Staying in

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Hello everyone! So since quarantining has kinda been bumming me out recently, I decided to write more one shots to cheer me up. And I became curious what it would like like if the Jones family had to stay in for a long period of time. I hope this cheers some of you up and just makes your day better ! Enjoy! :)

"Bloody hell, Swan. What are these games?" Killian groaned at me as I placed the five board games on the table from our closet. Since Regina had announced to all the realms we needed to stay inside because of a new disease, my poor husband had not been taking it well. He unfortunately was eager to be on the Jolly again and was quite grumpy, especially today.
"Killian, this is Yahtzee. I played it throughout my years in foster care." I pushed my hair behind my ears and sat down at our dining room table. Killian started to pout, which quite honestly was extremely cute.
"Come on Killian, for me?" I asked. When he did not deny or accept my request, I kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear, "I'll make it up to you later." And of course the pirated grinned in delight. About four rounds in Killian was becoming extremely frustrated with the concept of a full house and why it was necessary to get a small straight. It took several minutes to explain the rules fully so that my lovely husband would quit complaining and play the game. He continued to roll his dice and every so often he would mutter bloody hell under his breath. He was taking quite a while and I couldn't help but glance at the baby monitor sitting beside us. This of course he had to notice. Sure he could never seem to notice me rolling a Yahtzee, but this simple gesture he caught onto in a second.
He smiled at me. "She's alright, Swan. Neither of us would have left her if she wasn't." He took my hand and noticed me ease up. He went back to his turn. Three games later, Hook had caught on to the game and was beating me two to one.
"What the hell? When did you get good at this?" I looked up at him.
"Swan, haven't you been paying attention? Is there anything I'm not good at?" He smirked at me and wiggled his eyebrows. Good lord, did I marry a child? When I didn't respond, Killian simply went back to the game, which I didn't mind. Everything he and I did together there would be always be a look of concentration and focus. With each role, he would scratch behind his ear and place his hand on his chin. If there is one thing I am able to tell about my pirate, it's when he wants something. He'd look at me this way when we first met, from the moment he wanted to figure me out. Truthfully it was one of the things I loved about him, before him nobody would give me their complete attention. For as long as I can remember it had just been me, there was never anyone who had cared enough to pay me any mind. That was all before Killian. From the moment when he demonstrated his interest I knew I couldn't let go of him.
"Swan?" He asked a few times before I looked at him. "You alright love, you zoned out. It's your turn." He smiled at me.
I nodded and rolled the dice. After all three of my turns were up I had managed to roll another Yahtzee and won the game.
"Bloody hell Emma!" He yelled in a joking manner. "I was in the lead the entire time!" He couldn't help but grin at me though, I knew him too well. He could never be mad at me over a game. I started to dance around the table and cheering the phrase 'I win I win'. Maybe he was the one who had married the child. Apparently we had made too much noise and had forgotten all about the baby in the other room. My daughter started to cry and cry.
"Oh god, Hope!" I looked at Killian in the eyes and started to chuckle a little. I couldn't help it, the whole situation seemed absurd looking back on it.
He squeezed me hand. "I've got her, Emma. You go sit down and make some popcorn cause when I get back, we're having a rematch." He was definitely serious and started to walk upstairs to our baby's room. When I started to laugh, he turned around and said, "I mean it Emma, we are playing again until I beat you." He turned around again and I was pretty much certain that I had never loved anyone as much. Making my way to the kitchen I pulled out the popcorn as Killian had asked. After it was finished, I poured it into a bowl and made two cups of hot cocoa with cinnamon. This had become Killian's new favorite snack. Unfortunately he was always claiming that I was rubbing off him in the worst ways. Placing the two mugs and bowl on the table, I headed up stairs to check on my pirate and baby girl. I figured I could sneak a peak at the two, they were always my favorite thing to see. There is a sort of gentleness in Killian when he's with Hope that he doesn't have with anyone else. Not even me. I'm pretty certain that if there is one thing in this world Killian cherishes it's our daughter. Well so far everything seemed to be going well, my baby had stopped crying now. When I came to the doorway, I stopped to listen at Killian with Hope. He was rocking her back and forth in our favorite chair in the nursery.
"I'm sorry little love. You see your mom and I were playing a game and I was absolutely determined to beat her." He paused and stroked her face, which made her smile. "Your mom is the strongest woman I've ever met in my life, Hope. She is beautiful and compassionate and has dealt with so much bad in her life. But you know what? All of it just made her kind. You are completely lucky to have her as your mommy." He pulled her in close. "I'm gonna tell you a secret, Hope. I don't think I could do this without her. Never in my life did I picture being a dad until your mom came into my life. But as much as I love and admire your mom, you're still my favorite human in the whole world." He smiled, and just when I thought the sight couldn't get any cuter he pulled her to his chest and kissed her cheek. This made Hope giggle out loud and she reached out for his face. My god, they were my whole life. I couldn't resist hiding anymore, I entered the room to find my husband beaming at his baby and look up at me with almost the same look on his face.
"Thank you for her, love." He held Hope in his arms, but still stood up to kiss me. He rocked her in his arms once more in an attempt to get her to sleep. I think he could see the tears in my eyes now because of the way he smiled at me. I couldn't even croak out any sort of thank you to him for giving me my daughter and home.
"I'll be downstairs in one moment love. I'm just trying to get our babe to sleep." He whispered to me. I nodded and started to leave the room when I heard my name once again. Turning around to look at him; he said,
"Told you I was good at everything, Swan." He smirked as if to imply that he was the better one with our baby.
"You wish, Jones." I smirked at him this time. Just before I started to leave for real, I heard Killian singing to Hope. God what a show off, of course he and I both know that if anything puts Hope to sleep it's his voice. I watched him place our baby in the crib and rush out of the room.
"Well why are you just standing there, Swan? I've got to kick your ass at Yahtzee." He smirked again and rushed down the stairs for his snack, eager for a rematch.
That poor pirate, little did he know I was going to destroy him in a few minutes.

I'm so sorry that was so long you guys! Once I started writing this one I just couldn't stop! I hope you enjoyed this one as much as I did, because to be honest I think this was my favorite oneshot to write. Thank all of you so much for the support and reads! 💓

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