Queen Anne's Revenge Pt. 2

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This one is a continuation of one of my previous oneshots and basically picks up where the other one left off! Enjoy! ☺️

Emma's POV:
"Welcome to the Jolly Roger!" Before I could focus anymore time on the prince, an angry Smee approached me.
"Captain what the hell was that? Why on earth would you assist Blackbeard?" For a short man, Smee was fired up, almost as if he felt betrayed.
"Relax, Smee! I've got this covered." I said sternly, we had to get moving. I certainly had no time to get out of here if Smee couldn't get off my back. I quickly ordered my crew to get the sails going and sail as far away from here as possible. I had a few men steer the ship and navigate, while I made my way to resolve my current problem. It was clear that I had made a mistake, I should have never allied with Blackbeard and now I had to deal with the consequences of my choice.
"Your highness." I motioned the prince to follow me and I had to admit, even after the huge conflict and his body being dragged across the deck, he still looked like the put together prince the people adored. Even I found him handsome. We went to my quarters and to my surprise he remained silent. I grabbed two glasses from my cabinet and a bottle of rum, which he looked at with disgust.
"What just happened? Who was that man and how could you just let everyone on my ship die? Why did you even save me?" I should've known I would have been attacked with many questions, he did almost lose his life for god's sake.
"First off, what happened was your royal ship was attacked. The man who attacked you and arranged the attack was Blackbeard, who yes is now dead considering he was wounded and sank along with your and his ship." I took a drink and continued, "I made a mistake trusting that man and now I just need to get back to my life and return you safely to the King and Queen. Unfortunately, I cannot use main routes and ports because my ship has been branded from the moment I was seen with Blackbeard." This of course was not true, I've been branded and hunted after for many years, but the prince couldn't know this.
Suddenly, the once handsome, blank expression in front of me transformed into a sort of vengeful anger.
"How could you do this? You tried to kill me? I should've just died along with the people who risked everything for me, but instead I followed a vile pirate." He spat at me and I stood up now, angry. He had no right, just because he's a prince he can't just judge whoever he'd like.
"Hey! I saved your life! You listen to me, Prince Jones." I gripped the collar of his shirt to ensure he was listening. "You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through. The pain I've endured. All I'm trying to do now is get rid of you." I don't think I could handle him for the two month journey. I took a hearty swig of my rum, wishing that I hadn't gone against my better judgement. I was about to return to deck when the prince sat up slightly.
He spoke up now, "There's still one thing I don't understand. Why did you abandon your friend?" I licked my lips slightly out of annoyance and frustration.
"Blackbeard was never my friend. He terrorized people, he killed and stole from anyone whenever he liked, but having him as an enemy is like ordering your own death sentence." He looked away for a moment, it was apparent he was trying to muster the courage to say something.
"Don't you do the same thing?" He eventually snapped back.
"Look, your highness. There is something you should know about me. I don't look to kill or steal. I only do those things when it's necessary and I do it to bad people. You think I want to be a pirate? You think I enjoy this life? Look at me for god's sake. I'm only a pirate because I'm trying to start over." I got closer to him. "I only became a pirate to survive. That's what I do, it's what I've always done. No matter who I've lost, no matter what I've been through, I survive." He looked at me in silence and nodded slightly. I took this as sign that he somehow understood. From this moment there was a mutual respect that remained between us. I told him my plans to return him home, no money or obligation required, I only asked him that he wouldn't share my identity with the kingdom, so that I still had my chance to start over.
Two weeks had passed and the prince had almost morphed into one of my crew members. He had a desire to work and was eager to learn. It was clear by the way he looked that part of him belonged at sea. He looked normal, happy, even free. We spoke of our lives, he told me about his future engagement and how he wished he could remain a resident on my ship. I told him of my Jolly Roger, of all the wonderful places and people I had come across because of it. Somehow, I started to confide in him; only slightly, because I knew I should only focus upon the urgency of getting him home.
This morning, I was steering my ship when Killian came to me, "Emma?" I looked over at him and responded with a "Hmm?" He scratched his ear and looked a way for a moment before asking, "Can you tell me about your parents?" This question was quite off putting, yet there was something about him that made me want to tell him everything. Something inside him that made me want to trust him fully, but I knew I couldn't do that. That would go against my better judgement and I would never do that again.
"Oh." I paused, "It's always just been me." I started to tear up a little when thinking about everything, but I couldn't let Killian see that and wiped it all away. I ended our discussion with 'It doesn't matter anyway" and a slight smile. Clearly he didn't believe me, but shrugged it off.
