Chapter 13 - Fugitives - I

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  "What am I supposed to do now?" Rika asked again. She was still crouched against the wall in the alleyway, though the street was quite deserted. Her voice quivered in a nervous way that Alden hadn't heard before. Hearing the emotion punctuating her words was the kick he needed.

  "It'll be okay," he offered. It wasn't much, but it was all he could think of in the moment.

  Rika shook her head. "I'm wanted by the fucking cops, and Rachel's working with them. There's no way out of this goddamn town either. Can't go by train, they'll be watching it, and who's gonna lend me a car?"

  "Look, there's nothing you can do for now. We told Viper we'd meet up, so we should probably do that." It's better than sitting around in an alley all day. Alden wanted to see what they'd had in mind, and if they could still pull off the heist. It'd be much more exciting than hiding out at the apartment, at the very least. "You got a better plan?"

  "No, but fuck it. Let's go." Rika held up a hand, and Alden helped her to stand. The shock from their brief connection left his hand tingling. He was beginning to enjoy it.

  The trek through the town to the Kettle and Bones was less eventful than Alden expected. While they did stick to the alleys and shadows (to the extent that Rallsburg had alleys and shadows), they were barely given a second look. The few people who recognized Rika shot her a frown or a suspicious glance before heading on their way.

  "It's not much of a manhunt," Alden noted.

  "Word must not be out yet," Rika muttered. "I bet Ryan'd be out like a wolf if he knew."

  "What did you do to him?"


  "Seems like way more than you owing him some eggs or whatever it was."

  "Natural twin lizard eggs," Rika corrected. "Lizards have an association with fire for no apparent reason, so Ryan thinks he can use 'em for fire magic. There's a whole reagent business around things that can enhance spells. It was just gemstones, but Ryan's branching out. He figures the rarer or weirder the material, the more powerful it might be. Trying out weird things."

  "Huh. Wait, lizards aren't related to fire?"

  "Nah, that's salamanders," Rika answered, eyeing the door of the bar with suspicion. "You first? Make sure there's no cops sitting on the other side for me."

  "What am I supposed to do if there are cops? They already know we're together."

  "Scream really loud. I'll send you a postcard while you're in the joint." Rika gave him a tiny push forward.

  Alden sighed and pushed the door open, bracing himself for the noise of the bar.

  It was nearly empty. Viper's associate Rook sat at the end of the bar in the corner where she could easily survey the whole room. Alden didn't spot her rifle anywhere, but he had no doubt the tall blonde could still easily kill anyone nearby if she wanted to. A deadly monster lurked behind her icy-blue eyes.

  "It's fine!" Alden called back. Rika burst through the door, rushing to the bar as if being chased. "What's going on?"

  "Thought I saw someone." Rika plunged her hand into her bag. Alden reached for his pockets, then realized he'd never actually gotten any gemstones from Rika—nor had he any idea how to actually use one.

  Luckily, he didn't seem to need any. "Calm down, little girl," Rook said, taking a swig of her drink. "You're safe."

  "Tell that to the fucking cops," Rika shot back.

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