Time Portal

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This one is based off of 3x21-22, but it's a little different. Hope you enjoy it !

Of course, I had finally got my parents back together and came this close to returning home. I had the wand in my hand as Killian looked around. We had already defeated Zelena and dealt with her time portal, but of course getting home was a major challenge. Killian began poking around the chamber and picked up an urn.
"Wait don't touch anything! If Rumple's afraid of this stuff there's got to be a reason." I told him.
"I'm just trying to figure a way out." He held his hands out. He seemed vexed.
"I don't think there is one." It was true, I had lost hope. "And what's the point. You heard we he said, we can't reopen the portal."
"But you can." He paused. "He said all we needed was magic. You're the savior, Swan. You can do it."
I was tired of this same narrative. "Not anymore. I lost it." I replied.
"When Zelena died, all her spells were undone. Your powers should have returned." I could tell he was looking straight at me, but I refused to meet his gaze. I couldn't help but be agitated.
"Believe me, if I could make it work, I would. You think I faking it?" I questioned.
"I think not having magic makes it a hell a lot easier to run back to New York and pretend to be somebody else. But listen to me Swan, you're not. It's time to stop running." He was the first one to ever challenge me like this, the first to try to convince me that I could be happy.
"You think I don't know that? Yes I run away, that's how I've always survived, but believe me. I want this to work I want to go back." I told him and I meant it.
"What's changed your mind?" I knew he would ask questions. I responded to him by telling him about Henry and him bringing me home. And with that the wand began to glow and the portal opened.
I couldn't help but think about my future, it was so uncertain and now I was about to jump into a portal after being interrogated by Rumple. After I landed I appeared in front of a house. This looked like Storybrooke, except it was daytime, unlike when I left. Hook then landed on the ground and began to dust himself off.
"Where are we, Swan?" He asked me frankly, but he seemed a bit confused.
"I think.. We're in Storybrooke." Much like him I was confused. Why were we home but not in the right time? But for some reason I could not push the blue two-story out of my mind. Something was fixating me toward it. I walked up onto the porch and opened the door.
"Huh. It's open." This was first, who in Storybrooke kept their door unlocked?
"Swan, we can't just walked into someone's house." He protested and tried to stop me, but once again he failed. I looked around the room in front of me. I walked through the living room and into the kitchen.
"Hook." I stared closer to the photos stuck to the fridge. It was a photo of a family, my family. It was me and Hook.
"What is it, love?" He asked me.
"Look." I replied. He two studied the image of the smiling girls with the young boy between them. We stood smiling beside them with our arms around each other. I barely noticed the sound of the door opening as I was too concentrated in the photo. Crap, the door had opened.
A young girl, about 16, stood in front of us.
"Mom. Dad. You're back early. You guys are supposed to be out." She bit her lip, she seemed nervous.
"Uhh... yeah I-" I panicked, I had no idea what to respond to my daughter. Luckily she interrupted once again.
"Dad, why are you dressed like that?" She questioned, but it seemed hard to picture Hook in anything other than leather.
"Uh, I was feeling... sentimental." He muttered out. Seriously? That's the best he could come up with. And then a boy through the door, he looked older than her but not by much.
"Hope!" He called and then he saw Killian and looked at me and then at her.
"You said he wouldn't be here! He hates me!" He said through gritted teeth.
"My father doesn't hate you, Philip." She rolled her eyes at him. Then she looked at us once again. "Alright well if it's cool with you, we'll just study at the library." She looked at us, as though she was seeking a response.
"Sure, kid. But be safe and you better be home soon." I spoke to her like I did to Henry hoping that she wouldn't be suspicious.
"Thanks mom! I'll be back soon! And yes dad, I know you're going to call Belle and make sure that we're there." And then she and the boy made their way out the door.
"That was close love. But was she really our daughter?" He looked at me, but I couldn't read his expression.
"No, she's my daughter." Another Hook stepped out of the hall and put his Hook to my Hook's neck. "Who are you? Who are you really? Because I know you're not me." He asked through gritted teeth.
"Killian. It's okay, I think it's us." This time I heard a woman's voice, my voice,
and another Emma stepped into the light.
"Are you really me?" I asked her. She appeared to be happy and confident in herself. I hoped this was the woman I became.
"Yes, I am you. Now let me guess, you just came through Zelena's time portal." The other Hook looked at her.
"Swan, you think?" This thought didn't seem to come to him.
"Yeah, well sort of. We fell into the past, fixed everything there and then ended up here after entering a second portal. I guess it's because I thought of my future." I told them.
"Well next time, don't tell my daughter that she can go off with that boy." The other Hook seemed angry. Philip wasn't kidding, he really did hate him.
"Killian, we've been over this. He's not going to hurt Hope. Anyway we've got to get you two back and make sure you forget this ever happened." She said frankly.
"And how do we do that?" My Hook spoke up. It just occurred to me that he had been quiet for a while now. What was he thinking?
"Well you still have the wand don't you?" Emma asked us. I lifted it in the air in response.
"Good, Killian can you get me my potions book from the shed. Sorry, but you know we have to keep it from the kids." She kissed him on the cheek and smiled.
"You know I'd do anything for you, Swan." He smiled and promptly exited the room. This was strange, did my Hook care for me in that way? The other Emma waved her hand and a cauldron and several ingredients appeared on the table. Her Hook returned again with the book in his hands and he gave it to her.
"Thanks, Jones." She smiled at him, clearly this had become some sort of banter between them. "Now let's see, love potion... luck... ahh memory." She whispered under her breath as she examined the page carefully and began adding ingredients. After 10 minutes, she murmured a spell over it.
"Now, this should work. Once you've opened the portal, both of you need to drink this." She handed me two vials and smiled. She moved past the corner of the table and took my hand. "Emma, whatever you do, promise me you'll let him in." I nodded because after this I really did want to let him into my heart. She continued, "Be brave Emma. And uh, say hi to Elsa for me." She laughed.
"Wait, but there's still one thing I don't understand, how was Hook and I able to get in here?" I asked her. She laughed, apparently this was an idiotic question.
"It's blood magic, only people who are or enter with family are allowed in. We put it up after Hope was born." She responded.
"We'll give you two some space." The other Hook said as he took his wife's hand. I turned to Hook, the one who I wanted to be with. He laughed.
"Well this has been quite the adventure Swan. So what do you say? Let's go home." He tried taking my hand, but I stopped him.
"Wait, are we not going to talk about this? We fall in love and we have three children and you want to pretend we never saw it?" I asked him. I wanted to know if he wanted to be with me.
"Emma I can't do this. I cannot hear that you don't want this future, that you want to go running to New York." He looked away, he looked hurt.
"No, Killian don't you see? I want to be with you. I want this future and I had to know if you wanted it too." I knew I sounded desperate, but something was different with him. I went closer to him and kissed him. It took him by surprise, but he kissed be back and when we parted, we north noticed it. The wand was glowing in my hands the portal appeared.
"Hopefully, this will happen again when we get back love." He smirked at me and I smiled. Well I guess this was my future. I handed him the vile and we both drank the potion. We then jumped through the portal and I thought of home.

I'm so sorry if this was too long, but I hope you liked it anyway! Also the Philip I mentioned in the story is supposed to be the son of Aurora and Philip, but I'm not really sure how those timelines compare.

And if anyone remembers what happened to the original Philip let me know because it had been driving me crazy! :)

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