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For this oneshot, I really wanted to return to season 3, because I realized I haven't really touched on the beginnings of Emma and Killian's relationship. This one takes place in (3x20) when Emma and Killian are looking for Zelena to try and defeat her. Happy reading !!

Emma's POV:
Here we go again. Why can't anything in this town just be normal, here I was risking my life another time for a town that didn't even care about me.
"I never should have brought Henry back to Storybrooke." Part of me needed to say this out loud, I needed to vent. I was so sick of this role of the Savior, everyone believing that I am a hero when in fact I'm just an ordinary  person.
"You did what you thought was right." Hook responds matter of factly. Damn it. I am totally gonna regret confiding in him aren't I? Was he trying to piss me off, this certainly wasn't the first time we had this conversation.
"I did what you manipulated me into." Why was I getting so frustrated, so quickly?
"Your parents needed you, the town needed you." The tension in his voice was starting to rise, it was clear that Hook was also getting frustrated.
"Henry also needed me. We were happy in New York. Once I'm done melting this witch, I'd like us to be happy again." I had already lost too much time with Henry, I was a crappy mother, I gave him up. Now we have a chance to start over and I want to take it. I have to take it.
"As content as you were in that city it wasn't real." He was looking directly at me with concern. Why did he care so much about my choices about my life?
"It was real for me, for him." I snapped back, "Everything that happened happened."
"Minus all the things you had forgotten." Couldn't he just shut up and let me have this? He has no right to be concerned about where I take care of my son. Unfortunately he continued on. "Part of you was not the real you, and like it or not, part of you and Henry, belongs in this town." Why couldn't he just accept that I needed to leave, I needed to make a change. Henry and I were never safe here, I always had to fight for every moment I had with him. My family is not here.
"Yeah the part of us that's always in danger. We're leaving." I huffed back at him.
"What does the boy think?" He asked and I looked at him, this question took me by surprise. Out of all the things I expected Hook to question or ask about, I never thought he would bring up Henry.
"He's a kid, he wants chocolate milk in his cereal. I'm his mother, I know what's best for him." We continued to move along our path when Hook turned toward me.
"What's best for him, or for you?" Bastard, of course he would see the worst in me too. So far, out of all the people in my life, he had been the only one to not see the worst in me.
"Excuse me?" Somehow even from Hook, a man I despised, the question still stung. I moved forward to get away from him. He sped up and said, "You take care of the boy quite well here. You can talk about danger all you like, but it isn't that." He pauses and looks directly at me. "So tell me, what is it? Why are you so afraid of staying?" His words we're starting to effect me now, I kept looking away from him. I couldn't get distracted and become vulnerable to Zelena's attack. Somehow Hook still doesn't take the hint or realize the intensity in our situation and continues, "I think it's because you can see a future here, a happy one." Typical, of course the pirate would imply that my future would be spent with him.
"Let me guess.. with you?" I question and I gave him a sly smile to show that I would never be with him. Even though I was amused, frustration was still rising within me.
"Why do you even care, Hook? It's not like we're friends. Why is it any of your business where I take Henry or where we end up living?" He moves his gaze toward the field we're standing in and then responds.
"That doesn't matter, Swan. I can see that this is your home, your son's home. Your parents are here. From the moment I met you, Swan, it was clear you were looking for your family. Well, here they are. So tell me why in hell would you run now?" Nope, I was not answering this question, he dodged mine, so I'll dodge his.
"You didn't answer my question, Hook. Why does it matter to you, once the wicked witch is defeated you'll be able to return to your pirating life. Rum, money, and women. Isn't that what you want?" He scratches his forehead and once again avoids my question. If there's one thing about myself that I've accepted it's that I don't know when to quit and I continue to press him.
"Why? Why are you so invested in my life, my son's life?" I place my arms on hips and smile in satisfaction because I think I finally broke him. He's finally going to give me a real answer.
"Because I love you Emma! I always have, from the moment I connected with you." He pauses, "Look, I destroyed my own family many years ago, Swan. I lost my mother, my older brother; I destroyed any chance of a relationship with my father and younger brother. My family is broken, I am a broken man, Emma. And here you are about to do the same, and I won't let you. At least not without a fight." He looked away from me, clearly pained by the information he just shared. Suddenly the satisfaction I once had, vanished and I was left feeling guilty. Did he love me? Was someone actually fighting for me, for my family?
"Aww, you two are so adorable." Zelena. She had taken advantage of the tension between me and Hook, of my distraction. "But instead of looking for each other, maybe you should have been focused on me." Oh, god. How did I let myself get distracted? "Although without magic, that could prove to be a challenge." Zelena smirked at us with the dagger in her gloved hands. What the hell was she talking about? She couldn't even take my magic from me. She had failed, so why was she gloating?
"The next time you try and take my power, why don't you try enchanting the lips of someone I'll actually kiss?" She didn't seem phased by my words at all.
"See Emma, you've got a choice. You can keep your magic, which makes you oh so sad, or you can save the man you can't wait to run away from." She seemed satisfied with her ultimatum and with one simple word, she controlled everything. She had bested me, and to make things worse, she knew it.
"Rumple." She turned behind her and with one fell swoop, Killian flew through the air and into a small body of water.
"Hook!" Sure I may have been pissed with him, but I couldn't just let him die. Not like this, I didn't even get a chance to respond. I couldn't even tell him that I did, do care. I tugged on his coat trying to pull him to the surface. It was no use as long as Gold kept holding him down.
"Try all you like, you can't free him." It was this comment that made me realize how desperate I must have looked. With one flick of her wrist, Zelena and Gold disappeared leaving me to save Killian's life. I pulled him out of the water and began to shake him.
"Hook! Hook!" When this didn't work I called his name with even desperation. "Hook, wake up! Killian!" I shook him harder but nothing was working.
"Killian, come back to me." I looked away for a moment. "Oh god. Son of a bitch." I was panting now and knew I only had one option, CPR. I gave him mouth to mouth and felt my power leave me. I was weaker suddenly, but I didn't seem to care because my whole focus was on Hook.
"Hook, come back to me." He began to cough. Thank god, I couldn't lose him to, not after everything. Even if I didn't love him the way he loved me, I couldn't let the one man who was fighting for me die.
He laid back on the ground, but looked at me trying to piece together what happened.
"Swan?" He asked weakly. He touched his lips and his eyes went wide once he had realized what had happened. My powers were gone, and I couldn't get them back.
"What did you do?!" He asked as I looked at him further, wanting to ensure that he was okay. "What did you do?!" He questioned again after I refused to answer him. I couldn't help it, suddenly I had an overwhelming feeling of compassion and love for him. I had saved his life and instead of thinking about himself, his mind went immediately to me. To my safety. I kissed him, for real this time. This wasn't like our kiss in Neverland, this was real because it was driven by my feelings. He was taken aback, but eventually give in and returned the kiss. I rested my head on his chest and spoke, "I'm so glad you are okay." Even though I was drawn to him, there was still this looming doubt that something was wrong and that I needed to leave. But, for right now it was just me and Killian; both of us lucky to be alive and even luckier to have each other.

This one is one of my favorites, so far. I really loved writing it, so I really hope you guys enjoy it! Remember if you have any suggestions or advice please leave a comment on any of my oneshots. Thank you all so much for the love and support, it means a lot ! 😘💞

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