There's Nothing I Can Do [Finale]

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"Rosé-ah. Time to eat breakfast," the nurse who's name was Chaeyoung said softly as she entered the room.

She was a short brunette who worked as a nurse at a psychiatric hospital and Chaeyoung or shall we call Rosè was one of her patient.

Rosé who was sitting at her bed looking emotionless at the window. It was raining outside and Rosé loved it.

Rosé looked up as she heard the brunette voice and she cracked a little smile.

Chaeyoung smiles and helped the blonde to get up from her bed.


They were sitting at the cafeteria of the hospital. Chaeyoung was sitting beside the blonde who has no emotion on her face.

"Rosé-ah, eat a little. You're gonna starve if you don't eat. Here let me feed you," the brunette lifted up the spoon towards the blonde but the blonde lifted her hand up and push the spoon a little bit signalling she doesn't want it.

"Only Y/n can feed me," Rosé muttered softly as tears were threatening to fall.

"Where is my Y/n? Where is she? Why she didn't come for me?" Rosé asked the brunette the same question.

Every day the blonde will asked the same question and sometimes, the brunette almost told her that Y/n is already dead but she knows that the blonde can't took the risk of hurting herself more.

"Y/n is... Y/n is looking at you. She's just... not here but she will always be in your heart. Like my wife, Mina. She will always be in my heart even if she's not here," Chaeyoung answered truthfully and softly to the blonde.

The blonde cracked a smile. Big smile.
"Really?" she looked at Chaeyoung and the brunette smiles and nodded.

"Yes. Now eat your food. Y/n will not like it if you didn't eat your food," the blonde instantly took the spoon and eat the food quickly even if it doesn't taste good and taste like Y/n's food, but she didn't want Y/n to be upset.

It has been a year since Y/n passed away and Rosé still can't believe it. Everything instantly changed for Rosé. She won't eat, she won't go out, she won't smile and she won't see people.

She just sat there, looking at her photos with Y/n and cries. Her squad were pitying her, so they think it was the best to sent her to the hospital.

They already tried hard to heal her but it doesn't work, so they don't have a choice but to sent her there.


3 years later...

Rosé was looking at her girlfriend grave and she smiles with tears on her eyes.

For the past three years, she has been healing and thanks to Chaeyoung, she has been healed fully and healthy from before.

"Hi Y/n. It's been a long time. I'm sorry but I got busy with the work and didn't have time to visit you. But now I have some free time, I wanted to spend it with you," the blonde said as she put her flower that she bought beside the grave stone and sat down beside it.

Silent. Rosé went silent for a moment before she took a deep breath, trying to relax a bit before she continued.

"You know, it's hard to handle it. We almost made a big mistake but I took your advice, always think positive. And we did it, thanks to you," the blonde smiles as she looks up to the sky.

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