7. Cold Hate

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I fell into step behind Norm, Max, and Jake Sully's wheelchair, not particularly wanting to get roped into conversation with them, so I'll trail behind. I felt bad, especially since I basically promised his brother he wouldn't die, but I couldn't look at Jake Sully. He's too much like his brother, a painful reminder. It only brings forward the grief all over again, reminding me again and again that Tom died while going to get me something for our first date, only makes it worse to me, more heartbreaking...

The hallways are still packed with new personnel from the Venture Star getting accommodated and others showing them around who have been here longer. Though I have a feeling it will always be packed here in Hell's Gate with the amount of people present, and Hell's Gate being the hub of RDA activity here on Pandora, there are other bases across the planet. I did notice this part of the building held a lot less soldiers and a lot more Scientists, either dressed casually or wearing a white short lab coat or full out in a long white lab coat. I noticed that, unlike the soldiers who laughed at how skinny I am, the Scientists passing by noticed the red rim of my grey coat and the stitched design of one who has performed as a Field Medic. It was given to me after I finished my service, even has the smaller symbol below it to symbolize that I have taken injuries to save lives, basically a simple badge of honor. Several Scientists smiled at me, tipping their head slightly in respect to my past work.

It embarrassed me. TULTE do not look for fame, we are not proud. Our flag even holds the phrase 'We Hold The Humbleness of Mother Eagle' and it is the powerful phrase of our country. I really think this is what separates us from the rest of Humanity. We don't believe in currency, we believe in trade, in helping our fellow neighbor and helping in keeping the country afloat. But it is a badge of honor given to me, and the jacket was clearly painstakingly made so I feel honor bound to wear it, plus it makes me feel good for all the lives I have saved, that the Field Medic society said I deserve this. So I wear it more in honor of them than for honor myself.

We really are so different from the rest of humanity. I wear this coat to honor them, but it's also a wonderful gift for my service and I loved it, the coat is very comfortable. I usually wear it with blank white or black shirts but today the shirt I wore was one from my college days. I still fit in it because I don't gain weight often, being as skinny as I am.

I did my best to remember the halls for the future as I followed behind Norm, Jake, and Max, all of them talking amongst each other but I wasn't listening. The halls are easier to track on this side of Hell's Gate, which is marked with painted stripes along the walls to make it easier to find your way around I guess. This side of Hell's Gate also has a lot of comfortable nooks off the halls, couches and a table for the staff to unwind.


"Grace Augustine is a legend. She's the head of the Avatar Program, and she wrote the book -- I mean literally wrote the book -- on Pandoran botany." Norm said excitedly, going all out nerd on us. I smiled secretly to myself with my head down and staring at my feet, Norm wouldn't be Norm without being a nerd and going all 'nerd mode'... Thinking of that makes my heart hurt, so I will try not to. I wiped the smile off of my face at those thoughts, looking down at my feet and pretending to not be paying attention, when I actually am paying attention to their conversation.

"She wrote more than Pandoran botany, Norm. I found plenty of books written by her in the library at avatar training." I said quietly without looking up, making Norm look at me with wide eyes as I glanced up at him.

"What? And I didn't read them? Why didn't you tell me sooner!?" Norm asked sadly. I glared at him slightly. He knew why, I stopped talking at all when Tom died, hardly a peep escaped me unless in pertained to classes. I even told Norm than that all I want to do is focus on my work for The Avatar Program.

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