Polo Boy.

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The boys went and changed, grabbing their shit out of the Green room. Vince picked Maggie up, carrying her to Mick's car. The band got their booth, and their usual orders, the waitress that always serves them greeted Maggie happily. "Hey! How's my maggster doing tonight?" Maggie smiled up at the waitress named Julie, "Julie you should've been there! The guys murdered the stage tonight!" Julie giggled, glancing up at the band who all smiled sheepishly. Maggie talked to Julie about the gig, until her boss told her to get back to work.

     The group all sat around happily chatting and waiting for their food, when a skinny guy in a polo shirt sat down next to Vince. Maggie sighed rolling her eyes, "what is it with skinny dudes and randomly sitting with us dad?" Nikki laughed, ruffling Maggie's hair, "I don't but they usually come with something good, right?" Maggie rolled her eyes, grumbling about skinny dude's always making her irritated. The guys all looked at the polo boy, as Maggie glared at him.

  Vince was the first to break the Ice, "Hey man I'm Vince," Vinnie smiled kindly, the guy smiled shyly " Hey man, I'm Tom Zutaut" the band greeted him, introducing themselves, "and who is this little angel hanging out with you guys?" Tom cooed, Maggie's eye twitched, the boys all cringed. "It's lil' devil thank you very much! And I'm Maggie May Sixx. I obviously belong to the Bass player because Tommy's to little, Vinnie probably already has a kid, and Mick is too old." Maggie sternly stated, Tom laughed, "Sorry about that Maggie" Maggie could clearly tell this guy was trying to get something out of the band, especially by the way he was acting. Maggie huffed "Whatever, Polo boy", Tommy and Mick snorted at the nick name, while Nikki sighed. "So what's your deal man?" Nikki asked, a friendly smirk replacing his slight frown. Tom gave a nervous laugh, "well I'm a rep for Elektra Records, and I've been to a couple of your gigs. You guys fucking rock man! I- we would be really interested in signing you for a record" the band all smiled, excitement instantly filling the atmosphere. Maggie glared at the guy she's dubbed Polo Boy, "Holy shit Man! I can't believe this is actually happening!"

    Mick glanced down at Maggie, he saw her glare and knew she had something on her mind. "Okay Teenager! Calm the fuck down!" Mick snapped, he nudged Maggie gently, "what's up kid?" Maggie sighed, making direct eye contact with Tom. "Okay Polo Boy, I'm going to be really honest with you. I don't like you. To be fair I didn't like anyone in this band at first besides My Dad, and Mick was just immediate, since kids love people who hate kids." Maggie rambled, before quickly shaking her head, putting her focus back on the main topic, "Anyways! I don't like you for two reasons. One, you're obviously a rookie rep by the way you approached the band, which gives me the impression you're trying to get a footing in the industry by signing a popular street band. This being said, you've seen the traction Mötley Crüe has been gaining and you want a piece of the action, thinking you can use the band to gain publicity. See, I think you're Label doesn't even want to sign Mötley Crüe, but you do, for reasons previously stated." The guys all looked at Maggie dumbfounded, "h-how can you tell all that from one little conversation?" Tom asked nervously, Maggie smirked "I can tell this because a jaded rep would've been sitting with us not you. The second reason I don't like you, is your lack of attention to detail. Which is another reason why I could tell you were a rookie. If you paid closer attention, you would've of known by the behavior of the guys, I'm their soft spot. Getting on my good side, puts you on their good side." Tom and the band all stared in shock at the little girl.

   Tommy nudged Nikki, "Dude are you sure she's 5?" Nikki smiled proudly at his daughter, "She is, she's just fucking brilliant" Maggie tsked, "Seriously Tom, an important part of being a good record rep is good attention to detail, and calm mannerisms." Mick smirked, tossing his arm around Maggie's shoulders, "Good job kid" Maggie gave a triumphant grin, "It was seriously easy, I'm shocked you guys didn't figure it out quicker than I did!" Tom looked at the girl, still in shock, Maggie looked over at him, smirking, "Well Tom with all that being said Let's talk record deals." The band and Tom discussed the details of the record label for about an hour, Maggie gently leaning against Nikki's side. Tom and the guys traded contact information, "Hey call me soon okay guys? We'll get you in the recording booth in no time" Tom got up, waving goodbye to the Band.

   Maggie rubbed her eyes, groaning, "So Maggie what do you think? Does her carry the Maggie seal of approval?" Tommy asked, Maggie shrugged, "He's okay, but he's like a baby animal. You guys are gonna eat him alive" she mumbled, the guys all erupted with laughter, making Maggie giggle.

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