[A] Let Go (Chaesoo)

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Jisoo trying her best to make their break up become a disclosure for them.


With teary eyes, they both looked at each other, silently making conversations with their eyes.

"How... you've been?" Jisoo asked quietly, earning a quiet 'good' from Chaeyoung.

Jisoo nods, looking down at her feet. "You know why we're here, right?" Jisoo whispered as she doesn't trust her own voice anymore.

Chaeyoung just nods silently, sobbing as she wipes the first tear that left her eye.

Jisoo took a deep breath before looking up to the brown eyes that she always been in love with and always will.

She can't help but to teared up as well seeing how broken and sad the blonde's face is. They continues looking at each other in silent while Jisoo thinks on how to make the words she wanted to let out is not painful as how she thought it is.

"I... just wanted for you to know... is not your fault. It's mine. It's all mine..." Jisoo whispered the last word, knowing that is all true.

"Then we can fix it together. We can fix it together, Jisoo," Chaeyoung quickly butted in, taking Jisoo's hands to hers.

"W-we... we can't, Chaeyoung. We can't even if I wanted to," Jisoo hangs her head low, feeling ashamed at herself.

Chaeyoung softly placed her fingers to Jisoo's chin and slowly lift Jisoo's head. Her heart breaks in million pieces when she saw how broken and sad Jisoo's face is. It's more worse than hers and she couldn't do anything but to just wiped the tears that falls from the brunette cheeks.

"Then tell me. Tell me, Jisoo. Tell me why we can't- why I can't?" Chaeyoung asked in her cracked voice.

"W-we can't because it's fate. We can't change the fate, Chaeyoung,"

"Yes we can't but we can make it more better! We can make it work, Jisoo. We can if we make it together,"

"But I can't!! I can't, Chaeyoung! I can't get rid of this feeling. That feeling that you feels when you're not enough for yourself, for other people. I can't do it. That's why I want to let you go, to make you to find better person than me. A person, a partner that can make you feels complete, perfect and... loved," Jisoo voices out, frustrated not at her lover- no, soon to be her ex lover, but to herself.

"I need to learn to love myself first, to appreciate myself more rather than blame myself over and over again over something that I couldn't do to you," Jisoo gulped down her sobs before continuing.

"It's suffocating me slowly, Chaeyoung. You saw what I was about to do these past few weeks right, Chaeyoung? You saw how I almost took my own life in front of you, in front of the person who love me dearly but I did something that makes you sad, makes you feels horrible because you felt like you've fail to become a good partner for me. But you're not," Jisoo breathe in shakily and put her hand to Chaeyoung's cheek, caressing it using her thumb.

"You're the bestest, the most perfect partner anyone could have in this world. I couldn't thank you enough for taking care of me in the most perfect ways," Jisoo smiled softly, wiping the tears that falls from Chaeyoung's eyes from time to time.

"But I need to do this by myself. I need to make this work by myself and it's going to take me for a while to heal it. And I didn't want to make you feels trapped to meet others people just because you're in a relationship with someone who has personality disorder," Chaeyoung shook her head hastily, placing her hand to Jisoo's hand that was resting on her cheek.

"No, no I don't feel like that, Jisoo. I don't. I don't care if I can't meet people, I can just only have you, Jisoo. Just please- don't leave me," tears falling more like a waterfall as the thought of Jisoo leaving her alone.

"I'm not leaving, I'm just... letting you go," Chaeyoung now was crying mess and Jisoo felt her chest hurts even more.

"Then don't let me go. Just take my hand and hold it with you forever. Take me with you," Jisoo just shook her head.

"If you're continuing this journey, you'll get yourself hurt more than myself, Chaeyoung. I can't bear to see that,"

"The best thing we could do right now is... break up," Chaeyoung looks down to her feet as her cries died down a bit and took a deep breath before looking back up to Jisoo.

"There's no other way... right?" the blonde asked with a cracked voice and a heartbroken face.

Jisoo just looks down, not bearing to see the blonde's face. It was silent for a moment, just their sobs and sniffles could be heard.

"Then I'll wait for you. No matter how long it is," Jisoo quickly shook her head, making an eye contact with the blonde's red eyes.

"You don't have to wait for me. I don't want you to wait for me. I want you to find your own happiness, doesn't matter if it is a thing or a person. I just want you to be happy than waiting for me. That's why I wanted to end this. So we could be a better person for the future. For our own future," Jisoo gulped down the sobs and continued.

"If we were meant to be, we would meet again. But if we don't, then I want you to be happy even if you have someone. I don't want you to be guilty towards me just because you want to be happy. Remember, it's not your fault, okay?" Jisoo cups Chaeyoung's cheeks, trying her best to smile at Chaeyoung.

"You promise me you will be happy for me? Please?" Jisoo shakily asked and Chaeyoung hesitantly nods.

"Good. Then can I have one last hug before I go?" Chaeyoung just nods again before wrapping her arms around Jisoo's neck, burying her face into Jisoo's neck as she cries softly.

Jisoo engulfs Chaeyoung in a hug as she wrapped her arms around the blonde's waist, placing a lingering kiss on the blonde's temple.

"Promise me, yeah?" Jisoo whispered.

Chaeyoung just hug tighter as a response.

Jisoo looks behind Chaeyoung to see Lisa smiling sadly by her car, pointing at her watch dedicating that time is running out.

"I have to go, Chaeyoung. I promise we will meet again soon. In the future," Jisoo said. Chaeyoung cries harder before Jisoo pulled away slowly and placed a soft kiss to the blonde's lips.

The kiss is where they poured out their emotions, their feelings, their love towards each other, not knowing if it is their last or not.

As a minute past, Jisoo slowly and painfully pulls away, opening her eyes and looks at the blonde's eyes one last time.

"I love you," that was her last words before she quickly ran away from Chaeyoung, wiping away her own tears as she heard Chaeyoung's sobs.

Chaeyoung just stood there, crying her hearts away, hiding her face behind her palms as her shoulders shakes.

She didn't say goodbye.

I love you too, Jisoo.

I'll be waiting for you.

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