Talking Science Games

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Patrick is at home checking the latest news until someone knocks on his door.

Patrick's pov

This is the life, being at home watching T.V what else is there to love. Taking a sip of soda, I lazily stretched almost feeling like I had just woken up.
Looking at the Daily news, it was talking about the Peace Treaty, and wonderful it was for the people. They came in late about that, how long was it?
I don't know.
*Knock* Turning my head at the door, my sweat glands were staring to produce more than it should.
Oh no!
I forgot!!
Getting up, I walk towards the door. Opening it, there was Gilbert, the last person I wanted to see. Gilbert smiled looking at me waiting for an answer. All-star always said we had a relationship of siblings. I don't blame him, I treat him as a little brother, but there are times where I want to be alone.
"Hi Gilbert...." Taking my soda drinking the last of the drink. Gilbert then walks in, taking a bag with him. I guess it's his science games. Gilbert took out his console, and a box.
"I made this game so we can play together!!" Gilbert smiled, he really is like a little child when out of the war.
"All right, let's see." Walking to Gilbert, handing me his video game as he called it. In the cover was a box with a cute face.

 In the cover was a box with a cute face

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I guessed it was worth a try.
After Gilbert finished putting the console, I put the game in. The T.V then changed to that cute box on the cover. Putting 2 player, I press start.
The game was fun for once, Gilbert was excited as I continued playing checking my face every so often. Just to check my reaction.
We were playing for 30 minutes until we had a boss fight, and guess what to beat the boss we need to answer a question.
What does photosynthesis do?
Gilbert then answers the question. Yay not answering no question for today. What was worse that Gilbert told me this was a tutorial.

 What was worse that Gilbert told me this was a tutorial

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