[F] Mandu's Cheeks (Jensoo)

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Just Jisoo pinching Jennie's cheeks all the time.


Entering Jennie's room with Kuma in her arms, Jisoo smiles at the cute sight of Jennie squirming herself to a pillow that she was laying and her arms were tightly wrapped around her teddy bear, Nini.

Shutting the door close, not wanting the maknae, Lisa, enters the room with her loud voice.

Slowly heading to her girlfriend's bed, she put down Kuma first and sat herself at the end of the bed, facing Jennie.

"So cute," Jisoo said as she pinches Jennie's cheek softly.

"Baby, wake up. It's already 8 AM. We need to go and practice," Jisoo said softly, crawling her way to Jennie.

Jennie shuffles a bit and hummed. "No..."

Jisoo chuckles and position herself next to Jennie. Kuma who was wriggling his tail, walks towards his owner and licked Jennie's cheek making Jennie chuckles.

"Kuma, stop," Jennie smiles and went to pat Kuma who was barking cheerfully.

"Jendeuk-ie is awake! Good morning, baby," Jisoo went to peck Jennie's lips and the brunette happily responds by leaning forward more for another kiss.

"No, baby. Wake up first before you want to kiss,"

Jennie whines softly. "But I'm already awake," the brunette said softly with her husky and breathy voice as she laid herself more into her bed.

Opening one of her eyes, she glances at Jisoo who was looking at her sternly. "Jendeuk-ie, don't make me force you," Jennie just ignores her and was ready to went back to sleep went a weight hover her and a pair of hands tickles her side.

"Ah! No!" Jennie laughs loudly as she her arms sways around helplessly and her eyes are now wide open.

"No! Jisoo! Stop HAHAHA!" trying to push Jisoo away from her which was impossible because she's laughing.

"Okay! Okay! I'm awake now!" Jisoo immediately stopped but still hover over Jennie, who is breathing hard.

"I hate you," the brunette said in between her breath.

"No, you don't,"

"No, I don't," Jisoo chuckles and they stares at each other with the biggest smile on their face.

Wanting their body to collides to each other, Jisoo slowly put her body on top of Jennie as she automatically spread her legs to make Jisoo's body placed in between her. Jennie's arms immediately wrapped around Jisoo's neck and Jisoo's left hand were cupping Jennie's mandu cheek, pinching it softly.

"Morning baby," Jisoo whispered before colliding their lips together and pushing her body more to flushed it against Jennie's.

Jennie hummed softly, liking the soft and taste of strawberry hitting her lips.

Sliding her tongue out, Jisoo obliged with opening her mouth, having a tongue battle with Jennie.

Heavy breaths could be heard inside of Jennie's room as they softly making out before a loud voice called them.

"Unnie stop making out and get ready already or we're going to be late!!" Jisoo groans.

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