67. Spirit Dream

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I looked up at setting sun, sighing with worry. Grace was still laid out on The Link before me, in and out of it mostly. She woke a few times and spoke with me, but clearly the morphine has her so out of it she isn't completely there. It's been at least 12 or 13 hours since her last dosage of morphine, I asked Trudy before she went to check all systems on her Samson in case we have to fly Grace to The People.

Norm grew sick and tired of waiting, of pacing and worrying as Grace's condition continued to slowly decline. He finally had enough and jumped into his Link, leaving me alone with only Grace, who I did my best to speak to as she came and went, my hand on her arm as I rubbed my thumb up and down her arm. It seems odd to do so, but I have seen wounded soldiers in critical conditions calm down just knowing they are not alone, subconsciously. It really has saved quite a few wounded soldiers.

It's also a technique of Tulte.

The very same technique the Elder of Plankton Plantations had me do for my mother as she was passing.

I sighed, my shoulders slumping as I studied Grace's pale, lax face once more, seeing the pallor of her face has gotten worse, not better. I carefully lifted both the blankets to examine her bound wound, having thrown on the second blanket when her temperature began to drop. I frowned in worry at the lack of blood on the bandages, a sign that whatever is causing her condition to deteriorate is internal.

I looked away, pulling the blanket back up to her shoulder, continuing to rub her arm, listening to her breathing. I checked the clock, knowing that soon I wound have to give her another dosage of the morphine or she will be in incredible pain. I also felt like I was sitting in a grey fog, an unfeeling grey fog except for grief, sadness, and pain. I stared blankly at the far wall for a long, long while, continuing to rub Grace's arm.

"Hett....iee?" I heard Grace say weakly, nearly slurred. I looked at Grace, pulling a smile to my face as I continued to rub her arm and offer her what comfort I could. I checked the window, seeing the sky turn more red than gold, a sign that it is nearly nightfall.

"Yes, Grace?" I said in a soft tone, as I have been talking to her on and off all day in a soft tone. I don't know if she remembers me talking to her those other times, I get the feeling she doesn't, because each time she seems a touch surprised I am here.

"Don't look so... down. You are... bumming me out." She said quietly, her eyelids fluttering as she tried to keep her eyes open to talk to me. I chuckled quietly at that, delighted to hear the first true Grace sounding comment all day. All other times she seemed too disoriented or high on morphine to even act like herself.

"I am sorry, Grace, I don't mean to be bumming you out. Just..." I looked up, still rubbing Grace's arm, "So much has happened in a matter of days, so much that I know will never be the same. I thought I finally found my home, my place in life but..." I shrugged, looking back at Grace, "Seems life may have other things in life than I thought." I said in the same soft voice.

Grace stared at me with barely open eyes, a dazed look on her face telling me that she likely didn't hear a word I said, making me sigh as I resumed rubbing her arm, looking out the window.

"Tell me... of your... Spirit Dream... Hettie..." Grace slurred out suddenly, making me glance back at her and smile sadly.

"Alright then." I said, looking back out the window, "The dream started in darkness before the sun rose over the horizon and The Great Mother Eagle's roaring cry echoed over the land. It is her call to us, her call to us to fulfill the Quest she sees before us. Then, I was in a dark land, only a single glowing purple strand held in my hand, sounds distant and in the background around me. Then, just as quickly, it all changed and I saw Mo'at standing before the trunk of a tree, hands raised to the sky and head thrown back as she chanted in Na'vi, with an odd robe about her that glowed pale blue and was see through, webbing through it like Butterfly wings. Then, suddenly, I saw Tsu'tey, head tipped up proudly and looking down upon something, Olo'eyktan gear about his neck, bow in hand and painted up in white and yellow for battle..." I said, stopping for a moment, biting my lip in thought at what else I was about to reveal.

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