when a door closed an other one opens

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I was walking at a roadside dragging  my bag I wonder where I'm going. I don't even know any place around here neither do I know anybody I decided to relax my body at the train station cuz I couldn't continue any further I took out my wallet and took $5 to buy bottle water I drunk the full bottle and decide to take a nap. I woke up around 6:56 p.m. everything was dark I took my bag again and drag away. "hey madam where are you going should I help you out"
"don't worry sir I'm ok I just manage"
" come on please come join me you don't want to be attacked by  arm robbers"
" ok thank you"  he got out from the car open the boots and put my things in it "where are you heading to I will take you there" "the truth is I don't have any were going I was thrown out of the house for getting pregnant I don't really know much about Miami apart from the supermarket the Marine stadium and a few places. "don't worry you can come and stay at my house I do have a 3 year old boy I'm sure you take care of him in my absence if that is not too much to ask"  "don't worry sir" he drove past The Marine stadium the place I had my first date with karim it was so wonderful. I'm just hoping he wins this competition in UK and come for us cuz I really don't want to be a burden to someone not to talk of a stranger. I heard the story of the Good Samaritan but I never knew one was coming my way.  how can you just ask a stranger to your house, and also to take care of your child. I'm happy he's a good person I'll take good care of that child and I'm sure he will do same to me too. He stopped the car in front of a big mansion. my eyes were wide open I've never seen this in real life but in movies. "open the gate Hector and the gate opened itself without anyone touching it this is so beautiful. He helped me with my bag.  "becareful I don't want you to get miscarriage and your boyfriend will come and cut my head off" I smiled to his funny comments and we stood in front of the door. "open the door Tristan"  and the door was opened the door listen to commands the gates also listen to commands so so crazy out here. There  were lots of robots in the house moving up and down some were helping the little boy playing with his logos. I've never seen this in my entire life. "do feel comfortable miss I'll just take my shower and get back to you shortly. One of the robot help me to my room. It looks so beautiful " do you like it here miss?" He ask as he put my bags away.
" Yeah it nice out here can I please take a nap am very tired" Don't worry miss you can feel comfortable here I will get you something to eat." You please call me Maya or May."
" Nice to meet you Maya am   Dylan" I got up from the bed and gave him a hug wowowow he is so soft is he really a robot? " I have never felt like this before a human hugging me" awww that so pitiful I guess I would have to give him lots of hug often." Don't worry am always there when you need a hug"
" Okay Maya I will show you around when you get up from your nap"
" Thanks Dylan" I laid down calmly as the flash of Karim came in mind, I have really missed him alot. Am sure by this time he is packing his things already. who knows when his flight will take off. Am just wishing he will never forget us cuz three years in a different country isn't going to easy. He is going to Meet new faces and the worst of them all new ladies. Anyways I trust him and I very well no he will never disappoint me no matter what.

Secret And BetrayalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora