Battling Our Demons

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This story is based off of an idea I saw on Pinterest and it takes place at the beginning of season 6 where Emma has been seeing visions and she and Killian just moved in. Enjoy ! :)

The night was quiet and still, yet I found myself quickly walking down Main Street ready fo face another villain. Beside me stood Killian and my dad. And there it stood, that hooded figure. Sword in hand, ready for a fight. Ready to kill me, I knew I had to fight with everything. I lifted my sword and we began to duel. I was winning, until it started. The sword began to shake in my hands, as I stood there trembling. I couldn't control it, my magic was going away. I could feel it leave. The figure under the hood cackled and plunged the sword straight through my chest. I saw the ruby on the handle glisten under the moonlight, and my only thoughts were of Killian.
"NOOOO!" I woke up in a panic, gasping for air and I began to break out in sweat. "No, no, no. Not again." Alarmed, Killian sat up and reached for my hand.
"Swan, are you alright?" He asked gazing deeply into my eyes. Remembering my sessions with Archie, I knew I had to tell him the truth. I relaxed a little as looked into his deep blue eyes.
"I saw my death again, everything was the same. That same hooded figure, my hands started shaking and then it killed me." I told him. I started to cry. I couldn't help it, I'm so exhausted and scared.
"Hey, Emma." This time he grabbed my hand and pulled me in toward his chest. "It's going to be alright. Nobody gets to decide your fate, but you, Swan. And I promise you, I won't let any harm come to you, sweetheart." I pulled away from him. I know he was trying to calm me down and make me feel better, but I can't help but feel guilty. Here he is giving up everything for me, he changed to be with me, and I can't even give him a life?
"How are you able to do this, Killian? How are you able to sit there and tell me how much you love me and how you can keep me safe? You should hate me, I can't even give you a future. Even after I turned you into a dark one and went to the underworld to save you. Let alone you dying for me three times I can't even manage to stay alive." I started to cry harder. I love Killian more than anyone or anything, I couldn't help but be vulnerable around him.
"I can't do this to you Killian! I can't ruin your future!" I didn't mean to yell at him, I was just getting so frustrated and becoming more frightened.
"Come here." He pulled me even closer than before and I laid on his chest. He smelled like sea salt and rum. He smelled like my home. God, I was going to miss this smell. "Emma, even if your days are numbered, I promise I'm going to spend every moment you have fighting for us. I've always believed in you and now I'm going to fight for that white-picket-fenced life because I want it. I've told you Swan, I'm a survivor and now I'm going to keep you alive. Your parents always find each other right?" I nodded. "Well we always find and protect each other." He kissed my forehead and smiled at me. Despite everything, he managed to be the one person that could make all the darkness go away. Killian was right, we would fight my fate together.
"And you realize, Swan, the only reason I have a future worth fighting for is because you gave it to me. You gave me my family, Emma. You gave me a chance to love and protect you, so all this talk about you ruining my life is completely crazy. You saved my life. In every way." He smiled at me and gently stroked my hair.
"I love you, Killian Jones. So much." I held onto him tight not willing to let go.
"I love you, Emma Swan. I'm never going to leave you. Ever." He kissed my forehead and rubbed my shoulder back and forth until I went to sleep.

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