had caused. I was almost yelling  now, "Yes. I can!" And just like that I lifted Excalibur toward by chest and just as quick as it came the darkness began to return to the cursed vessel of which it was created. One by one, the dark ones began to disappear and the sword was shaking in my hands. But I did not care. There was only Emma, who was crying now. "Killian you can't do this." She cried out almost begging.
"We both know there is no other way, love." And it was true, we both knew what was coming. I continued, "We have to hurry, we both know the darkness won't stay trapped in Excalibur for long. Take it" I was pleading with her now.
"No!" She yelled at me, but I ignored her.
"Take it! You have to help me Swan. Take it." I stared into her beautiful eyes, but she could barely meet mine.
"It should be me." This seemed to be the only thing she could say.
"Your family needs you. If anyone deserves to go to the Underworld it's me." I responded to her, desperately trying to make her see that I should be the one to die. "You're right. I was weak, so let me make up for it now by being strong. Let me die a hero, that's the man I want you to remember. Please. Take it." The tears began to fall down my face. I didn't want to leave her. Not again. Hesitantly, it was Emma who took the sword this time. It shook in her hands the way it shook in mine. I looked straight at her and said, "It's okay." I wanted her to be okay after I left her. I needed for her to know that I was sorry. She came closer to me and said, "I love you." The kiss was soft and gentle and I tried not to think about it being my last one. When we broke apart I told her I loved her too. More than she could possibly know. I shut my eyes awaiting for my death. But nothing came. Instead I heard the sword go straight through her.
"NOO! EMMA!" I yelled and ran straight for her to catch her. She had returned to the  blonde-haired woman I had remembered with her red leather jacket on.
"How did you...? Why did that work?" But it was too late to ask her questions. My love, my Swan was gone. She had been killed by a dark one, just like Milah. Except this time it wasn't the crocodile. It was me. I couldn't bare to face her family. This was all my fault. I looked at Snow and David alongside Regina, Robin, and Henry.
"I'm getting her back. I have to get her back. There must be away." I looked at Regina for an answer. She began to speak.
"This is a long shot, but it may work. It worked for Snow and Charming, so it may work for you. But I'm warning you now it will only work if you and Emma share true love."
I replied, "Whatever the price, I will pay it." Regina came over to me and Emma and ripped my heart from my chest.
"What..." I started, but she interrupted.
"Trust me guyliner." She broke the heart into two. She placed one back inside me and the other she put into Emma. My love did not awake.
"Nothing's happening, I'm not dead, but she's not alive." I cried out in frustration.
"You have to kiss her Hook." Regina smiled at me. I gazed upon my Swan, the love of my life. What if she wasn't my true love and I lost her forever? But I knew I had to try. I placed my lips unto hers. When it was over, Emma had taken a deep breath and her eyes opened.
"Killian. You found me." She smiled. I could do nothing but hold her. I wanted nothing other than keeping her safe. The darkness was out of both of us, and now our future was able to begin.
"Let's go home." Emma smiled and took my hand into hers.

I'm so sorry for this cheesy ending, but I didn't want to bring Hades into this.
*this one shot was based heavily on an episode of OUAT, so the dialogue is a lot similar, but I do not own these characters or these lines.

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