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Hi guys! I wrote this one in honor of the Halloween season because it's always been one of my favorite times of year. I hope you enjoy!

"These bloody decorations!" I heard my husband cry out from the other side of the room.
"Killian what happened now?" I questioned. I did not need another hook trapped in a pumpkin incident.
"This stupid skeleton will not lay right. Remind me again what this holiday does again, Swan." I could tell he was clearly frustrated, so I patiently went over this again.
"Killian, this holiday is for kids, so they can dress up and get candy. It was one of the few events I enjoyed as a kid and I want our children to experience it." It was true, Halloween was one of the few holidays I tolerated as a kid. Several other holidays reminded me of how alone I was, but on Halloween I could be whatever I wanted.
He sighed and eventually said, "Alright. If it will make Hope, Liam, and Lily happy." I smiled at him. I knew that despite how frustrated he was with a paper skeleton, he was happy to do it.
"Don't worry, it'll be over before you know it." I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Eventually we finished decorating the house and getting the candy ready for the trick-or-treaters, another concept my husband failed to understand.
"Killian, do you want to watch a movie before we pick the kids up from school?" I could tell that he desperately needed to relax after the stress of decorating.
"Of course, Swan. You know I love watching Netflix with you." He smiled and continued, "I'll get the popcorn and the coco." He knew me so well. After 10 years of marriage, we really had the hang of this. On the couch, I snuggled up against his chest and slept before we had to pick up the twins.
"Swan... you've got to get up love. We have to pick up the kids." He whispered gently into my ear. I groaned but eventually complied. Getting up, I grabbed the keys and tossed them to him.
"You drive." We exited our house and entered my yellow bug. Even though it was now small for our 5 person family, I couldn't bare to part with it. Eventually we made it to the school and saw the twins run toward the car. I stepped out and greeted them with a hug.
"How was your day kiddos?" I smiled and kissed them both on the forehead. My son just frowned. My daughter, however happily answered my question.
"It was great, mamma. We went outside and watched our caterpillars turn into butterflies, and I answered a question right in class!" She beamed up at me and I just laughed.
"Well that's great, Lily!" I then noticed my son's sad demeanor. "Hey Lily, why don't you join your daddy in the car." She nodded and Killian helped her into her car seat. She was five after all. "What's wrong Liam?" I asked my little boy.
"Today was bad momma. I'm never gonna be as smart as Lily, and I can't make as many friends as she does." My heart broke for my little boy, I hated when my kids had bad days. I kissed his cheek and brought him in for a hug.
"It's gonna be okay baby. You already have lots of friends and you'll make more. And your teachers are saying you're getting better everyday. You don't have to compare yourself to your sister Liam." I smiled at him. I wanted him to know that no matter what, I'd be there for him. "Besides, we have a surprise for you at home." I smiled, took his hand and helped him into the car seat. The drive home consisted of lots of giggles and a lot of explanations to Killian of the concept of carving pumpkins, which was our surprise for the two. I couldn't believe that this life was mine. Soon I'd be picking my eight year old up from school and she'd be joining us for carving. How was it that my babies weren't infants anymore? I smiled to myself thinking of how far Killian and I have come. We were happily married and parents of three beautiful children.

Captain Swan 🥰Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu