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This chapter takes place between the time of season six and seven. Emma and Killian are married and this oneshot explores what would happen if Killian got into an accident. Hope you enjoy!

Emma's POV:
*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*
Oh god. I had finally gotten to sleep, who could possibly be calling at this time of the night. It could've been Killian, he might have been calling to tell me that he had made it to Liam's okay. No that didn't make sense, he would've done that hours ago. Panic started to rise within me, Killian never called. Killian always calls. I must have fallen asleep and forgot to check in with him. Now, I picked up the phone to hear Dr. Whale on the other end.
"Is this Emma Swan-Jones?" I only became more worried for what he could possibly tell me.
"Yes, Whale this is she." I started to chew on my fingernail. Killian couldn't be hurt.
"Emma, you need to get down here. It's your husband." My heart sank. No this wasn't supposed to happen, not to Killian. He was always careful, always. He swore to me that he would make it home.
"I'll be right there." I jumped out of bed and threw on my shoes. Grabbing my jacket and keys, I didn't even bother to change, and went to tell Henry.
"Henry!" My mind was in a million places at once, I was so jittery. "Henry!" I ran into my sons room, he didn't need to come, he just needed to know that I was going.
"Mom?" He rose up and rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing up?" He yawned a little bit more, I didn't want to wake him up.
"It's Killian, kid! I've got to get to the hospital now." An expression of panic was plastered on my sons face. He darted out of bed.
"Let me get my shoes, I'll be right there. Go start the car." My sweet son, he wanted to come with me, wanted to be there for Killian.
"Henry, no. Go back to sleep, I just needed you to know I would be gone." I started to scratch my head, thinking about everything.
"Mom, I'm coming with you. I have to be there." Henry responded in a forceful tone and I didn't argue. We jumped in my bug and drove to the hospital.
"Henry, go sit, call your grandparents and Regina." I took a breath, "I'm going to go find Whale." I rushed over to the reception desk, to find a disheveled, distressed young woman trying to do a million things at once. She looked up at me and asked,
"Can I help you?" She hung up the phone and started up at me with a blank expression.
"I'm here to see, Killian Jones." I said firmly, quickly. I had to know if he was alright.
"What's your relation to the patient, ma'am?" She asked, I knew she was doing her job, but I was getting frustrated.
"I'm his wife! I'm Emma Jones! Let me see my husband!" I started to cry, which obviously freaked the woman out. I can't do this without Killian, I can't live my life without him. Especially not after I had fought so hard to bring him home to me. Not after he fought so hard for me.
My mother rushed into the hospital in her robe and slippers. My father followed, with a sleeping Neil in his arms.
"Emma!" She rushed over to me with her arms out.
"Mom!" She kissed the top of my head and hugged me close. "Have you seen him yet?" She asked quickly. I shook my head and now she was tapping on the glass of the reception area.
"I need to see Killian Jones." She demanded. Once again the woman responded with the same idiotic question she had asked me.
"Your relation to the patient?"
"I'm his mother-in-law! At least let my daughter see him!" She yelled at the woman who looked at me. She sighed and called someone one the intercom, which I assumed to be Whale.
"You can see him now, Mrs. Jones. Room B-4. They're prepping him for surgery, so you have to see him now." She grabbed the nail file from her desk and started to even out her cuticles. Surgery? Surgery? I didn't even know what happened to my husband and all the sudden he needed surgery. I rushed over the room, to find a few nurses and Dr. Whale leaning over my husband.
"Killian!" I rushed to the side of the bed and stroked his hair. He looked so frail and weak. I hadn't seen him look this way since Hades had tortured him, since he had been in the hospital last time after he attacked Gold.
"Whale? What happened?" My voice became muffled, my eyes started to water, and I bit my lip trying to stop the tears from flowing.
"He got into a car wreck not too far from his brother's house. Liam went out looking for him and brought him into the hospital about an hour or two ago." The nurse came over with a few more pillows and hooked up Killian to an IV. "Killian has a broken wrist, a broken leg, minor concussion, and had a collapsed lung, which has been corrected with surgery. His blood flow is normal again and we are now trying to stabilize his breathing." This was all too much.
"So he's already had surgery? The woman behind the desk told me you were prepping him." I crossed my arms, refusing to look away from Killian.
"He's done with surgery, Emma. I'm afraid our receptionist gave you some false information." He sighed, clearly this was not the first time she had made a mistake. "Don't worry, Killian is expected to make a full recovery. He got lucky this time." Whale then came to check my husband's heartbeat again and monitored his oxygen levels.
"Is Liam here?" I placed my hand on my face, trying to hide my emotion.
"We sent him home. He was here for hours and we weren't expecting Killian to wake up. We told him we'd have you call him." Whale gave me another small smile, trying to get me to relax.
"He will be alright, Emma. He's in good care and he's survived much worse." That's true. If Killian were awake right now and with me, he'd probably tell me not to worry. He'd tell me that he was a survivor.
"We'll call you in when we're finished, Emma. For now, go wait with your family." I nodded and clenched onto the side of my purse trying to stay upright. I made my way back to the lobby and found my family and Regina sitting there waiting.
Once they noticed me, they all stood up waiting to see how he was.
"Killian was in a car wreck. He has a minor concussion, a broken wrist and leg, had a collapsed lung, low oxygen levels, and was losing blood. But Whale says they've managed to stabilize him and he'll make a full recovery." I looked away from them. There was no need for them all to see my bloodshot eyes. I must have looked tired and frail.
My mother let out a breath she had been holding and came over to hug me. Regina came over and I told her to take Henry home, to her place. I hugged them both goodbye and promised to keep them updated. I had my parents leave shortly after Henry and Regina. It was clear to me that even though my parents did want to support me, they hadn't got enough sleep and were desperate to get Neil to bed. After this I called Liam and updated him on Killian's condition. He wished us well and offered any assistance he might be able to offer. I thanked him and ended the call after Whale came to get me.
"Mrs. Jones?" I stood up from my chair and brushed my hair out of my face.
"Killian is awake. He's ready to see you if you'd like." I nodded profusely and followed him back into Killian's hospital room.
"I'll leave you two now. If I can get you anything else let me know." He quickly left the room, which left me with my husband.
I moved over to his hospital bed and held his hand.
"Thank god, Killian. What would I have done without you? You could have died, I could have lost you again." I started to tear up again, I must have looked like a wreck.
"You didn't lose me, Swan. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." He gave me a smile and squeezed my hand tightly and didn't let go.
"Have you been here all night Emma?" He questioned. Even when he is in extreme pain he still thought of me first.
"Don't worry about it, Killian. I'm here for you. That's my job, I'm your wife, I had to stay here with you." I sniffled a little and yawned.
"I love you Swan, but you need to go home and get some rest." He kissed the top of my hand and looked at me. Even after all this time, those ocean blue eyes were still as intense and comforting as they had always been.
"I'm staying with you." I said firmly and he didn't question me again. Neither of us could manage to fall asleep, so we ending up talking the night away and all felt normal and good again. A days later Killian was able to come home and I swore that nothing would harm him ever again. Not if I had anything to say about it.

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