Damn pirate

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This short story is based off of season six once Emma finds the engagement ring in Killian's chest because I had always wondered what happened in Emma's mind while Killian was out with David, so hopefully this can fill in the gaps for you like it did for me! Hope you enjoy! :)

Emma's POV
That damn pirate. Sure he was lovable, charming, and sweet, but he was also messy. I had already asked him to put his chest in the closet, but no he had to make me trip over it one more time before I finally gave in and put it away myself. After setting my phone down I picked up the chest to place it in the closet, but of course my luck. The chest fell to the ground and it's contents flew about the room.
"Crap" I whispered under my breath, I had no idea when Killian would be home, but I knew he could not see our room like this. Quickly I picked up the chest and looked for its items trying to put everything back into place. Until I saw it, that small black box laying on my floor. The same type Walsh bought me when he proposed. The same type of box seen in the movies and television when the handsome hero proposes to his charming, usually stubborn love interest.
'No Emma. You can't open that, it's a violation of Killian's trust.' I said to myself over and over again in my head in attempts to avoid that little box. How would I even explain my discovery to him? Say there was an engagement ring in there, would I bring that up to Killian? How could I even act surprised if he asked? Did I even want to marry him? Hell, of course I wanted to marry him. Everything was going well between the two of us. The visions had recently stopped, Killian and I just moved in, Henry was adjusting to him being here. It was all working, but what if one small ring jeopardized that? Deep down I know that this is about more than a ring, this is about me deciding to commit fully and to be brave enough to be that vulnerable. To be as vulnerable as I was when Killian had to pry my hand of his in the Underworld. Killian was the first long lasting relationship I have had in a very long time and I could not lose him like the others. What if marriage ended up creating problems and I end up driving him away?
Stop Emma. Stop being ridiculous, I don't even know if this is what he's thinking, let alone if there is actually a ring in that box. And I especially know that Killian would never leave, after all he died four times and still managed to make his way back to me and stay.
Maybe I should open it... No, I can't. That is violating Killian's space. But obviously, I can't go on like this, maybe it would be better if I opened the box to ensure some piece of mind. Finally, I was able to quit debating with myself and open the box. Reaching for it, I grabbed the box from my floor and opened the lid. Only to find a beautiful diamond ring, or more specifically an engagement ring.
When did he even have time to buy this for me? How long had been thinking about us marrying?
God, I love him. I think I love Killian more than anyone else, almost as much as I love Henry. Just the thought of Killian buying a ring and writing vows was enough to make my heart soar. I couldn't resist, I pulled the ring from its box and placed it upon my finger. It looked and felt right resting on my ring finger. I stood in front of our vanity looking at the ring on my finger.
"I'm Mrs. Jones, it's nice to meet you." I said to myself in the mirror. Very strange, I would have a new name. Not that the term Swan really meant anything to me, it was simply a name I gave myself after August inspired me to do so. The name Swan always acted as a reminder that I was alone, but strong enough to survive. It could be nice to have a name with real meaning, after all this time I am tired of just surviving. I want to live in the moment fully and completely. And I want to do that with Killian Jones, as his wife. He is the man who gave up everything for me all so he had a chance to be with me. Maybe I could do this, marry him. Then I couldn't stop grinning and I couldn't stop thinking. Perhaps this was the moment I had been fighting for while in Camelot. I think I had known from our adventure on the beanstalk that Killian was unlike any man I had ever met, that he was the one who could make me fall in love again. I felt so light and cheery thinking about that new white-picket fenced life and the potential memories he and I could make as a married couple.
Without thinking I pulled out my phone and called my mom.
"Mom?" I bit my lip. Maybe I shouldn't tell her, after all she was Snow White she couldn't keep a secret to save her life.
"Yes, Sweetheart?" She asked, but I could tell she was multitasking over the phone.
"Mom..." I paused and took a breath, "I found something today, something of Killian's." This was the moment her focus shifted fully upon our conversation.
"Oh, well what is it Emma?" She asked taking a breath. It was clear that she was trying to hide her worry and doubt. I imagined she was playing with her wedding ring at this moment, a trait she's known for when nervous.
"It's an engagement ring, the most beautiful one I've ever seen." I continued. "Did you know about this mom? When did he have the time?"
"I didn't know, hun. But I do know that you should get off the phone with me and find Killian. I'm thrilled for you sweetheart, just be sure to keep me posted!" There it was that cheery demeanor and quiet strength my mother embodied.
"I love you mom," I told her and she responded with an I love you and a goodbye.
Lord, I was going to be engaged. The time passed painfully and slowly, somehow I couldn't bring myself to find Killian as my mother suggested. I really wanted to, but I decided it would best if I let him came to me. It was crazy to think that just a few weeks ago, I was alone on my couch longing for Killian. Longing to see him and hold him. And now, I was going to see and hold him for the rest of our lives.
I was ripped away from my thoughts when I heard the sound of an opening door and a voice.
"Emma are you home?" I rose from our bed and took the ring off my finger. Taking a deep breath, I placed it safely in my pocket eager to put it back on. Quickly, I made my way down the stairs ready to start our future.

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