Chapter 22 - The Importance of Flying - IV

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  They didn't see Viper's helicopter anywhere nearby, but Hailey stayed low above the treeline nonetheless. Neither of them wanted to risk anything at that point. She was taking a slow roundabout route outside its flight path back to Rallsburg.

  "Are you getting tired? We can set down again," Alden asked. Without the makeshift harness, he was feeling a bit vulnerable just hanging off Hailey. She was bearing most of the weight, despite only using one arm to hold up him, but it was still harrowing to be flying through the air with no visible support. Exciting, even in their current state, but definitely nerve-wracking.

  She shook her head. Hailey's eyes had started to adopt the dead look of the deeply exhausted, but she seemed fiercely determined. "I'll get us home," she replied. "Unless... you don't want to go back? I guess you were thinking about running."

  "I—" Alden started.

  "I don't blame you," she continued quickly. "Honestly, I thought about it too. Even with Jess like she is, we might have a better chance getting out of here. But I'm on the fence. Jess and I can probably help out. Like, a lot. I feel like I'd regret it the rest of my life if I ditch now, you know?"

  "I can't do anything though. I'm just a kid, and every spell I try is just weak," Alden muttered. He assumed Hailey couldn't hear him over the wind, but she caught it anyway.

  "Sure you can. Don't listen to Rika. You're better than that. You're smart, Alden." Hailey glanced down at him for a second with a quick smile, but quickly looked back up before they plowed headlong into a tree. She had to roll to avoid it, making them both wince from the pressure. "Sorry. Seriously, though. Don't sell yourself short. You can't do much magic yet, yeah, but you've only had it for what, a week?"

  "Less than," he replied sheepishly.

  "There you go! How are you supposed to be on par with all these people who've been doing it for a year? Or more? Don't try to measure yourself against all these people, they've got a huge head start."

  "Easy for you to say." He hadn't meant that to sound so bitter, but it came out that way.

  Hailey shrugged. "I cheated. Didn't know it, but apparently I did. I don't count." She glanced at him again, seeing his dejected expression. "Look, your life sucks right now, and it's all because of magic. I've been there for sure. Think about it though. If you leave, it's not like magic's not still gonna be there, right? You're awakened now, just like the rest of us. Do you think you'll ever have a normal life again?"


  "Exactly. More importantly, think about all the cool things we can do now. I mean, check it out." Hailey abruptly launched into a dive, rolling around several trees at breakneck speed. They burst through a clump and Hailey suddenly angled them up into the air. They rose high into the sky.

  Alden felt his stomach fall out from under him. They were rolling over backwards. Hailey had taken them into a reverse loop. He was suddenly laid out above her, with only the clear starry expanse above. It was a rare cloudless night and the moon and stars were bright and gorgeous. For that brief instant, he forgot everything. It was a moment of weightless, breathless excitement.

  They began to fall back down, and instead of a rush of wind like Alden expected, Hailey returned them to a slow glide again.

  He burst out laughing. "Thought I said to warn me next time."

  "Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" Hailey laughed. "Seriously, you want to give up stuff like this?"

  "No, of course not."

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