Queen Anne's Revenge

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First off I'd love to thank TeriMorgenstern for the wonderful suggestion for this oneshot! After reading the idea, I was immediately interested and I hope I was able to do it justice. Also, for clarity purposes, Snow, Charming, and Henry do not exist. Because of this, Regina will not be in the story either. It also takes place in the Enchanted Forrest rather than Storybrooke. I hope you like it !!

AU- This time, Emma Swan is the bold, daring pirate, while Killian Jones is the beloved prince of the Enchanted Forrest. This story goes into their meeting and love story.

Emma's POV:
"Captain? Captain Swan? Are you down here?" God what did I have to do to get some privacy on my own ship. Even down in the captain's quarters I didn't seem to be safe.
"What, Smee?" I snapped back, wasn't it obvious to him that I was planning our next attack?
"I'm sorry to bother you, but you have a visitor, Captain. He insists on speaking with you." Good god, Smee knew the rules. I took a swig of my rum, "Smee, you know my rules, I don't see 'visitors'." I laughed at the very thought that I bend to any man who demanded to see me. If I thought that way I wouldn't be where I am.
"Captain, you have to see him." Smee insisted once again. It was clear that he was distressed, but then again when wasn't he?
"Fine." I muttered, folded my map, and stomped up to the deck of my Jolly Roger. The only sort of home I had ever truly known.
"Blackbeard." I sighed, frustrated that he had once again come to visit me. Most likely with some ridiculous plan to steal from royalty.
"Captain Swan! Just the pirate I was looking for!" He cheered at me. He was drunk, again. He smelled of whiskey, with clear bags under his eyes.
"What do you want?" Quite honestly I was getting frustrated with this whole charade. I had risked everything to be alive, to be some sort of success and here he was threatening all of it.
"I'm going to make you a deal... Emma." He took a swig from his flask once more and continued. "I need your help, after all you are the best in our trade and I'm trying to steal from the very top." Pathetic, here he was smelling of alcohol and tobacco begging for my help. It was absurd.
"I've told you, Blackbeard. I don't wish for a death sentence, I will not help you break into the castle. The whole thing is ridiculous." I snapped at him, now just trying to get him off my bloody ship.
"This time." He took another swig of his drink, "I'm not trying to sneak in the castle. I'm not after jewels. I'm going for the prince." He cackled with delight. Was he trying to get killed? No way would he succeed in capturing the darling of the Enchanted Forrest.
"Prince Jones? You're going after the prince?" I raised my eyebrows, to be quite honest the whole thing was quite intriguing. Capturing the prince. He nodded and laughed once more, it was clear he believed he would succeed.
"You realize, that would send every single person in the kingdom against you. You would be hunted down by the King and Queen. All the naval ships would be after you." I paused for a moment, realizing something. "How would you even capture the prince without breaking into the castle?" He simply laughed with delight.
"You don't get that information, until you agree, Captain Swan." His lips curled into a grin.
"Fine, I'm in." I had to admit, I needed that ransom money to get out of here once and for all. I had to leave the Enchanted Forrest.

Killian's POV:
"Prince Jones? Prince Jones? Can you please focus here?" My royal advisory board snapped at me, it was clear my mind was somewhere else today.
"Killian, we have to plan your trip." My mother looked at me, with pleading eyes trying to get me to simply plan my future.
Really I found the whole plan to be quite simple, I was traveling across the kingdom to get betrothed to my future queen. My father had made it perfectly clear that I would not rule without the proper companion by my side. Honestly, I found the whole idea to be unnecessary, I always wanted to marry for love. I did not want to spend my entire life with someone who I didn't feel any connection with.
"It's quite simple, son. We have to book your travel plans, so you can meet with King Midas in order to earn his daughter's hand. You cannot blow this, Killian. It is crucial that we become allies with Midas' kingdom, they could help us in wartime." My father gave me a look, which made me fully realize I had no choice. I slouched on my throne watching my life get planned out for me.