"Can you teach me how to sail?" He looked at me with a sort of innocence, which to be honest was adorable. I laughed and explained the difference between starboard and port. I showed him to raise the sails and navigate using the stars. He seemed fascinated with the whole thing, which made me chuckle slightly. In the few weeks that he had been here, we both seemed to change.
"I love it here, Emma. I love the sea, I can see why you love your ship so much." He shut his eyes and began to relax.
"Killian?" I paused for a moment to consider whether I should continue with my question. He opened his eyes and nodded at me, telling me to continue.
"Killian, why don't you stay here, on the Jolly?You told me yourself that you wish you could live here and how much you didn't want to marry." I tried to focus on steering rather than his complete silence.
"You know I can't, Emma. I love being on your ship and being with you. I've grown to love it here. But my duty is still to my kingdom. I have to go home and marry. For the sake of my people." He sighed and stepped closer to me trying to receive my attention.
"But you aren't happy there, Killian. Look at you! You don't look like a prince, you love sailing with me, you love rum! Hell, you love being a pirate!" I screamed at him, why couldn't he see how he belonged here.
"I'm not a pirate, Emma! I'm a prince! I can't be here. I don't know why I was fooling myself. I'm a royal, we are supposed to be upstanding and dignified. I'm not whatever it is your supposed to be!" He ran his hands through his hair and hurried to the opposite side of the deck. I called for Smee to continue steering and ran after Killian.
"Killian, you shouldn't have to be something you don't want to be! Sure I've done some bad things in my life, but I'm free. I'm not waiting around for my servants and watching as my life is planned! Wake up, I've listened to you Killian, I know you don't want that life! Having status isn't everything!" I couldn't understand why I was getting so angry, it wasn't as if I was attached to Killian. He had every right to make his choices, and it was becoming clear he was pissed at me.
"How would you know Emma?! All your life you've only stolen and gotten drunk! You have no idea what my life is like!" He was outraged now, which was obvious by his body language. Throughout our time together, Killian had always been compassionate and kind with me, but not at this moment.
"I know exactly what pain feels like Killian! Royalty ruined my entire life!" I spat back at him and this time it was my turn to run away. Killian made his way after me calling my name. Once I reached my quarters I searched for my whiskey trying to clear my mind.
"What are you talking about, Emma?" He had severely calmed down now and was trying to be gentle.
"Sit down, Killian. Remember when we talked about my parents?" I took a breath, Killian nodded and I continued, "I technically wasn't always alone. My mother died during childbirth and my father left me when I was five, he had an alcohol problem and was found dead. I was left with my uncle and forced to work a job in his tavern. When I was 18, a royal, naval officer stopped into the bar. I was extremely naive and thought he was the honorable man he claimed to be. He offered me passage on his ship, so I could get away. But um.." I swallowed, I had never shared this with anyone before.
"Go on, Swan." Killian gave me a small smile and squeezed my hand.
"Once I boarded onto the ship, he brought me to the captain's quarters and tried to do unspeakable things to me. In order to defend myself, I grabbed his sword and killed him. And then, I started a mutiny and the Jewel of the Realm, became a pirate ship. I took over and established the Jolly Roger. I've been on the run ever since. I'm still trying to save enough money to get away, which is why I took Blackbeard's deal. I'm so sorry, Killian." I held my face in my hands, feeling ashamed.
"Oh, Swan. You don't have to be ashamed because of what happened to you. It was not your fault." He pulled me in for hug and I felt safer than I had in a very long time.  
"I can't marry Midas' daughter, Emma. As much as I hate to admit it, I don't want to be a prince." I looked up at him.
"Well, you don't have to marry, but I think we both know that you do belong in the castle." He looked away.
"Listen to me, Killian. You are good for the kingdom. You are going to do wonderful things for so many people, you have so much ahead of you." I squeezed his hand. "And I'm going to be the one to get you home."
The weeks passed and we got closer to his home. I wanted to keep my distance, but I just couldn't. We continued to share stories from our past, and Killian spoke of his plans for the kingdom. I hated to see him go, but I knew he was good for the kingdom.
On his last day, we were playing cards below deck when all the sudden he looked directly at me.
"Emma? Why don't you come with me?" I laughed.
"What?" I smiled at him, I didn't want to crush the hope in his eyes.
"You can join the Royal Navy. You can help us help our people! You've faced their problems!You know what it's like." I ran my fingers through my hair. I needed to think about this.
"Emma, I don't want to keep living my life without you! You help me see clearly, you help me see what I want for myself and for my kingdom." He took my hand and looked directly at me. I swear I could get lost in his eyes.
"Oh what the hell!I have to start over anyway. I really don't want to be a pirate anymore." I laughed and held his hand.
"Let's do it." He kissed my forehead as we pulled into the royal port and suddenly all my fears melted away. I could finally start over and be the kind of woman I want to be with Killian beside me.

This oneshot wasn't one of my favorites, but I really wanted to continue the story this way, so I hope you all enjoyed it anyway. I've really been struggling with ideas, so if anyone has an ideas or characters they want me to focus on please let me know. Thanks so much !

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