Pass to ones self

400 5 1

Patrick's pov:
I remember about my old house, before I died. So I wanted to check it out. So you know, I just got a new haircut!
Glancing at the window from the inside of a bus. I turned on th phone, just to check the time.
8:50, alright I won't be late.
For now, I have to go pick up some thing's.
"Wait, I could've?" Pausing, I became hesitant, "Nahh!" The bus stops at the street, back to my old neighborhood.
Did you ever had those time's where you wish you took the old little thing's for granted?
I did.
Not because it was a simpler time, no because you wished you cherished your loved one's.
This old house was the same house I lived in, with my pet dog. His name was?

Now I don't remember!!I think I will recognize the name, If I step inside

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Now I don't remember!!
I think I will recognize the name, If I step inside.
Now you might be wondering, how do you know about the old place. Well, I was having a nice time outside with chomper. So you can guess we were eating, and he made a joke about how sunflower says he eats like a dog. Which my mom used to say.
To me of course.
Okay I will stop talking about my past, because this is getting away from the point that I'm about to open this door.

Author: I will leave this at a clifthanger * do not get mad at me*
I will add the picture later!! Bye!!!!

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