Emma's POV:
"Wonderful, Swan! I'm glad you've come to your senses." He waved his hands in the air like a mad man.
"Come, let's have a drink in my quarters. There is much we have to discuss." I motioned him toward my study and pulled the bottle of rum from behind my desk. Quickly, I grabbed two glasses and my map ready to discuss our plans.
"So tell me, what is your wonderful plan to capture the prince?" I asked in a snarky tone, which I hoped he picked up on.
"Relax, Swan. I've done my homework. The prince is taking a little trip to Phrygia, Midas' kingdom, to make plans with his future bride. We are going to intercept the royal ship the prince will be on, just as they leave port from the Enchanted Forrest. It will be simple, you and your crew will be on the Jolly Roger attacking the ship from the left side. I will be on the Queen Anne's Revenge, attacking from the right. Once we get close enough and the ship begins to sink, you and I will land on deck and grab the prince." He took a drink from his glass.
"How will we split the ransom?" He smirked.
"Of course you're in it for the money, Swan. Easy, I'll take the prince to my ship and write the ransom letter. Since your identity will remain a mystery to all on the ship, nobody will be looking for you. You can return to your port in the Enchanted Forrest, and I'll send you half the ransom." Sure his plan seemed good enough, but I still wanted to be cautious after all. This was Blackbeard, he was a shifty, cruel pirate, but I suppose I'm the same way.
"How much are you demanding?" Now I took a drink from my glass, but didn't break eye contact with him.
"50,000 pounds." He looked at me, trying to figure out my prerogative. 25,000 pounds was plenty to get out of Misthaven once and for all. I could finally start fresh. Now, I only had one question.
"When do we leave?" This made Blackbeard cackle with delight as he responded, "Now."

Killian's POV:
Now I only had one question:
"When do we leave?" Unfortunately this left the entire board silent. Only my father piped up. "Now." I looked over to my mother who wiped a few tears off her face.
"All your things have been packed and are on the ship, you'll be escorted by your advisor and the journey will take a little over a month." My mother gave a sad smile and the entire group of people ushered me out of the room to begin my journey. I could only nod, in response I guess this was my life now.
Once we reached the docks, I boarded onto the ship giving my mother and father a quick goodbye. My advisor led me to my quarters and said, "You should be comfortable here your highness. There is a schedule on the desk for meal times, but you are free to roam the deck as often as you like." He quickly left me to my thoughts and I began my first entry in my journal. I began to write about my anxieties about this whole trip and my upcoming marriage. The whole thing just seemed off.
Suddenly, the whole ship began to shake and I could hear loud crashes outside my quarters.
"We're under attack! Pirates!" These faint screams was all I could hear from by bedroom. Instinct began to take over, I needed to get off this boat. I came up on deck to find blood. Several of the crew members were wounded or dead. And there stood a man, grinning wildly at me, as if he took pleasure in the pain of others. He held a sword tightly in his hands, making his way toward me.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness. You are coming with me." He came even closer and started to yank my wrists toward the edge of the boat. And I then I heard her, a woman crying out to the man.
"This wasn't the deal, Blackbeard! You can't just leave me here!" She was screaming out him, she sounded outraged. She had been overcome by crew-members. Blackbeard, I knew that name. He was a pirate, wanted for manslaughter, thievery, and robbery in seven kingdoms. My parents had been trying to capture him for centuries.
"Oh and, see you in hell, Captain Swan." The man smirked at her and continued to drag me toward the edge of the boat. My knees were becoming sore, my wrists bloody, but I couldn't just surrender to him.
"I don't think so!" Another sword flew from across the deck, straight into Blackbeard's leg. Then I saw the blonde woman over come the men around her and make her way toward me and the man beside me. She ripped her sword from his leg, while he cried out in pain.
"You may be right, Blackbeard. I might see you in hell, but it looks like you'll get there first." She smirked at him and adjusted the hat on her head.
"Your highness." She looked at me with her emerald green eyes and offered me her hand. I didn't want to go with her, she was a pirate after all, but what other option did I have? Together we swung off the deck and landed upon another ship, which I assumed was hers.
She quickly dusted herself off, and said, "Welcome to the Jolly Roger!"

I had so much fun writing this and I'm hoping to continue it into another part. I figured since there was so much that happened in this chapter, I thought it would be a good idea to save the Emma-Killian moments for the next part. I hope you all enjoyed this and want more parts! Thanks again for all your supports and suggestions! I'm looking forward to more feedback and commentary ! 💓
(Side note: Queen Anne's Revenge is the actual name of Blackbeard's ship, while writing this chapter I decided to read about Blackbeard and his history!)

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