Final Battle

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Hello guys! I know it's been a while since I've updated, I've had a bit of writers block and have been struggling to keep up with my exams! Recently I had this idea, since what happened in the show always frustrated me. This story takes place during the end of season six, and is basically what I thought should have happened during the final battle. Happy reading!

Killian's POV:
Today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, today was the day I married my Emma. After everything we had endured together, darkness, death, and separation; I had lost her again. The Final Battle had begun and the worst part was Emma couldn't remember. She doesn't remember the battle or me and to make matters worse, we were running out of time. I couldn't stand here anymore and listen to speculation and possible solutions. I have a hunch and to hell with anyone who wouldn't let me follow it. I have to get to my wife. Now.
I left the chamber of realms and made my way to the Enchanted Forrest. If I could find a beanstalk, then there was a good chance I could get my hands on a bean and find Emma. After a few miles of walking I found what I was searching for. My god it was much taller and thinner than I remember. It was hard to believe that a few years ago I was climbing this thing for the first time with Emma, the woman who at the time despised me.
"Bloody Hell." I looked toward the sky and marveled at the height of the bean stock. "It's taller than I remembered." I muttered to myself and heard quick footsteps behind me.
"Hey!" I turn around to find my father-in-law, who's giving me a puzzled look. "Next time you sneak off on a secret mission, you might want to make sure there are no Munchkins around. They're easily bought." He sighed.
"Honestly, stealth wasn't a priority, speed was." God didn't anybody understand that I had to get to Emma?
"So this is your theory on how to get home huh?" He scratched his head. "Hoping there's a magic bean up there?" He too looked up at the beanstalk and seemed to consider my plan.
"There's only one way to find out." I began to make my way to the stalk; this was my one chance to find Emma, and I would do everything in my power to get to her again. I heard him sigh behind me as he followed me.
"Hook! That beanstalk is over 1,000 feet high! You really think you can climb that alone?" At this point he was just slowing me down, I was getting frustrated and annoyed with him.
"I think I want to get back to my wife!" He snapped back, "But making her a widow is not what I call a good plan. You're gonna get yourself killed!" Perhaps he was right, but I have to take this risk.
"I'll have you know, I've scaled this before."
"Really, when?" He questioned again. Really? I did admire and love Dave, but this was too typical of him to doubt me. I looked at him now.
"With Emma. It was our first adventure together, though my motives were less than chivalrous back then." He was nodding his head and continued, "Yeah I seem to recall you trying to kill her and Snow."
"Granted, it was hardly love at first sight. But... things changed." I shifted slightly. "We changed."
He interrupted me, "I know, but..." It was at this moment that I knew he wouldn't stop questioning me until I could prove we had to get to Emma now.
"Look we made each other better! Alright? Emma and I were never a predestined love story, guaranteed a happy ending. We fought for our love. And won." I paused, "And you, you of all people should understand that." Finally, it had hit me. All the fear and pain started to rise within me as I realized I could lose her again. What was my life without Emma? "But now, you looked into that mirror. She doesn't even remember who I am. So yes, I am gonna climb this beanstalk, and I'm gonna find that bean. Because I'm not gonna lose everything I have just because a bitter fairy cast another bloody curse. Our story began on this beanstalk and I'll be damned if it ends there too." He looked at me, and for once I think I resonated with him. I think he was finally seeing how much I loved his daughter.
"Alright, you're scared of losing Emma. I get that. Just.." He sighed again. "Take a deep breath. Alright, calm down. Let's go get that bean together." I did what he said and looked at him one more time. I'm ready. We're gonna find that bean and then I'll find Emma. After our long, painful trek up the beanstalk we made it. On the way, he had told me of his time in the Enchanted Forrest, fighting for Snow the way I was fighting for Emma. And I realized that we could do this, because the two of us would do anything for our family.
David spoke up, "Well it appears we've got some ground to cover." I sighed and looked around. I can't lose hope.
"It's got to be around her somewhere." The two of us made our way toward a massive table in the middle of the room.
"Maybe it's up there." I looked at him and said "Well that shouldn't be too difficult" in the most sarcastic tone I could muster. I continued, "Apart from the fact that that's way up there and we're way down here." Apparently it was Dave's turn to joke.
"Oh come on, you just climbed a beanstalk. What's some oversized furniture?" He smirked at me.
"It's not the furniture I'm worried about, it's its oversized owners." I bit my lip. David looked behind me.
"I thought the giants were gone." Well judging by the warm food on the table this wasn't the case.
"Well it appears some have stayed. Let's not dawdle." Once we came to the table we both looked at each other. Bloody hell, how would we get up there.
"Oh, what are we doing? You only have one hand you can't pull yourself up there." He scratched his chin and then placed his hand on the leg of the table. I stopped him from climbing with my good hand.
