66. Do you love him?

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I  pulled the last bandage tight around Grace's chest before grabbing Grace's hand and look up at her pale, lax face sadly. I wish I could do more, but there is so little I know about how to safely pull out bullets that go in like this one. I hate feeling useless, but I still cling to the tiny bit of hope that she might just pull through....

And, as much as I dislike Jake right now, I hope he does find a way to win back the Omaticaya's favor. I have no idea how he is going to but... any chance to save Grace's life? Take it. I don't know how to Omaticaya would be able to help but I can only hope they can.

"Okay, Norm, Rogue 1 is fueled up and your avatar is strapped up in the back. Going to do a systems check and then return to Love Shack." I heard Trudy say over speakers.

"Alright, Trudy." I heard Norm say as I leaned back in my chair, placing Grace's hand down carefully as I closed my eyes in exhaustion. It has been a really long day and I can faintly feel the aches and pains in my body. I felt horrible for it but I was glad the Love Shack had a first aid kit on hand with morphine so I can take my pain killer concoction. 

I heard Jake Wheelchair get folded out before the wheels rolled across the floor. I peeked open an eye to see Norm sit in Jake's wheelchair right next to me, studying me.

"You look like crap, Hettie, have you taken care of yourself at all since we hid you?" Norm asked worriedly, studying me.

"I'm fine, Norm, thanks for asking. I knew from when I came to Pandora that my stomach may have a bit of a hard time adjusting to these dried out chemically made foods we have to eat. Remember that I live 16 years of my life on fresh fish, so my body isn't the best at processing all the chemicals in the food you all eat." I said. A partial truth, partial lie. I felt guilty for lying, it is an offence in Tulte and, before us, the Na'vi had no word for lying.

"It's worse than that, Hettie, you look really bad." Norm said in that worried brotherly tone I smiled at hearing. It's been a while since I heard Norm's caring tone, like an older brother.

"I've been.... avoiding that empty trailer, leads my mind down dark paths. I have been more in my avatar than I have been in that trailer. I might have skipped a few meals." I said, knowing I skipped more than a few meals.

"So you have spent all your time in your avatar? What have you been doing now that you are fully one of The People?" Norm asked curiously, probably trying to get me to open up.

I chose my words carefully, "I have joined in a few hunts with those that tolerate me." I didn't mention that Tsu'tey joined me in all those hunts, glaring at anyone who seems to be about to snarl a mean comment at me. I always thought it was sweet, just how much Tsu'tey has come to see me as a friend. "I also told stories to the children of my ancestors. They especially love the story of The Children of The Sun, I have been asked for that story several times." I said wistfully, looking up at the ceiling.

"What about what Jake said you were able to do. Summon roots out of the ground." Norm said, studying me closely. I blinked in shock, thinking back on that painful moment.

I still don't know how I did what I did, but I remember how my life-force flew through the ground, not Eywa's. I didn't quite understand what happened, only that, in that moment, I had no thoughts, only instinctual reactions, like a cornered predator acting out. I was beginning to wonder if the feelings and emotions of other animals had rubbed off on me.

I have never felt so... out of control.

"I don't.... I don't know." Was all I said, reaching up and fingering the seashell necklace from Tulte, my thoughts lost in confusion.

Silence fell for a long moment.

"You have changed." Norm said, like he came to a realization. I looked at him in confusion.

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