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This one shot takes place during (4x23) and describes what would have happened if Emma had admitted her feelings for Hook from the moment they returned from the author's land. Thanks so much to @emsantiago for the suggestion! I hope it's what you had in mind and I hope the rest of you enjoy it! ❤️

Emma's POV
"Where is he?!" I shout at my parents, alarmed. Quickly I realize I've startled them and try to calm myself down. "Where's Hook?" I ask, failing to hide my urgency.
My parents look at each other and back at me. My father points at a spot on the ground by the counter where Henry's bag, storybook, and pens sits and says, "He was there before we got dragged away." No! Not Killian, too. He was a survivor, he was supposed to be the one person that doesn't leave.
"Everyone reappeared where they were before this whole mess started." Killian's death began to sink in and it all reappeared in my head again. The slight, reassuring smile he gave me before I ran with Henry. The confidence growing inside me when I thought he had a chance. The way he looked the moment he died, weak and tired. "No." I said barely above a whisper and for a quick moment all stood still.
"Yeah, sorry about the mess. I really needed to find that book, and usually I'm a bit tidier." I looked over at a smirking Killian who was resting his arm upon the banister. I couldn't help but smile, he was finally here. I could finally see him again, hold him again. I sprinted up the stairs eager to hug him.
"Killian!" I ran toward him and met his embrace. He felt like my home, and this was the moment I was finally certain that I loved him. I was so excited to see him, that we fell on the bed after hugging. I could tell he was taken aback by his exclaim. I held his hand and looked into his eyes.
"How many times do I have to tell you, love? I'm a survivor." I smiled at him and continued to look at his expression. "Look, I didn't mean to cause any panic. I woke a few moments before your parents and came up here looking for your boy." This time I looked at him with more intensity and quickly bit down on my lip.
"He's fine, Henry's fine." I paused a little. "I'm just glad you are too." I couldn't let him go ever again. I knew he could tell what I was feeling by the way he looked at me. His head turned and his mouth was parted slightly. His brow  furrowed and he asked. "What is it?" He gazed at my face, with his entire focus upon me. I pulled him upwards toward me. I can do this, everything inside me was telling me to open up. To trust Killian, after all I love him and I know he loves me. I started slowly.
"When I watched you die," I looked down slightly until I had the strength to meet his eyes, "I was afraid I would never get the chance to tell you something." He smirked at me slightly and said, "Tell me what?" He then nodded his head again, in attempts to encourage me to continue. I smiled, "That... I.." I stopped, was I actually about to tell a man that I was in love with him? At this point Killian was grinning from ear to ear. Of course he knew what I was about to tell him, I don't think there was anything he couldn't figure out about me. Suddenly looming fear and anxiety rose inside me and I just couldn't do it. "I wanted to thank you for sacrificing yourself. Henry and I couldn't have succeeded without your help." I looked down and back up at him again. Of course I loved him. I loved him so much, but what if that factor has the ability to change everything. It was apparent that he was disappointed, his smile faded slightly and his eye line no longer met mine. Eventually he looked up at me once again and simply said, "Of course love, it's all in a days work for a hero." He beamed up at me again, and there was the smile I adored. Finally, he was able to see the strength within him. The hero he became. I just couldn't lose him again. I rested my hand upon his cheek, feeling his facial hair underneath my touch. Finally I rested my forehead upon his and we sat like that for a while.
Suddenly, he stood up and offered me his hook. "Shall we head to dinner, love? I think your parents already left." I just nodded in response, feeling foolish. How was it that he was able to tell me I was his happy ending and sacrifice himself, but I couldn't even tell him how much I loved him. I have had to watch him die which was unbearable and now he's here and I'm still pushing him away. It was in that moment that I realized how much I wanted to be with him, so why was I holding back? I pushed my hair behind my ears and Killian began to leave the room. No, Emma. You have to do this now, he needs to know now.
"Killian!" I called out to him. I was still sitting on the bed waiting for him to approach me.
"Emma?" He asked and smirked slightly.
"Killian, I lied. I didn't want to thank you for your sacrifice earlier. I wanted to tell you something else." I bit my lip again and looked away.
He came over and took my hand, "I'm listening, love." I took a breath and let everything I was feeling come out.
"I watched you die, Killian. I had to see you get killed by my own father and I couldn't stop it. I couldn't do anything." My eyes began to water, but Killian didn't dare interrupt me. "I love you, Hook. I knew it from the moment you told my I was your happy ending in that cabin. I knew it every time I watched you interact with Henry. I've know it from the moment I met you, but I wouldn't admit it to myself. I've kicked myself everyday because I didn't let you in for so long." I took a breath again and a few tears rolled down my face. He wiped it all away with one motion and gave me a soft smile. "Killian, I'm sorry. I didn't tell you before because I was terrified of telling you the truth. I thought that telling you how much I loved you would change everything and make my relationship with you too real." Somehow, Killian understood that I didn't need him to respond I just wanted to release everything I was feeling. "Last time I told someone I loved them, I ended up pregnant and alone in prison. For the longest time I thought it was because I told him I loved him that Neal left me." I released the breath I had been holding as I was trying to get the words out. "I love you Killian, so much." I held his face in my hands again, but was terrified to see his expression. He took my hands into his and looked at me for a moment.
"My god, Swan. You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear those words from you." He scratched behind his ear and ran his hand through his hair. "I love you, Emma. You know that I do." He shut his eyes and squeezed my hands a little tighter than before. "I'm not letting go, Emma. I'm not leaving you ever." He kissed my forehead, stood up and held out his hook, which I accepted. Oh lord, I was in love with Captain Hook and he loved me back. I smiled to myself and kissed his cheek. After this he kissed me and we made our way to granny's.
"You do know love, that I'm going to hold my death over your father's head for the rest of our lives. I think I finally have the leverage to make him give his blessing." There he goes again, laughing at his own jokes and making me smile. He looked over at me and squeezed my hand a few times. For the first time in years, I was experiencing what safe feels like. For the first time in my life, I had hope that everything would be okay as long as Killian is right beside me.

I honestly really enjoyed writing this oneshot and hope that you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did! If you have any more suggestions please feel free to comment some of them. Once again, thank you to everyone for 1K reads, you have no idea how meaningful for me it is. Thanks so much ! ❤️❤️

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