Chapter 12 - Deputies, Detectives and Deities - IV

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  A small part of Rachel's mind told her that such teleportation shouldn't be possible. That, even if Grey-eyes could move herself out of the room so quickly it appeared to be instantaneous, there should be some sort of sound. A sonic boom or a clap as the air rushed in to fill the empty space—but there was nothing.

  She brushed it off. Kendra regularly made doors appear out of thin air in walls where they couldn't possibly be. Natalie could talk to animals. She herself could see emotional connections between individuals through some impossible means. This was still magic. She'd probably never get a logical explanation for everything.

  "What did she say?" Cinza demanded, taking a step toward Rachel with her lieutenant still hanging off her arm. Immediately, both Mason and Josh were at Rachel's side, while Jackie had risen to her feet.

  "She asked for privacy," Rachel said quietly. "Would you have me break her privacy?"

  Cinza held still, her eyes darting about the suddenly hostile room. Even poor Nate, still recovering half-prone on the floor, had turned to face her. After a few moments, she settled back. "You're right, of course. My apologies, dearest leader. I was overcome."

  "Right." Rachel looked down at Nate. "You okay?"

  "Dandy," he said, before hacking out a few coughs. "You could've warned me."

  "We did, but it wasn't supposed to get that bad. I'm sorry."

  "It's okay. What do I do now?"

  Rachel offered a hand, and Nate pulled himself to his feet. "Once you're feeling up to it, Mason will instruct you in the basics. How to move things with your mind. Everyone needs to know that one. After that, what direction you take is up to you. Keep the sensation you felt during your awakening fresh in your mind, as it provides a clue to your affinity. You don't need to tell it to me, or anyone else, but Mason can help you if you're unsure or you'd like further direction." She cleared her throat, and offered Nate a smile. "Congratulations, Nate. You've been awakened."

  Nate's lopsided grin cheered her up a bit, before he followed Mason out of the room and into the training tent down the road where Mason usually offered lessons. Cinza and her lieutenants turned inward and began chattering away quietly, too low for her to make out.

  "I'm surprised," Rachel said, as Josh brushed off his pant legs. The gesture was mostly futile as—being another dimension—there was almost no dust or dirt to be found in the entire place, but it was a habit. She'd felt the same urge to brush off her dress.

  "Well, yeah, that was all a bit crazy," Josh said.

  "No, I meant surprised by you. You jumped in there and probably saved his life."

  "Oh." He looked at her oddly. "What, you didn't think I'd just let him choke down there, did you?"

  "I dunno. You just seem like you don't care most of the time. I had to persuade you to even take this one, remember?"

  Josh sighed. "Rachel, just because I feel like sleeping through every one of your overly long meetings doesn't mean I'm not invested in this whole community." He grinned. "I got elected to this stupid council more than once. Clearly someone out there likes me."

  "Or they want someone they know won't mess with them."

  "Hey, give me no reasons and I won't break no fingers."

  She rolled her eyes. "Anything else?"

  "There's some grumbling. Mabel and some of the regulars aren't happy with how you've basically elected yourself leader."

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