Chapter 27 - To Kill a God - I

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  A few minutes into the woods, Rachel suddenly stopped. Alden watched her warily. Her eyes were red and haunted. She seemed like she might snap at any moment, and Alden didn't know her well enough to have any idea what form such a breakdown might take. On top of that, she had a loaded pistol stuffed in her bag. Alden assumed she was hiding it from Natalie, who was currently leading them through the thick forest on her wolf.

  "Natalie," Rachel called out. Natalie glanced over her shoulder. "Wait up a moment."

  She nodded and leaned down to whisper in the wolf's ear, bringing them to a halt.

  "Something wrong?" Alden asked.

  Rachel leaned up against a tree. "No. I just need a second." She pulled out a water bottle and took a deep swallow. "You're sure you can do this?"

  "Yeah." In truth, Alden wasn't sure at all. Yes, he knew how the magic worked and had a rough idea of interfering with others, but he'd never gone up against someone. He'd never been in a real fight. Would he be able to handle himself when facing down a god?

  There wasn't really another option. Everyone in Rallsburg was dead if he couldn't.

  "Okay." Rachel drained the water bottle. "Natalie?"

  "Is it time to go?"

  "No," Rachel said, and Alden spotted a flash of regret across her face as her eyes softened. "Natalie, I need you to leave."


  "Just for a little while."

  "But I can help you. I can fight him!" Natalie protested.

  "He's not going to fall for the same bait twice. If you're nearby, I don't think he'll show up. You can't be here," Rachel said firmly. "Go back to town."

  "What am I supposed to do there?"

  Rachel faltered. Alden wasn't sure why she was sending Natalie away, but she seemed to have a plan, while Alden didn't have the faintest idea what to do next. He jumped into the silence she'd left open. "Nat, you should go find Hailey and Jessica. They're helping people get away from the monsters." He forced a smile. "You'd be great at that."

  "I hate being called 'Nat'."

  Alden shrugged. "I hate being called Alden, but it's what they named me."

  "That's a weird name."

  "And 'Scrappy' isn't a weird name?"

  "No, Scrappy's a great name."

  Rachel coughed gently, reminding Alden that they really didn't have time. "Natalie, those people really need your help. You're the only one that can beat the monsters."

  Natalie looked confused. "Aren't you guys gonna need me then?"

  "We're not planning to get into a fight," Rachel answered. "We'd lose, even if you were there."

  "We'll see you afterward. Just stick with Hailey and Jessica, help people and try to put out the fires, and we'll find you."

  Natalie looked at Rachel expectantly. "You promise?"

  Rachel nodded. "I promise."

  Natalie whispered something to Gwen. The wolf turned around and started back toward town. She shot Alden a hungry look, like he were a tasty snack she'd been forbidden from eating. Alden shuddered a little. Natalie didn't seem to notice, as she was focused on the darkening sky above. The rain clouds were arriving in earnest now and water was beginning to trickle down. In minutes it would likely become a fierce downpour. Natalie made a gesture in midair and shouted out something neither of them understood.

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