Chapter 2

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( Authors note: Hey, Hope you are enjoying the book so far ;). This chapter is meant to start off Catherine's whole story. Keep on reading because it's gonna get rough pretty quickly in the next chapters. )

A year before.

After quickly making some breakfast I ran to school. I sat next to Martha in Art, took my things out and looked at the teacher. She was trying to start the lesson but it was impossible with all the noise coming from the back. The lacrosse team. Every fucking morning.

Funny thing about lacrosse players. In this School, they can do whatever they want. I'm sure they haven't studied a day in their life. I never cared about this hierarchical social order of our school though. I didn't really care about anything. Besides it also didn't bother me in any way because people showed me respect and I had my advantages too being on the very top of the social scale.

"Guys shut up". Thank god, somebody tried to stop this trivial noise.  I turned around. Liam, captain of the team.  He comes in and everybody shuts up. For somebody so uptight he sure got lots of respect around here.

Martha jabbed me.
​"Girl, what you staring at?"She said laughing. I turned my head towards her and tried to recollect my thoughts. What was I staring at?
​"I don't know," I said. She looked at Liam and started to giggle.
"I would totally fuck Liam,"she then firmly stated. Sure you would. She shrugged her shoulders. I rapidly turned around and tried to concentrate on what I was doing.

​"What do we have to do?" I asked Martha. I knew the Art teacher gave as an assignment but I couldn't remember what it was.
​"You never listen, do you?" She said rolling her eyes. I truly never did. I blamed it on the fact that I had a really bad focus but that was not the real reason why. I just didn't care. I frequently asked people questions, I nodded, but I never truly listened. But that really wasn't a big deal. People just wanted to talk, they didn't want you to listen closely and telling them what you think. They just wanted to have the illusion that that was the case. They didn't wanna hear the truth, they just wanted to be lied to really well so that they couldn't tell the difference. So I just always nodded and said I understood when I truly didn't get a single thing they said.

After filling me up on the assignment I decided it wasn't worth my time and started to talk to Martha about my last date.
​"I dunno he has a weird personality." Martha started laughing.
​"That is what you always say, you can't stand a boy directly after he opens his mouth" she answered. She was right, but it wasn't like I didn't try to give those boys a chance. It was just so damn hard not to lose interest.
"I'll tell you, you can easily figure out a person after just talking to them after 10min." I arrogantly presumed.
"Yeah right," she replayed rolling her eyes.

​"Anyway, I didn't tell you the funniest thing yet," I said waiting to tell her what I found out about him.
​"What?". I waited then for some seconds and then told her with my most disgusted face:
​"He sings". She started laughing and didn't believe it. I told her he gave me a weird tape he was proud of and didn't show anybody else. "Hahaha please let me listen to that," she said bubbling over with curiosity. So after class was dismissed we quickly went to the bathroom and started making fun of that hideous song since that was pretty much all we did. Making fun of people.

I should have felt bad about different things. About convincing this guy to trust me with something he was really insecure about. About lying saying I think it was great that he pursued something he as passionate about. And above all, to have then showed it to people making fun of him. But I didn't. I just didn't care.

When the bell rang, we quickly ran to our next classes, I had Philosophy and Martha Religion. On the way to the classroom, I met Jade and Ella waiting for me in front of the building. Jade and Ella were two cousins who became close friends with me, especially Jade. They looked a lot alike. Both had clear blue eyes and very pale skin. Jade was blonde though compared to Ella, who was technically a brunette but colored her hair so often, you could easily forget what her natural color was. They were both really out of the ordinary in every way. Their personality was so unique it was really interesting just to hear them talk. And Jade had that kind of intelligence you don't see very often. She could talk about pretty much everything and easily form a strong opinion mostly no one could argue with.

Philosophy lessons with those girls were absolutely one of the things I loved. Those were more like therapy sessions than anything else though. Our teacher normally started with a big statement of a significant philosopher trying to deepen the meaning behind that but the discussion always inevitably drifted from the main topic and we ended up talking about dead grandparents or the flat earth theory.

While going up the stairs Ella started talking about the party this weekend: "We are gonna go, aren't we?" I didn't really want to since it was organized by our class. It was just a lame school party to raise some money. Nothing I wanted to be part of.

​"Sure, if we can sleep at your house" Jade answered laughing. That intrigued me. Having an excuse not to sleep at home?
​"I'm in" I then quickly said. I was sure there was going to be alcohol and some boys anyway so it couldn't be that lame. And it was not like I had so many other things I had to attend to.
​"Great then it's settled" Ella exclaimed enthusiastic. "You are both coming all-around
6 o'clock at my house, we'll get ready and then go to the party."

I than rapidly ran home after school and packed my things hoping nobody heard I came in. I was planning on wearing a neon green really tight dress, which I really liked and my black high heels booths. I took the rest of the things and went to Ella's house to get ready.

Hey :),
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