Chapter 23 - Regrouping - II

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  Jackie wasn't at the sheriff's station when they arrived.

  It was the one illuminated building in the entire town, a beacon drawing them in. Rachel walked in without a second glance, striding right up to Preston at the desk. The deputy jumped to attention when she burst through the doors.

  "Rachel! I heard what happened over the radio. Is everyone okay?"

  "Where's Robert?" she asked, in the most even tone she could manage.

  "I uhh... in the cells. Wh— What the hell?" Natalie and Gwen had just come in the door behind Rachel. Preston literally jumped in shock. "Son of a bitch! Is that a wolf?"

  Natalie patted Gwen's ears as the wolf growled audibly. Preston started fumbling for his gun.

  "Don't," Rachel said firmly. Preston faltered, uncertain, but he stopped trying to get his gun out of his holster. "Natalie will be staying in here with you while I question Robert." Rachel walked over to the door that lead to the holding cells, then turned to Natalie. "No one goes in, okay?"

  "Okay," she agreed. She leaned down and said something to Gwen, in a half-lilting voice with words Rachel couldn't understand. The wolf strolled in front of the door and sat down, ready to leap at anything that dared approach.

  Preston was still watching it fearfully. "Rachel, I can't let you do that."

  "Stop me, then," she replied wearily. Preston looked at her, then at the wolf that was eyeing him hungrily. Without a word, he sat back down in his chair.

  Natalie laid back down again, head buried in soft grey fur, and closed her eyes. Rachel felt a twinge of jealousy that she had that ability, to just curl up on top of something that clearly loved her and fall asleep with complete trust in Gwen to keep her safe. Rachel wanted nothing more than to do that herself.

  She turned and walked into the small cell block. There was so little crime in Rallsburg, Robert was the only occupant. He looked exactly the same as she'd seen him only an hour ago back up in the forest. He was deprived of his axe and his gun, of course, but otherwise he was dressed exactly the same. It made it all the easier to remember exactly what he'd been doing that night—and what he deserved.

  "What are you going to do to him?" came a whisper at her side. Rachel wasn't even surprised by it anymore. She'd already gotten used to Beverly hanging around her at all times, a bitter companion resenting her every move. Rachel wondered how far she could push before Beverly would actually act against her. The girl seemed very passive, and Rachel doubted Beverly would ever really interfere unless she made a move against her brother.

  Rachel reached into her bag, feeling down for a very particular row of pouches in its depths. Each pouch contained a stash of gemstones, sorted by type and quality. She knew exactly where each one was and could reach them all in an instant. It was every gemstone she'd managed to get her hands on—whether that was gifts, donations, purchases, or just tearing apart old jewelry and decorations. She'd amassed a sizeable pile of them, and had practiced enough to be well-versed in using each and every one.

  "Whatever it takes," she replied.

  Robert looked up, startled by the sudden noise. "What do you want?" he growled.

  Rachel didn't answer. She picked up a chair from the corner and set it just outside the bars. With a flick of her wrist and a well-targeted slice of magic, the camera in the corner fell off its mount to the concrete floor. It shattered. Another flick, and the door swung shut with a slam. It took a fair-sized stone and a kick in the gut for her, but it was worth it.

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