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Taking a look at the data on the board I've come to the conclusion that someone is a spy. Putting my glasses in my pocket I grab my lab coat, I also had the time to reload my weapon. It's better safe than sorry, opening the door I've come to face with Rose. She looked at me with confusion.

"Where were you? We've been trying to call you for 6 hours!!" I pushed her aside. "For you're information, it was only 30 minutes, now excuse me." Rose is a very annoying person, and I have yet to deal with her. She could be very manipulative at times it's scary. Wait, I might look into that....

"Well, you took long, and the HQ needs you." Rose came behind me with her hands crossed.

"Well, I was just getting new data up in the works, you can't rush a scientist." Buttoning my coat I place my key card on the elevator. Now where to go, ah yes the 5th floor. While waiting to get to the next stop, I caught Rose spacing out.

I wonder what's she's thinking.

"Rose what are you hiding?" She perked up, alarmingly. She seemed to be avoiding me.

"What are you talking about, I'm not hiding anything?" She clenched her petals, now upset she goes towards me.

How menacing... She can probably scare a bird.

"I'm just asking!! Don't take so seriously, unless you are secretly a spy?" She tensed up and backed off. I got interested and smirked. Hmm she is hiding something. I'll have to take this to my own matters.

"You've reached the 5th floor thank you for riding the elevator of tacos."

"Gilbert, I don't know what's going inside your little head." I heard a little whisper coming from Rose. Walking away the courtyard seemed to be more full of people worrying.

Ok I'll see what I can do.

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