Chapter 1

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Why white? I mean don't get me wrong, it's not like I can't stand this color. But really, why white? White walls, white sheets, white sink, white floor....white, white, white.....white.

It does give you lots of space to think and no limitations what so ever. But do they really want people like us to wonder alone with our thoughts? Hahahahha. Hilarious. People like us. Labels do sound kind of....funny.
Yes, funny.
People like us, People like us, People like us....
What was the politically correct word? Oh right, people with mental illness.

I mean I always thought mental illness was such a harsh word. What does it even really mean to be mentally sick? Who can make such an objective distinction between different and sick? Is there really even one? I mean, deep down, we all have sick thoughts. So I guess, that in the end, that "the sick ones", are just the people who couldn't hide it well enough. Their only defect is they don't have a specific skill that everyone should have. It's the surviving instinct that pushes you to adapt to your surroundings to stay alive. But do we then live? Can you call a life where you lie and hide all the time really living or is it more surviving?

I can hear the steps. One, two, one, two, one, two, one, two...and there is the doorknob going down.

"Are you ready Miss Haynes?"

I guess that's me. Dr. Bailey will be glad to see me again. Let's stand up. Following the nurse around the corridors is one of my favorite activities. One, two, one, two. She is a living metronome. I always try to emulate her steps, so relaxing. She opens the white door on the left, and moves aside. I smile and go inside, where Dr. Bailey is waiting for me. Such a lovely woman.

"Miss Haynes please sit down. How are we feeling today?"

Such a clever question. How are we feeling today. Because the answer could literally be anything. Any word, any adjective. And I have plenty of those as Dr. Bailey knows.

Smile, Catherine, smile, don't be rude!

She is smiling back. Good job.

"Have you been taking your meds?"

Yeah, this question? Not a clever one. Not at all.

"Of course."

"Good...let's continue then from where we left off last time, shall we?"

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