"I'm a pirate. You don't think I've swung from masts before? I'm doing this. She's your daughter but she's my wife. No arguments, it has to be me." Much to my surprise, he nodded in agreement.
"Okay, you're right." I raised my eyebrow and questioned him.
"I am?" He responded with simple 'yeah'.
"So you're gonna trust all our fates to a pirate?" I stared at him and he responded with, "No, I'm gonna trust my son." At this I raised my eyebrow once again and he continued, "...In Law." Quite the distinction.
"Thank you." After he gave me a boost, I reached the top of the table looking for a bean.
I heard my father-in-law call out to me.
"Is everything alright up there?"
I cried out in frustration, "This place is a bloody obstacle course!" I pushed my way past a few berries and found a wine cork. I sniffed it and said to myself, "Mhm. Merlot." And there they were in a glass case, three magic beans.
"Do you need help?" David asked, it was clear by his tone that he was also frustrated.
"No, I'm fine. I think I just might have found something!" Using a knife from the table, I smashed the glass of the beans and grabbed one. I admired the bean for a moment, this was my ticket back to Emma. And then the whole castle began to shake.
"Bloody hell! I think I just woke up the giants!"
I jumped off the table and Dave and I started to run, until we saw the fire.
"Hook. I think this is more than giants."
"Don't tell me you're afraid of a little fire." If I weren't thinking of Emma, I might've laughed.
"That's not fire!" He shouted.
"Lovely, Run!" I yelled at him and the two of us sprinted toward the exit. While trying to climb down the beanstalk, the whole world seemed to shake. Something was happening. Something with Emma. She was losing her belief. The stalk began to fall and David yelled at me.
"Let go! Use the bean and get to Emma! She needs you, Killian! We all need you!" I looked at him.
"What about you?!" He smiled sadly.
"You get to Emma, I'll get to Snow." He gave me a reassuring nod and I threw the bean and jumped off the beanstalk.
As I fell through the portal, I was thinking only of Emma and where she might me.
"Take me to Emma." I whispered, longing to see her again. I landed in Storybrooke on main street and spotted her yellow contraption across the street. And then I saw her, she was crying and gripping her car keys. She was also shutting her trunk, which was fully packed. Something had happened. I ran toward her, but didn't call out as I didn't want to frighten her. If she was anything like the woman who I tried to convince in New York this wouldn't me easy. Then she saw me.
"You." Her eyes went wide and she held her keys even tighter in her hands.
"Emma?" I reached out to her but she flinched away from me.
"You're the man from the book. That book I burned, which Henry tried to make me believe." Damn, this was way worse than I thought. I looked away from her and to my surprise she continued. "You're the man I saw, when Henry told me I got married." This made my heart break. The few memories she does have makes her think she's crazy.
"Yes, Emma. It's me. It's Killian, your husband. Your pirate." I smiled. She began to shake her head.
"No this is crazy, this is exactly why I need to go home, back to Boston. Fiona's right. I am crazy! I'm a danger to my son, I even made you up!" She started to shake. "You're not real!" This was too much, after all the possible situations I thought up, this was by far worse than I could have imagined. I stepped toward her and pulled her into a hug.
"I'm real, Emma. Our love is real, everything Henry has told you is true. You know this isn't right. Trust your gut, Swan. It will tell you what to do." I stared at her hoping that some of my words could have an effect on her.
"I've heard that before. I've seen your eyes before." I couldn't take this anymore, I knew she could remember me. I could feel it, my Emma was in there. The she noticed my wedding ring. She grabbed my hand and stared at my wedding band.
"You are married." She looked up at me, clearly still confused.
"Yes, Swan. I married you." I smiled at her.
"This might sound crazy, but somehow I can sense that you and I might be close." I chuckled to myself.
"Very." I couldn't wait any longer, the only reason a kiss didn't work last time, was because she wasn't in love with me yet. Now we know, we know we share true love and I know that if anyone can bring Emma back it's me. I leaned in and kissed her with as much passion and love as I could give her. I longed to see her again, the real Emma. I needed her to remember me and our life, I needed her to remember why she had to fight this final battle.
"Killian?" She held my face in her hands.
I smirked, "Missed me?" She just smiled.
"Very much." I pulled her in for a hug and held her close. God I missed her.
She laughed. "Some honeymoon, huh?" She then placed several kisses on my cheek.
"We'll get there, we'll get there." She gave me a big smile and a simple okay. But to my surprise, her face went blank.
"I'm scared, Killian." She sighed. "How can I win this fight?"
"You can do this, Emma. First we'll take down the black fairy and then all that's left is Gideon. I'm with you now, we're gonna do this together." I squeezed her hand. "That's how we'll do everything, together." She stared back at me, and I could tell she was ready. Together, we would be ready for everything.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one! I'm so sorry if it was too long! The dialogue between David and Killian took up a majority of the story, but I always wondered what was happening in Killian's head during this episode. I also personally think it should have been him to go after Emma, so I really wanted to explore that. Thank you all! 🥺

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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